
The city of Berlin built on the initial implementation of the new ‘Jugendberufsagentur’ (youth employment agency - JBA) by embedding new methods that make this agency more effective creating job perspectives for young people who leave school early.

The JBA helps young people find their way into professional life, access the labour market or higher education whilst avoiding them ’getting lost in the support system‘.

The new JBA approach co-located key support professionals in a single team, creating a “one-stop-shop”.

There is now a JBA in each of Berlin’s 12 districts, each working to fit with the local needs. Staff involved report better outcomes for young people and more effective working between colleagues. Transfer of knowledge and adoption of new behaviour is ongoing but takes time.

Berlin’s story is one of ‘political patience’ and people learning to work together, adopting new working behaviours and developing understanding for one another’s functions and abilities.

Linked policies and implementations

Solution story

STAY TUNED - Berlin - Solution Story.pdf



Ulrich Schunder (