
The team from Gothenburg, Sweden have launched a plan to tackle school absenteeism more effectively and at a very early stage.

Within a wider strategy to improve educational outcomes in the city, they are building and piloting a new digital tool with the support of the Swedish government. Combined with a wider programme of behaviour change amongst school staff and support professionals, they are driving a change in how the city approaches absenteeism.

Focus was laid on the creation of a mobile app, in which school staff and support professionals leave information on pupil’s absenteeism. The app identifies (problematic) changes at a very early stage and directs the user to good practices that may be of help. This allows the schools to start guidance at a very early stage, in which problematic absenteeism can still be prevented.

Gothenburg’s story is one of combining the power of big data with a shift in mindset to move from a reactive to a proactive approach.

Linked policies and implementations

Solution story

STAY TUNED - Gothenburg - Solution Story.pdf



Karin Asplund (