Panama 90+ Lotus

Country: Panama

Farm: Ninety Plus Gesha Estate

Elevation: 1450-1650M

Variety: Gesha

Process: H2 (Level 95)

Roasting Level: Light

Tasting info.: Lavender / Complex Tropical Fruit / Melon / Kiwi / Jam

Story of Coffee:

The Lotus flower is able to adjust the temperature of its blossoms to match the range tolerated by humans and other warm-blooded animals.

Lotus shatters established expectations of the basic Gesha profile and emulates the experience of a perfumed Ethiopian coffee.

Lotus coffee is named for the sacred lotus which is capable of generating heat and regulating the temperature of its beautiful blossoms, also influenced by the song “Lotus Flower” from Radiohead, it speaks of transcendence, self-effacement and the magic of losing yourself in music and senses.

蓮花是能夠自我調節花朵的溫度的一種植物。 Ninety Plus Lotus Solkiln 處理法是第一個(2014年)在整個珈琲櫻桃發酵中利用溫度調節的工藝。


取名蓮花是因為蓮花可以產生熱量並調節其美麗花朵溫度的特性。同時也受到Radiohead的歌曲“Lotus Flower” 影響,這首歌主要表達了人們對於內心釋然、自由、低調生存和熱愛音樂與感官享受的生活態度的追求,正像這款珈琲一樣,希望喝到它的人也能體會這樣一種心境。