Broken Castiel & End'verse Cas
Broken Castiel & End'verse Cas
And Watch What Happens by Hth (PDF) ~ Synopsis: Cass Novak was really only looking for a hookup – one night to let the whole world go away, all of his responsibilities and the ghosts of a bitter past that he’s done everything he can to move beyond. When he wakes up with a strait-laced but very cute businessman named Dean Smith, he’s ready to declare success and walk away. My Comment: I'm not sure I can word good after this. This is arguably the best destiel fan fic I've ever read. I have been reading destiel non-stop for a year and a half. I've read hundreds of stories in the past 18 months. I have my own website with Destiel fic recs. This will obviously being going on that. This is so good that I have brow beaten my house mate into agreeing to read this. He's not interested in gay porn but to me this is not that. This is an incredible piece of writing. I would nominate this for a Hugo award if I could. Honestly, there is so much I want to say about it but I don't know where to start. The most powerful part of this story is Chuck explaining to Cas that he (Cas) chose to be... in misery..? He chose his pain, he refused to give up his torment. Siting here writing this, I realize that while it feels absolutely canon that Cas would identify with Buddhism as his chosen "faith", it's also the one thing he could not practice. Like, he just could not let go of that anger... resentment... expectations that God should not allow the suffering which we know is a part of life. I love that Chuck says basically "[sic] I couldn't get you to let that go". I feel like it's true that Dean would choose to forget; his life was a nightmare, even before Cas rescued him from Hell, he lived through so much trauma. Upon reflection I'm surprised he's still functional in the show. But that's TV for you. This story is so beautiful and the writing is so tight. At this point I will probably just start gushing so I'll quit while I'm ahead. But seriously WOW! (read 8/2019, 5/2022) on second site.
Living Broken Adjacent by LittleAngelCassie (PDF) ~ Dean’s forced to live in his own version of the Cuckoo’s Nest with the biter, the licker, and the joker. Where angels abound, and his roommate’s haunting blue eyes make him wonder about all his past choices.
Long Exposure by Rosewhipped (PDF) (HTML)(WIP as of 5/5/2019) When Dean kicks Castiel out of the bunker, they have no contact for months. Once the Gadreel/Ezekiel situation is finally resolved, Dean tries to reach out, but cannot get in touch with Cas. To his horror, he soon discovers his friend has been in trouble for a long time. Mind the tags, she's serious about this. (abandoned?)
Every Man's Got A Right by MollyC (PDF) ~ there is only one traded blow job so not really Explicit, but it's a great story and worth reading.
Broken Roads by DaydreamDestiel (PDF) ~ Endverse!Cas made it out alive and Dean somehow managed to drag him into the past with him. But what was he supposed to do with a broken ex-angel he didn't know how to help? Or a suddenly jealous Castiel?
When Worlds Collide by jhoom (PDF) ~ When Zachariah dies, the illusions he’s created die with him. But before they collapse completely, sometimes they collide. That’s how Castiel goes from cradling Dean Winchester’s broken body one moment, to finding himself face to face with Dean Smith in the next. MCD
Defiant by thestorygirl (PDF) ~ Dean Winchester has devoted his career as a police officer to helping angel slaves in any way that he can. He even formed and heads the "Angel Welfare Task Force," which involved him being called to consult on any case involving slaves. This passion stemmed from an incident that happened twenty years previously, when a thirteen year old Dean failed to help his friend Castiel escape being sold to a sadistic owner.
Thursday's Child by strangeandcharm (PDF) ~ What would have happened if past!Dean hadn’t turned up in 2014, and future!Dean had actually succeeded in killing Lucifer with the Colt? This is a quest for Cas to find Dean; after he kills Lucifer Dean disappears and Cas sets out to find him, but even once he finds him it's not all sunshine and roses.
this ain’t a love song by museaway (PDF) ~ (rated Mature) There's no real summery for this so I'll put that - In The End "Cas turns back" and does not get killed, he kills Lucifer with his angel blade and miraculously Sam survives but is basically left in a coma. Past!Dean, End!Dean, Coma!Sam and Endvers!Cas return to the compound and this story is what ensues after that. My Comment: This was incredible. Every time Cas cried I cried. I don't even know how you did that. And I also don't understand why this doesn't have a ton more comments and kudos. (read 12/2021) Epilogue: after thirty-eight hours (PDF) Following a supply run gone wrong, Sam and Castiel wait to see if Dean has become infected.