Ethiopia Guji AnaSora G1
White Peach Oolong Tea 2.0 

Country:   Ethiopia  

Farm:  AnaSora

Elevation:    1900-2350

Variety:    Heirloom

Proceess:   Enzyme Washed

Roasting Level:   Light roasted

Tasting info.: Hong Kong Style Milk Tea Aroma/
White Peach/ Bergamot/ Oolong Tea

Story of Coffee:

Most of the coffee are comes from cooperatives rather than private farms at Ethiopia, AnaSora coffee farm was established in 2010 as a young and independently run manor  located in Guji, Ethiopia. The manor owner is Israel Defga who is second generation operator. 

Coffee farm area in total 250 hectares with 150 hectares are planted coffee tree, all located between 1900-2350M, they were established process facility to produce washed process which is taking on the abundant water sources along the Turo River. In recent years, the rise of coffee production from Guji area is one of several important development trends in Ethiopia; another one named of Shakisso is the familiar example. 

AnaSora also subsidizes the nearby orphanage to provide higher level education, giving back to the local area make a better life.

The White Peach Oolong Tea 2.0 is SonneCAD's proud of production which is application of Stronghold roaster from Korea.

This coffee process by enzyme washed to bring to you impressed white peach notes also bring to you the aroma just like Hong Kong-style milk tea!!


而AnaSora成立於2010年,是Ethiopia的一個年輕和獨立經營的莊園, 位於Guji,莊園的負責人是IsraelDefga,他已經是第二代經營者。面積有250公頃當中便有150公頃是種植咖啡,都是位處於海拔1900-2350米之間。他們引用土洛河(Turo)沿岸的豐富水源,建立水洗站來生產水洗咖啡。



咖啡可以引發無限可能。這一支 White Peach Oolong Tea 2.0 是SonneCAD應用韓國Stronghold烘焙機的得意之作, 除了本身酵素水洗帶出其獨特的白桃香氣, 經過三重熱能的技術,再經過攝氏超過450度高溫焠練出一支帶出如港式奶茶般的香氣的咖啡!!

Ethiopia Guji AnaSora
Melon Oolong Tea 3.0

Country:   Ethiopia  

Farm:  AnaSora

Elevation:    1900-2350

Variety:    Heirloom

Proceess:   Enzyme Washed

Roasting Level:   Light roasted

Tasting info.: Melon/ Green Apple/ Hint of Peach/ Oolong Tea

Story of Coffee:

Most Ethiopia coffee sourcing are comes from cooperatives.

AnaSora was established in 2010 and is a young and private operate farm located in Guji, Ethiopia. Managing by IsraelDefga who is already 2nd generation operate. 150 hectares out of 250 hectares are grown for coffee, they are all located between 1900-2350 M.A.S.L.; they used the abundant water sources along the Truro River and built process stations there to produce washed process.

Ethiopia,大部分咖啡都來自合作社而不是私人農場。而AnaSora成立於2010年是Ethiopia Guji 的一個年輕和獨立經營的莊園,目前莊園的負責人是第二代經營者IsraelDefga。面積有250公頃當中便有150公頃是種植咖啡,都是位處於海拔1900-2350米之間。他們引用土洛河(Turo)沿岸的豐富水源,建立水洗站來生產水洗咖啡。近年,Guji產區的崛起可以說是Ethiopia近年幾個重要的發展趨勢之一,Shakisso就是大家耳熟能詳的例子之一,不過AnaSora的營運模式又可以說是別具一格,以生態友好型作為生產目標,並通過協助他們確保高質量的生產和良好的財務狀況來承擔社會負責。

咖啡可以引發無限可能。這一支 AnaSora 3.0 是繼 AnaSora White Peach Tea 2.0 後創出另一個版本, 莊園應用酵素水洗技術讓豆子生產出不同的風味, 再經由韓國Stronghold烘焙機烘焙使得咖啡帶出蜜瓜、青蘋果烏龍茶般獨特的風味,期間限定,不要錯過。