Ecuador Cafe Johann Sidra LSC#1

Region: Cango Bajo

Elevation: 1700M

Variety: Sidra

Process: Anaerobic Washed

Tasting info.: Chamomile/ Apricot/ Pear/ Hint of Pineapple/ Bright Acidity with Mild mouthfeel

Ecuador Finca Indera
Geisha Natural

Region: Chaguarpamba, Loja

Elevation: 1600M

Variety: Geisha

Process: Natural 

Tasting info.: Tea Rose/ Strawberry/ Purple grape/ Berries like/ Rich/ Sweetness & complexity

Story of Coffee:

Manuel decided to became a coffee farmer after a course they had with Dr. Manuel Díaz five years ago. Before this they were coffe roasters in Loja city. They bought a virgin land and transformed it planting coffee, timber trees, fruit trees, bananas and plantains, and implementing electricity and irrigation system for coffee. Because of this farm transformation, now there is fauna and flora that they protect. They are passionate about constant reasearch and education to keep improving their quality, and they take care about the enviroment in order to achieve sustainability. They have Geisha, Villalobos, Caturra, Catuai and Rubi varieties.

曼努埃爾在五年前與曼努埃爾·迪亞茲 (Manuel Díaz) 博士一起上完課程後,決定成為一名咖啡農。 在此之前,他們是洛哈市的咖啡烘焙商。 他們購買了一塊未開發的土地並對其進行了改造,種植咖啡、木材樹、果樹、香蕉和大蕉,並為咖啡實施電力和灌溉系統。 由於這種農場改造,現在有了他們保護的動植物群。 他們熱衷於不斷的研究和教育以不斷提高質量,他們關心環境以實現可持續發展。 他們有 Geisha、Villalobos、Caturra、Catuai 和 Rubi 品種。

Finca Indera 位於厄瓜多精品咖啡重鎮Loja,位處於海拔高約1500~2200M之間,擁有得天獨厚的地理優勢和氣候;中午過後雲霧壟罩當地加上夜晚溫度驟降,使咖啡樹有很好的生長環境,提供品質非常優良的果實。莊園主Manuel Romero經營咖啡店多年,5年前終於有了自己的莊園。



Finca Indera 近幾年在厄瓜多全國精品咖啡 TAZA DORADA 與 LOJA 地區比賽

{ BEST OF LOJA } 常勝軍,

今年更在 TAZA DORADA 拿下第二名與第四名,BEST OF LOJA 第一名的好成績。