Vietnam K’Ho Village

Country: Vietnam

Farm: K’Ho Village

Elevation: 1550M

Variety: Typica / Bourbon

Process: Red Honey

Roasting Level: Medium Light

Tasting info.: Floral / Brown Sugar / Cocoa

Story of Coffee:

Seem we drink too much coffee from the Americas, Let try some high-quality coffee beans from Asian! SonneCAD take you go to Vietnam, let’s go!!

Vietnam is the world’s second largest coffee bean-growing country. Gao Ke Village is located on Lang Bian Mountain in Lam Dong Province. Coffee began to grow at the end of the 18th century; in 1920, the French brought Arabica cultivation and they are the fourth generation of farmers now. High-density coffee beans are grown due to Lang Bian Mountain located in high altitude, with high sweetness, and cocoa and caramel is outstanding.

當大家喝得太多來自美洲的咖啡, 偶爾試試看一些高品質的亞洲豆吧! 來吧! SonneCAD 帶您去越南。越南是世界第二大咖啡豆種植國,高柯村位於林同省 (Lam Dong Province) 的浪平山上(Lang Bian Mountain),於18世紀末開始種咖啡,到1920年,由法國帶來Arabica種植,至今是第四代農民。由於地勢算高,種植出較高密度的咖啡豆,甜度相當高,可可及焦糖風味最特出 。