Colombia Granja Paraiso 92


Country: Colombia

Region: Piendamo, Cauca

Elevation: 1960M

Variety: Caturra

Process: Double Fermentation

Roasting Level: Light roasted

Tasting info.: Sakura/ Strawberry acid/ Hint of Lychee/ Plum/ Floral, Juicy/ Complex but elegant

Story of Coffee:

Granja El Paraíso-92 is a family farm that produces different varieties using highly innovative cultivation systems such as terraces, drip irrigation, shady and nutrition calculations in laboratory all aimed at producing a unique coffee that can be verified through the multiple awards obtained. Finca Paraiso-92 also has its own microbiology laboratory, quality laboratory and processing plant.The processes applied to the different coffees start from a strict selection, sterilization and characterization of the cherry to later start with the first phase of controlled anaerobic fermentation, adding a specific microorganism for each process, then the coffee is pulped and subjected to a second fermentation phase, when the second phase ends, a bean sealing process is carried out through impacts of hot and cold water to improve the organoleptic conditions of the coffee.

Granja El Paraíso-92 是一個家庭農場,使用高度創新的栽培系統(如梯田、滴灌、遮蔭和營養計算)生產不同品種,實驗室都旨在生產一種獨特的咖啡,可以通過獲得的多個獎項進行驗證。 Finca Paraiso-92 還擁有自己的微生物實驗室、質量實驗室和加工廠。適用於不同咖啡的工藝從對櫻桃的嚴格選擇、滅菌和表徵開始,然後從受控厭氧發酵的第一階段開始,添加 對每個過程使用特定的微生物,然後將咖啡打成漿並進入第二發酵階段,當第二階段結束時,通過冷熱水的衝擊進行豆子密封過程,以改善咖啡的感官條件。

Colombia Huila
La Esmeralda Caturra Lavender

Country: Colombia

Farm:     Huila, Pitalito

Elevation: 1700-1800M

Variety: Caturra 

Process: Anaerobic washed 

Roasting Level: Light roasted

Tasting info.: Lavender/ Floral/ Tropical Fruit/ Cotton Candy/ Aromatic

Story of Coffee:

Colombia Finca Villarazo

Frozen Anaerobic Process

Region:  Armenia, Quindio 

Elevation:  1650M
Variety:  Pink Bourbon

Process:  Frozen Anaerobic Process

Tasting info.:  Tropical fruit/ Pink Guava/ Jackfruit/ Hint of spiced

Story of Coffee:

​Colombia Finca Villarazo 莊園主Jairo Arcila將原本正在種植牛油果的莊園轉型為種植咖啡豆並專注於栽種以黃波旁與紅波旁雜交而成的粉波旁,因為這個品種具有花香和愉悅酸度的風味調性而且也因該品種的葡萄糖含量比許多品種高所以甜感高,此外還有能抵抗葉銹病和產量穩定的好處。

而莊園主已種植10公頃粉波​​旁品種的咖啡樹並在2019/2020產季有第一次收成。Jairo 會精心挑選咖啡櫻桃,收成後將咖啡櫻桃除去果肉、羊皮紙和果膠並舖在院子晾曬,但如果天氣惡劣會採用機械烘乾機烘乾咖啡櫻桃。烘乾後會放在溫控倉庫儲存20至30天然後再運往其他倉庫。


將人工採收的咖啡櫻桃進行低氧或無氧發酵24至48小時 ,然後再將咖啡櫻桃放入溫度為0度的冷櫃中48至72小時,再進行水洗,以延長咖啡櫻桃的發酵時間,可令風味層次更加複雜與提高醇厚度,最後在晾曬床上進行日曬處理到理想的含水率。


Colombia Antioquia PEC   

young coffee farmers project

(Medium Dark Version)

Region: Antioquia

Elevation: 1900-2100M

Variety: Colombia/ Caturra/ Castillo

Process: Washed

Roasting Level: Medium Dark roasted

Tasting info.: Floral/ Grape/ Plums/ Chocolate/ Mild & balance

Story of Coffee:

在哥倫比亞,Amativo 團隊從事生產、採購、研發、質量控制、包裝等工作。 如果算上從種子到杯子的步驟,種植、收穫、加工、乾燥、碾磨和出口都在原產地進行。 為了讓小型生產商擺脫傳統的 C 價格體系,Jiménez 告訴我們,他們建立了五個主要的社會計劃,以分享新的加工和種植技術,以獲得更高質量的咖啡。年輕一代 哥倫比亞年輕咖啡種植者的一場大運動給希門尼斯留下了深刻印象。 “有些人真的為此而努力,開設了自己的咖啡店,並進一步發展他們的家族企業,”他分享道。 他們在政府支持的教育機構哥倫比亞國家學習服務中心 (SENA) 研究從杯測到烘焙的咖啡生產的每個步驟,以改善他們的農場並生產出令人驚嘆的咖啡。

PEC = Programa Especialidad Cafetera稱為年輕咖啡農計劃”Young Growers Coffee of Antioquia Program”由Amativo聯合哥倫比亞麥德林商會以及Comfama公司共同發起。旨在通過對咖啡農提供技術咨詢和教學培訓, 讓更多的咖啡農從真正意義上具備生產高質量咖啡的能力; 提供他們更多就業機會, 引導更多年輕人傳承咖啡種植的傳統, 現在化經營管理咖啡農場, 助力咖啡行業的可持續發展。

此咖啡豆會先以採摘成熟咖啡櫻桃為主, 再進行三次人工篩選並以糖度檢測儀來精準的控制和確認發酵方案; 使用脫殼機去皮去肉後再倒入水槽進行24小時發酵, 最後將清洗乾淨的咖啡豆放置在遮蔽的棚架床進行乾燥過程, 直到含水率達到11%。

Santander Rose Valley 

Country:     Colombia 

Farm:       Santander Rose Valley 

Elevation:   1700M 

Variety:   Caturra

Process:   Anaerobic + Enzyme Washed 

Roasting Level: Light roasted

Tasting info.:   Strawberry lactic drink/ Peach/ Rose Wine  

Story of Coffee:





Colombia La Estrella
Caturra Anaerobic Natural

Country: Colombia 

Farm: La Estrella

Elevation: 2050

Variety: Caturra

Process: Anaerobic Natural

Roasting Level: Light roasted

Tasting info.:   Yellow floral/ Passion fruit/ Blood orange/ Hint of Pineapple & Green mango 

Story of Coffee:

Finca La Estrella位於納里尼奧市拉尤尼翁市布宜諾斯艾利斯鎮,納里尼奧(Nariño)這個地區以其獨特而美味的咖啡而聞名。

Carlos Estrella 的父親曾經是一名咖啡生產商,他總是鼓勵 Carlos 繼承家族傳統。卡洛斯知道他想在他的生活中做一些與咖啡有關的事情。2010 年,Carlos 開始接管他家的咖啡莊園。La Estrella 這個名字以家族的名字命名。

他的父親仍然在農場裡監督所有的農藝管理。與此同時,Carlos 正在全面了解質量流程。

咖啡莊園位置於高海拔和自然保護區內。 Carlos 認為在如此得天獨厚的地方能夠生產出的高質量的咖啡而感到自豪,但他更清楚知道的是,學習到的關於咖啡生產和處理工藝,才能夠將他帶到了今天的位置,而他的長遠目標是實現生產 100%精品咖啡。

大家對Caturra應該感到不陌生,Caturra是卡杜拉(Caturra)為波旁(Bourbon)的基因突變種,於1937年在巴西被人們發現,產能與抗病力均比波旁佳,風味與波旁豆不相上下或稍差,更重要是適應力超強,能夠高密度的栽種,且不需要遮蔭樹,直接曝曬豔陽下亦可生長,因此大家也稱呼Caturra 曝曬咖啡(Sun Coffee)。

這支豆子是我們從La Estrella進口的第二支豆子,第一支是今年在樂富市集推出的一支Natural Geisha,而今次帶來的是一支Anaerobic Natural Caturra,有著Caturra帶出明亮和果汁感豐富的酸甜感,熱帶水果的氣息是跟平時多接觸的Caturra帶有柑橘的屬性完全不同。

Finca La Estrella, his farm in the town of Buenos Aires in the municipality of La Union, Nariño, a region known for its unique and delicious coffee.

Carlos Estrella’s father used to be a coffee producer and always encouraged Carlos to continue with the family tradition. Carlos knew that he wanted to do something related to coffee in his life. In 2010, Carlos started taking over his family’s farm, La Estrella, a name which honours the family’s name. His father is still very present on the farm, overseeing all the agronomical management.

Carlos is learning all about the quality process. He is learning to cup, in order to understand what makes his coffee great and what are the improvement opportunities. Carlos believes that what makes his coffee and his farm so special is the altitude, the natural reserves that surround the farm, and his huge passion for the product. Carlos feels proud of the quality he has been able to produce, but most importantly, he feels proud because he is aware that everything that he has learned about coffee production and processes, has taken him where he is today, because he knows what he’s doing and he understands every single step of the process. His goal is achieving that 100% of his coffee is sold as specialty.