Machakilha School Repair

Many Thanks to St. Peter Claver Parish for sponsoring this project.


Machakilha Village (~150 minute drive and 120 minute walk from Punta Gorda)

Machakilha is one of the most remote villages in the Toledo District of Belize. The Q'eqchi Maya village has a population of about 250. Because of its remote location, the village relies solely on solar power as the source of energy and a water vat located at the school for drinking water.

Current Situation

Machakilha Roman Catholic Primary School has been in existence since 1985. It is the only school to serve the education for the entire village. Over the last 30 years, the school is in dire need of renovation. A board with zinc roofing structure was the replacement of the old wooden thatch roof structure in 2000. The zinc is now corroded after serving its due for more than a decade. During the rainy season the water leaks through holes on the roof and drops on student desks in the classrooms. causing many inconveniences to the students. Water also erodes wooden posts of the school building. These wooden posts are not durable since they were extracted from the nearby forest without proper treatment and have been used for many years. The concern of the community is that the roof someday might collapse on our students while they are studying.

On behalf of the students, the staff and the parents of Machakilha are requesting for a complete new zinc roof replacement. And since we are replacing the roof, we also request for an addition of a ceiling. During the dry season, it is unbearable for students to study under the heat of the zinc roof. The new ceiling will keep the heat out during the dry season and will reduce the sound of rain on the zinc roof during the rainy season. Our goal for this year is to make our school a better place for children to learn in a place that is safe and sound.

Projected Time to Finish

Phase one:

  • First phase can be thought of purchasing the zinc and renovating the roof, the community members will be the ones to transport them from Dolores to the village of Machakilha. The men will carry them on their backs. Along with the lumber for the roof. Men from the village will be cutting the boards only needs to be paid by board feet.

Phase two:

  • Second phase would be purchasing of the Celotex or Plycem along with the lumber for the ceiling and constructing the ceiling. The labour as I mention will be free. The men will be working on renovating the roof and ceiling.

Total project estimates taking about 5 days of work.

Estimated Cost

Total materials for the project would cost about $ 3,090 BZD which is equivalent to $ 1,545 US dollars.

Below are the needed materials

  • 44 sheets of 15ft zincs
  • 60 pieces of lumber 2x3x15 and 43 pieces of 1x3x18
  • 26 lbs of nails in different sizes
  • 26 pieces of Sheetrock

Labour will be provided by the villagers.