Panama El Burro Estate
EBGN Plano 1603 Geisha Natural

Country: Panama

Region: Boquete (Potrerillos, Dolega)

Elevation: 1720M

Variety: Geisha

Process: Natural (AF96)

Tasting info.: Jasmine/ Apricot/ Peach/ Grapefruit/ Muscat/ General Citrus like/ Clean Cup/ Juicy/ Silky

Panama El Burro from Lamastus Family Estate
Geisha Honey ASD Lot. GW-17
Awarded 2021 Best of Panama 17th Place Washed Groups (HKD 3,100/kg)

Country:  Panama

Farm: El Burro from Lamastus Family Estate

Elevation:   1650-1700M

Variety:    Geisha

Process:  Honey ASD NY

Tasting info.:  Lemon Blossom/ Tropical fruit/ Mango syrup/ Hint of pineapple acidity/ Complex, juicy & clean cup  

Story of Coffee:

This Washed-Honey is a proven process for our high elevation coffees, together with our terroir, unique micro-climate, volcanic soil and lush vegetation that surround the coffee plantation make this EBGW Honey a unique cup profile in Panama.

El Burro Estate was established by our mother's father Amado Boutet, who's Father Aristides Boutet had immigrated from France in the 1800'a. One of our prizes winning and now famous coffee farm.

The Lamastus Family, a coffee growing family since 1918, is the owner of the Elida Estate and El Burro Estate coffee; both coffees have been winners of many quality prizes in international and local BOP cupping competitions, The elevation of the farm, the quality conscious and quality-oriented grandfather Thatcher, son Wilford and grandson Wilford Jr the passion for coffee and the family tradition have made this possible.

El Burro coffees are produced in one of the most undisturbed coffee farms in Panama, like Elida farm, part of it is also inside the Baru Volcano National Park. Shade-grown, bird friendly, the farm is located at a very high elevation (farm goes up to 2,000m, coffee up to 1,7500m), in a micro climate totally different than at Elida.


EL BURRO ESTATE farm is the southernmost farm (our Luito Geisha farm is the northern-most farm and Elida is close to Luito to the north) of Boquete; here the microclimate (and part of the terroir) is very dry during the dry season and very wet during the wet season in the northern farms like Elida (and Luito), the dry season gets lots of mist and rain thanks to the cold winds from the north. El Burro's distinctive microclimate yields a different cup profile with unique attributes that set it apart from our other farms.

Here, too, the farm is located at a high elevation, located at the southern tip of the Baru Volcano itself. Between the Caribbean to the north and the Pacific to the south, coffees here are grown in nutrient-rich young volcanic soils, protected from harsh sunlight and surrounded by a virgin rainforest lush with unique yeasts, bacteria, and other beneficial microorganisms. These unique growing conditions combine to produce a distinguished cup full of attributes that cannot be easily experienced elsewhere.

For the second consecutive BOP, not a single Lamastus Family lot was rejected at either the local or the international panel of the Juries.

這支高海拔Geisha咖啡經過水洗蜜工藝處理,加上莊園的風土、獨特的微氣候、火山土壤和咖啡種植園周圍茂密的植被,成就使支 EBGW 擁有獨特的風味。

El Burro Estate 由Amado Boutet 創立,他的父親 Aristides Boutet 於 1800 年從法國移民。Lamastus 家族,自 1918 年以來的咖啡種植家族,擁有 Elida Estate 和 El Burro Estate 咖啡;這兩種咖啡在國際和本地 BOP 杯測比賽中都獲得了許多質量獎項,農場的海拔,質量意識以及注重質量的祖父撒切爾、兒子威爾福德和孫子威爾福德對咖啡的熱情和家庭傳統使這成為可能。

El Burro 咖啡是在巴拿馬最不受干擾的咖啡農場之一生產的,例如 Elida 農場,其中一部分也在巴魯火山國家公園內。在微氣候下,海拔高達 2,000m,咖啡高達 1,7500m)與Elida完全不同。 

EL BURRO ESTATE 農場是Boquete最南端的農場(他們家族的另一個咖啡莊園 Luito Geisha 農場是在最北端的農場);這裡的微氣候在旱季非常乾燥,在像 Elida和 Luito這樣的北方農場的雨季非常潮濕,由於來自北方的冷風,旱季會產生大量的霧和雨。El Burro 獨特的小氣候產生了不同的風格。


Panama Janson Estate
Geisha Natural Lot.746
BOP 2022 7th Place Natural & Washed Groups

Country:  Panama

Farm: Janson Estate (Volcan)

Elevation:   1700M

Variety:    Geisha

Process:  Natural

Tasting info.:  Orange Blossom/ Apricot/ Hint of Strawberry/ Complex, Clean mouthfeel & long finished  

Story of Coffee:

In 2004, Panama's Peterson family presented to the world the first Geisha coffee and the rest was history. There came a frenzy over Geisha globally, even calling it the "the champagne of the coffees".

There is a new contender for the "Best of Panama" award given by the Specialty Coffee Association of Panama (SCAP) - Carl Janson's Janson Estate Geisha coffee. This estate mainly deals with local sales and hardly exports. Asides from that, up to 50% of the land is used to cultivate Geisha coffee, which is why it is the second largest producer of Geisha coffee in Panama. We have managed to directly import this from Panama and became the main distributor for Taiwan in 2016. Carl Janson is a Swiss who fell in love with Panama's Volcan's peaks and valleys. After his marriage to his wife Margaret, Janson started Panama's first automated farm and coffee plantation.

Janson's farm is not only equipped with a dedicated coffee processing facility to process the coffee cherries, it also uses the best roasting methods, to achieve the best cupping results.

In Janson estate's pursuit of perfection in coffee quality, they would spend as much as USD4 per day to hire workers who are strictly instructed to only harvest the most red and ripened coffee cherries. The area used to be a plantation for cultivating high-altitude avocados, which were then transported to the capital, Panama City. Due to their unique flavor and dense texture, these avocados are exorbitantly priced.

Currently, the area is mainly used for coffee cultivation, with some parts for high-altitude avocados. The coffee estate undergoes fertilization four times each year, the first time occurring after the harvesting of the coffee cherries. The fertilizer mainly consists of nitrogen and phosphorus, with other elements in minute quantities.

The third and fourth time occurs in July and September using suitable organic fertilizers. The last time will occur three weeks before harvesting, by spraying Canada-imported foliar fertilizers as a final nutrients boost. During the whole harvesting season, no fertilizing is carried out.

Sun-dried beans are naturally dried for four days, depending on the weather conditions. When the moisture level has dropped to approximately 40%, a machine is used to dry the beans gradually over a number of days, requiring more than 12 days. After each batch of beans is dried, it will be placed inside a black grain bag, which in turn is placed inside a Polypropylene (PP) Knitted Bag also more commonly known as "fertilizer bag". This is then placed in the warehouse for the coffee beans to mature for three months, so as to avoid humidity and sunlight. These innate advantages of the coffee farm allow the flavors of Geisha coffee to be perfectly displayed.

This year, Janson Estate won the award 7th place in the 2022 Best of Panama Geisha Washed & Geisha Natural category!!


巴拿馬精品咖啡協會 (SCAP) 頒發的“巴拿馬最佳”獎有一個新的競爭者——卡爾·詹森 (Carl Janson) 的詹森莊園藝妓咖啡。這個莊園主要處理本地銷售,幾乎沒有出口。除此之外,高達 50% 的土地用於種植藝妓咖啡,這就是為什麼它是巴拿馬第二大藝妓咖啡生產商。我們成功從巴拿馬直接進口,並於2016年成為台灣的主要經銷商。卡爾詹森是瑞士人,愛上了巴拿馬的火山峰和山谷。與妻子瑪格麗特結婚後,詹森創辦了巴拿馬第一個自動化農場和咖啡種植園。 

Janson Family 精選系列的Natural Geisha種子是來自Los Alpes Estate的“El Plano”批次。Los Alpes Estate位於巴拿馬最西端的塔拉曼卡山脈,巴魯火山西北部,與拉阿米斯塔德國際公園(聯合國教科文組織世界遺產)同一座山。

2019年是Janson Estate豐收的一年, 無論是日曬還是水洗GeishaBOP 的最後一輪都有著卓越的成績 = 日曬以94分高分獲第2和水洗以 91.75 分排名第10

Janson 家族已經生產咖啡 30 年了。由 CarlMichaelRicardo Peter Janson 兄弟創辦,現在正在進入第二代咖啡生產。不斷專注於提高質量,我們贏得了多個 BOP 獎項,我們的咖啡在巴拿馬最佳賽的半決賽和決賽桌中始終名列前茅。我們的重點是生產Geisha, Caturra, CatuaiPacamaraJanson Estate的水洗處理是使用當地山泉水,而乾燥方法也會有多種不同的方式,例如: 使用African beds, static dryers, drum dryers幾種不同方式綜合的混合乾燥方式。近年Janson Estate也在使用不同類型的慢速發酵工藝,希望展示出Geisha這品種的突出自然特性。

Janson Estate在咖啡櫻桃的採摘方面有些有趣的概念, 他們會選擇在新月的日子才收穫,他們的說法是當新月時樹液往上升

(植物內的水和營養化合物組成的液體, 使得更多的營養供應給咖啡櫻桃,讓咖啡甜度提高,當然這只是收穫時要考慮的細節之一,收穫也需要仔細挑選成熟的櫻桃。除此之外,植物和火山土壤的護理以及微氣候也是其他影響的因素。

這支日洗Geisha帶出除了帶出柔和花香, 多汁而複雜的果香的清甜尾韻層次豐富而口感舒服。

今年Janson Estate再擊敗大部份強勁對手奪得2022 Best of Panama Geisha Washed & Geisha Natural 組別的第7名!!