Colombia Finca Monteblanco

Coconut Lactic Washed

Country: Colombia

Farm:   Finca Monteblanco

Elevation:  1650M

Variety:  Purple Caturra

Process:  Coconut Lactic Washed

Tasting info.:  Mango/ Coconut/ Cendol & mix stone fruit/ Thai-style drink like

Story of Coffee: 

Finca Monteblanco, located high along the winding mountain roads of Vereda La Tocora in the San Adolfo municipality above Pitalito, is a family farm managed by Rodrigo Sanchez Valencia in the tradition of coffee cultivation that began with his grandfather. In 2002 Rodrigo participated in a local program teaching local children of coffee producers to cup. Before that, he and his family had never considered coffee in terms of cup profile. By learning to differentiate profiles, he and his father and grandfather were able to make the connections between the farming techniques they applied and coffee’s attributes in the cup.

蒙大布蘭蔻(白朗峰)莊園 (Finca Monteblanco) 位於薇拉(Huila)的首府Pitalito北方的San Adolfo,現在由繼承祖父志業的第三代Rodrigo Sanchez Valencia以及其妻子Claudia Samboni所經營管理,在14公頃的莊園土地上,Rodrigo種植非常多不同的品種,包括Geisha, Pink Bourbon, Pacamara, Purple Caturra, and Red Caturra
這一支咖啡的品種是Purple Caturra, 是由於Red Caturra的基因自然變種而成, 植株頂部生出銅紫色嫩葉, 咖啡果實成熟後呈現成深紫色。因特殊品種成熟時非一般品種深紅色而不易判別,特意設計以白利糖度(Brix degree)為基準的採收與後處理過程,仰賴科學數據累積出不斷優化的咖啡。從而發展出獨特而又有特色的咖啡風味!

Colombia Huila
La Esmeralda Caturra Lavender


Country: Colombia

Farm: Huila, Pitalito

Elevation: 1700-1800M

Variety: Caturra 

Process: Anaerobic washed 

Roasting Level: Light roasted

Tasting info.: Lavender/ Floral/ Tropical Fruit/ Cotton Candy/ Aromatic

Story of Coffee: 

Colombia Finca Monteblanco

Passion Fruit Lactic Washed

Country: Colombia

Farm: Finca Monteblanco

Elevation: 1730M

Variety: Purple Caturra 

Process: Passion fruit Lactic washed 

Roasting Level: Light roasted

Tasting info.: Passion fruit/ Lychee/ Stone fruit/ Lactic drink/ Juicy Country: Colombia

Story of Coffee: 

Finca Monteblanco, located high along the winding mountain roads of Vereda La Tocora in the San Adolfo municipality above Pitalito, is a family farm managed by Rodrigo Sanchez Valencia in the tradition of coffee cultivation that began with his grandfather. In 2002 Rodrigo participated in a local program teaching local children of coffee producers to cup. Before that, he and his family had never considered coffee in terms of cup profile. By learning to differentiate profiles, he and his father and grandfather were able to make the connections between the farming techniques they applied and coffee’s attributes in the cup.

蒙大布蘭蔻(白朗峰)莊園 (Finca Monteblanco) 位於薇拉(Huila)的首府Pitalito北方的San Adolfo,現在由繼承祖父志業的第三代Rodrigo Sanchez Valencia以及其妻子Claudia Samboni所經營管理,在14公頃的莊園土地上,Rodrigo種植非常多不同的品種,包括Geisha, Pink Bourbon, Pacamara, Purple Caturra, and Red Caturra
這一支咖啡的品種是Purple Caturra, 是由於Red Caturra的基因自然變種而成, 植株頂部生出銅紫色嫩葉, 咖啡果實成熟後呈現成深紫色。因特殊品種成熟時非一般品種深紅色而不易判別,特意設計以白利糖度(Brix degree)為基準的採收與後處理過程,仰賴科學數據累積出不斷優化的咖啡。從而發展出獨特而又有特色的咖啡風味!

Colombia Finca Monteblanco

Strawberry jam fermentation

Country: Colombia

Farm:   Finca Monteblanco

Elevation:  1650M

Variety:  Purple Caturra

Process:  Strawberry jam fermentation

Tasting info.:  

Story of Coffee: 

Colombia Finca Monteblanco

Coconut Lactic Natural (2022 crop)

Country: Colombia

Farm:   Finca Monteblanco

Elevation:  1730M

Variety:  Purple Caturra

Process:  Coconut Lactic Natural

Tasting info.:  Mango/ Coconut/ Cendol & mix stone fruit/ Thai-style drink like

Story of Coffee: 

Finca Monteblanco, located high along the winding mountain roads of Vereda La Tocora in the San Adolfo municipality above Pitalito, is a family farm managed by Rodrigo Sanchez Valencia in the tradition of coffee cultivation that began with his grandfather.

In 2002 Rodrigo participated in a local program teaching local children of coffee producers to cup. Before that, he and his family had never considered coffee in terms of cup profile. By learning to differentiate profiles, he and his father and grandfather were able to make the connections between the farming techniques they applied and coffee’s attributes in the cup.

蒙大布蘭蔻(白朗峰)莊園 (Finca Monteblanco) 位於薇拉(Huila)的首府Pitalito北方的San Adolfo,現在由繼承祖父志業的第三代Rodrigo Sanchez Valencia以及其妻子Claudia Samboni所經營管理,在14公頃的莊園土地上,Rodrigo種植非常多不同的品種,包括Geisha, Pink Bourbon, Pacamara, Purple Caturra, and Red Caturra。

這一支咖啡的品種是Purple Caturra, 是由於Red Caturra的基因自然變種而成, 植株頂部生出銅紫色嫩葉, 咖啡果實成熟後呈現成深紫色。因特殊品種成熟時非一般品種深紅色而不易判別,特意設計以白利糖度(Brix degree)為基準的採收與後處理過程,仰賴科學數據累積出不斷優化的咖啡。從而發展出獨特而又有特色的咖啡風味!

這支咖啡是Finca Monteblanco全新出品, 繼去年的Pineapple Lactic Washed, 今年改了Process formula推出了這支有椰子, 芒果香氣的咖啡, Please Enjoy!