Brazil Santos (NY2 SC17/18)

Country: Brazil

Farm: Various Santos

Elevation: 1200-1400M

Variety: Bourbon

Process: Natural

Roasting Level: Medium Light

Tasting info.: Hazelnuts / Cream / Chocolate / Caramel

Story of Coffee:

Brazil Santos is the most traditional of Brazilian coffee.

General elevations in Brazil range from around 2000-4000 ft. (around 609-1219M) these lower growing altitudes means Brazil coffees are relatively low in acidity. They tend to be round, sweet and balanced.

Santos refers to the market name given to the port through which this coffee is shipped.

In Brazil, the name Santos is synonymous with high-quality locations. The name comes from

The port of Santos, which has been Brazil's largest coffee exporter. in the 1990s

Previously, coffee was classified as Santos 1, Santos 2, Santos 3, etc. Although the grading system

has changed, but the name Santos lives on, thanks in large part to

its a good reputation. As the world's largest coffee producer, Brazil has many

consistent production conditions and batch selection, so you can get consistent,

High quality coffee.

The general altitude range in Brazil is between 2000-4000 feet (about 609-1219M), and these lower growing heights mean that Brazilian coffee is relatively low in acidity. And Santos Coffee is known for its sweet and smooth, balanced creamy and full-bodied mouthfeel and flavor.

NY2 means that the quality of green coffee beans has no more than 6 visible defects in a 300g sample, ensuring consistent quality.

SCR 17/18, which means the size of this coffee bean. Sizes fall roughly between 6.75 and 7mm. The small size gap between the beans results in a more uniform roasting of all the beans.


巴西的一般海拔範圍在2000-4000英尺(約609-1219M)之間,這些較低的生長高度意味著巴西咖啡的酸度相對較低。 它們傾向於圓潤,甜美且平衡。



Santos港口,該港口一直是巴西最大的咖啡出口港。在 1990 年代之

前,咖啡被分類為 Santos 1、Santos 2、Santos 3 等。雖然分級系統





巴西的一般海拔範圍在2000-4000英尺(約609-1219M)之間,這些較低的生長高度意味著巴西咖啡的酸度相對較低。而Santos Coffee以其甜美順滑、平衡帶奶油和醇厚的口感和味道而聞名。

NY2 意思是咖啡生豆的質素在 300 克樣品中不超過 6 個可見缺陷,確保了品質穩定。

SCR 17/18,意思是這咖啡豆的尺寸。尺寸大致落在 6.75 到 7mm之間。而豆子之間的尺寸差距小使得將所有豆子在烘焙時會更均勻。