Jamaica Blue Mountain
Typica Natural

Country: Jamaica

Farm: Clifton Mount Estate

Elevation:         1311M

Variety: Typica

Process: Natural

Roasting Level:         Medium Light roasted

Tasting info.: Floral/ Cane sugar/ Citrus/ Chocolate/ Mild acidity, Clean & Long-finished

Story of Coffee:

Jamaican coffee is known for its traditional washing process, they have no experience with natural treatment, however various treatment methods have matured in recent years, so the owner of Clifton Mount- Mr. Richard

Decided to go to Costa Rica and Panama to learn tanning techniques, and invited Panama-  The owner of the Hartmann Estate went to Jamaica to study together.

However, Jamaica has a tropical rainforest climate, with rainy seasons from May to June and September to November each year, of which January and May has the most showers. The Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee harvesting season is from February to June each year.

With half the time with the rainy season, it is obviously impractical to use natural treatment. in addition, 

quality of processed coffee is unstable when the coffee exposure to the sun, and the quality of coffee depends on God's mood. 

When the coffee berries are sun-dried on the drying field, they need to be manually turned every few hours to maintain ventilation, reduce mildew, and reduce mold. Make sure to dry evenly, so if want to better quality, the labor cost is higher than that of water washed process. Such a thankless approach was even more difficult to implement in Jamaica. Therefore, this natural Blue Mountain is likely not to appear in the world again! 

Natural Blue Mountain retaining the original cocoa flavor, gently brings out the mild floral and tropical fruit flavors, a strong contrast to the traditional washed process.

藍山山脈位於牙買加島(Jamaica) 東部,位於加勒比海的環繞下,每當天氣晴朗的日子,太陽直射在蔚藍的海面上,山峰上反射出海水璀璨的藍色光芒而得名。





1953年,牙買加政府成立了牙買加咖業(CIB)來 監管和保障牙買加咖啡的質量。牙買加是世界上第一個將一個明確的地域位置指定到一個特定的咖啡品牌的國家,這一點和法國葡萄酒業創立AOC有些類似。


牙買加的咖啡以傳統水洗處理而聞名, 但他們並沒有日曬處理的經驗, 而近年各種的處理法技術發展成熟, 所以克利夫頓莊園主Mr. Richard去了Costa Rica和Panama學習日曬技術, 並邀請了Panama Hartmann Estate的莊園主前到牙買加一同研究。

在研究的過程中他們發現了牙買加的日照強度太高了, 這樣的強度會導致咖啡紅果因為發酵過快而喪失乾淨的口感。因此他們搭建了專用的乾曬床, 再用黑色的網布做頂棚, 以減少紫外線的傷害。

解決了乾曬床問題後, 他們嘗試了Hartmann Estate的處理法, 先進行24小時厭氧發酵後再進行日曬處理。經過反覆嘗試, 最後選擇了使用25天的日曬和35天的靜態處理。

出來的咖啡既保留原有的口感和潔淨度之餘又不會發酵過度。除了保留藍山原有可可風味同時又帶出了獨特的熱帶水果風味, 與傳統的藍山水洗成了強烈對比!!

Jamaica Clifton Mount Estate

No.1 Blue Mountain (WASHED PROCESS)

Country: Jamaica

Farm: Clifton Mount Estate

Elevation:         1311M

Variety: Typica

Process: Washed

Roasting Level:         Medium roasted

Tasting info.: Floral/ Cane Sugar/ Citrus/ Chocolate/ Mild acidity, Clean & Long-finished

Story of Coffee:

屬於熱帶雨林氣候的牙買加的咖啡以傳統水洗處理而聞名,每年5-6月、9-11月為雨季,其中1月和5月陣雨最多。而牙買加藍山咖啡的採收處理季在每年的2月到6月有一半時間處理雨季,採用日曬處理顯然不合實際。所以在Clifton Mount只有在2020年推出了唯一一次的日曬藍山。



Blue Mountain No. 1  96%篩網尺寸17/18,最多不超過2%的暇疵豆。

Blue Mountain No. 2  96%篩網尺寸16,最多不超過2%的暇疵豆。

Blue Mountain No. 3  96%篩網尺寸15,最多不超過2%的暇疵豆。

Blue Mountain Peaberry  96%篩網尺寸10號的單粒圓豆,最多不超過2%的暇疵豆。

Jamaica Blue Mountain is the rarest and most sought after coffee in the world. Coffee was first introduced into Jamaica from the island of Martinique in 1728. But it wasn't until the abolition of slavery on the British territory in 1838 when former slaves in the Blue Mountain began the cultivation of coffee. Located at the eastern ends of the island of Jamaica runs a majestic range of hills known as the Blue Mountains. At elevations of up to 5,000 feet, here the terrain, the soil, the rainfall, and the thick Blue Mountain mist combine to create the perfect conditions for the cultivation of the World's famous, most distinguished and most delicious Jamaica Blue Mountain coffee. Only coffee grown in this precise geographic region under exacting conditions will be certified "100% Blue Mountain Coffee".