
The municipality of Ampelokipi-Menemeni in Greece focused on the Roma community as part of the Stay Tuned project. This community suffers a high level of early school leaving and a range of social and economic problems, including poverty and health challenges.

Ampelokipi’s approach has lessons for all cities working with vulnerable, disadvantaged or hard-to-reach groups. Largely built around a new Department of the Community Centre, the municipality created a catalyst for education, along with extra-curricular activities for children and young people. Parental involvement and helping adults re-engage with education gradually became the main pillars of their plan.

The approach created bottom-up engagement, with the municipality creating opportunities, whilst maintaining their role as a broker between people and services. The importance of local community ownership and positive connection was key.

Theirs is a story about working with and changing local conditions, gradually shifting mindsets and expectations through sustained open working and leadership.

Linked policies and implementations

Solution story

STAY TUNED - Ampelokipi-Menemeni - Solution Story.pdf



Magda Rousseti (