Uganda Bugisu AA

Country: Uganda

Region: BUGISU

Elevation: 1400-2000M

Variety: Arabica

Process: Washed

Roasting Level: Medium

Tasting info.: Raisin / Milk chocolate

Story of Coffee:

Uganda is largely known for its robusta coffee, which it produces enough of to be the world’s seventh-largest coffee producing country. However, hidden gems within the country, such as Bugisu, show how great an arabica coffee Uganda is capable of.

With elevations ranging from 1,300 to 2,600 meters throughout the region, Bugisu is well-suited for growing a hard bean that does well at dark roasts. The hard beans from this region grow slower than crops from lower elevations, and they exhibit lower acidity.

烏干達以種植羅布斯塔咖啡而聞名,它的咖啡產量足以成為世界第七大咖啡生產國。 然而該國內部隱藏著寶石(例如Bugisu)說明了烏干達出產的阿拉比卡咖啡很出色。
