Cyber Insecurity

Cyber Insecurity

Recorded conversation between a illicit technology scavenger boss and an underling just prior to arrest and subsequent incarceration.

Boss: Look, you just don't understand the system.

Underling: What's there to understand? It's a goddamn fasci military industrial complex!

Boss: Nope. Not even close. That's what I'm saying. Fascism doesn't even approach what they've done. It's not a man at the top, it's a system, it's a wet dream for technocrats that don't even know how to count mechanized sheep.

Underling: Wait, W-T-F, it's electronic sheep.

Boss: Whatever. Look, you aren't terran...

Underling: Earth, why the hell do we call it Terra now.

Boss: Because you weren't fucking there to vote after the bombards kiddo. That's what I'm trying to tell you. That changed shit. Sure, world always going to spin, money spins a lot of that shit... but it didn't always sit on top... in command... there were times in history, in life, where it wasn't about money. Believe it or not, that's what the Sovereignty is about. It just also isn't a fucking Anarchist paradise like most people might want.

Underling: Okay, fine... it's not about money, what's it about? Just power?

Boss: Pretty much, but it's grown from that into something a bit new. What do you think the Sovereign is?

Underling: The guy on top. The richest asshole who managed to kill or cheat his way to the top seat.

Boss: Okay, then why hasn't anyone replaced him? What's the average tenure of a CEO?

Underling: Three years probs.

Boss: Then explain to me how the same masked guy has kept the top job for over twenty?

Underling: ...because he's a smart asshole.

Boss: Sure enough, I'm sure he is. Or rather was. But that's the thing... he ain't exactly a guy anymore. I've got ears and eyes everywhere... and it all points to it. He's the system, he's somehow... a host... for the system. For the fucking AI.

Underling: What the fuck does that mean? You think the AI is running the government?

Boss: AI have been running government since the 2060's. But they ain't been in charge and they didn't have motive. Sovereign... the Sovereignty... they did that. That's why the fucking place looks fascist, but is a lot more competent. That's why people go to work each day, pretty fucking happy to do so, and not really disappointed with the news. The AI is able to balance the people, the government, the business, the fucking everything in ways humans could just never manage. Hell, it aint even racist about it.

Underling: Alright, then why the fuck are we not talking about the fucking robot rebellion?

Boss: Honestly I don't know... yet. I'm working through it. Maybe there's enough of a human under the hood of all those algorithms that the damn thing isn't trying to kill off the species... maybe it's just not efficient to do so... but what I do know... is that the Sovereignty is less corrupt, less incompetent, less human than anything that's ever come before... It scares the fuck outta me kiddo. It should scare the fuck outta everyone. So next time you bring me some hardware from some Sovereignty depot... fucking wipe it. Don't even bring it here until you do. I don't trust their ware and neither should you. Got it?

Underling: Yea, alright boss, you made you're pont. I'll wipe the salvage.

Boss: Good, thanks Altero, trust me on this.

Underling: Right.