Colombia Finca Marsella
By Mikava Gesha CM Natural

Country:  Colombia

Region: Huila

Elevation: 1750M

Variety: Geisha

Process: Carbonic Maceration Natural

Tasting info.: Pink Guava/ Rambutan/ Redcurrant/ Tropical fruit/ Orange/ Red & Pink tones/ Juicy

Colombia Finca Santuario
By Mikava Gesha Reserva

Country:  Colombia

Region: Huila

Elevation: 1940-2000M

Variety: Gesha

Process: Carbonic Maceration Natural

Roasting Level: Light roasted

Tasting info.:  Red & Pink Tones, Lemon Blossom, Strawberry, Tropical fruit, Aromatic & Sweet 

Story of Coffee:

2019年勇奪COE第一名, 世界各地咖啡大師都在追捧的優質咖啡,就在Paul Doyle和Kevin父子用心經營的6公頃莊園裡誕生!
Sherry Hsu用上 Santuario Gesha Reserva 奪得2022 WBrC冠軍!

保羅·多伊爾(Paul Doyle)是一位咖啡和葡萄酒鑑賞家,初期他們太平洋西北地區開設了一家咖啡館和烘焙店。有一次在哥倫比亞的旅行中和他的兒子凱文(Kevin)受到啟發便決定購入一個農場來種植咖啡。 Paul 和他的兒子Kevin 只從來自波旁咖啡樹、鐵皮卡咖啡樹、埃塞俄比亞傳家寶咖啡樹、矮格莎咖啡樹和蘇丹魯姆樹中挑選出最好的1% 的咖啡果,這些咖啡樹種植在佔地14 英畝(6 公頃)的農場中,農場就位於哥倫比亞安第斯山脈中心,俯瞰著小鎮馬塞拉 (Marsella)和里薩拉爾達 (Risaralda)。Mikava受到了世界各地眾多咖啡選手的青睞,並在2019年哥倫比亞COE中獲得第一名。


Coffee and wine connoisseur Paul Doyle and his son Kevin found themselves steeped in inspiration and passion during a small trip to Colombia where they decided to buy a farm to grow and produce the most complex and flavorful coffee the world has ever known.

Paul and his son Kevin only select and pick from the top 1% of coffee cherries from Bourbon, Typica, Ethiopian Heirlooms, Dwarf Gesha, and Sudan Rume trees grown on a whopping 14 acre(6 hectare) farm located just outside and overlooking the town of Marsella, Risaralda in the center of the Colombian Andes

Colombia Finca Santuario
By Mikava Gesha CMEF

Country:  Colombia

Region: Huila

Elevation: 1940-2000M

Variety: Gesha

Process: Carbonic Maceration EF

Roasting Level: Light roasted

Tasting info.:  Violets/ Kyoho grapes/ Ripe cherry/ Jackfruit/ Chocolate/ Aromatic

Story of Coffee:

保羅·多伊爾(Paul Doyle)是一位咖啡和葡萄酒鑑賞家,初期他們太平洋西北地區開設了一家咖啡館和烘焙店。有一次在哥倫比亞的旅行中和他的兒子凱文(Kevin)受到啟發便決定購入一個農場來種植咖啡。 Paul 和他的兒子Kevin 只從來自波旁咖啡樹、鐵皮卡咖啡樹、埃塞俄比亞傳家寶咖啡樹、矮格莎咖啡樹和蘇丹魯姆樹中挑選出最好的1% 的咖啡果,這些咖啡樹種植在佔地14 英畝(6 公頃)的農場中,農場就位於哥倫比亞安第斯山脈中心,俯瞰著小鎮馬塞拉 (Marsella)和里薩拉爾達 (Risaralda)。Mikava受到了世界各地眾多咖啡選手的青睞,並在2019年哥倫比亞COE中獲得第一名。

這支豆子是應用葡萄酒處理工藝,即二氧化碳浸漬法再加上經過21天的延長發酵期,突顯出水果的複雜性、甜味和花香。這咖啡也是2023年HKBrC第三名Wilson Chung選用的咖啡!

Coffee and wine connoisseur Paul Doyle and his son Kevin found themselves steeped in inspiration and passion during a small trip to Colombia where they decided to buy a farm to grow and produce the most complex and flavorful coffee the world has ever known.

Paul and his son Kevin only select and pick from the top 1% of coffee cherries from Bourbon, Typica, Ethiopian Heirlooms, Dwarf Gesha, and Sudan Rume trees grown on a whopping 14 acre(6 hectare) farm located just outside and overlooking the town of Marsella, Risaralda in the center of the Colombian Andes