
The project team of Tallinn, Estonia, aimed to tackle a lack of knowledge, skills and resources at schools for the support of students with special educational needs.

The project team of the Tallinn Education Department, the project schools, Tallinn Learning and Counselling Centre, a project expert from Tallinn University and other specialists co-created an early identification model for preventing ‘early leaving from education and training’. Tallinn’s response was also to implement a programme of training courses and peer group supervisions with the Tallinn Learning and Counselling Centre for both teachers and parents.

The ongoing programme helped connect teachers, parents and mentors, and created a support network of professionals who collaborate on individual cases. This approach will now be implemented across all schools in the city.

Tallinn tested a new approach in the project schools, learned from its implementation and refined its model accordingly to improve the impact.

Linked policies and implementations

Solution story

STAY TUNED - Tallinn - Solution Story.pdf



Reet Nõmmoja (Reet.Nommoja@tallinnlv.ee)