Colombia Potosi Tabi "XO" Natural

Trujillo Valle Del Cauca

Country: Colombia

Farm: Potosi farm

Elevation: 1400-1860M

Variety: Tabi

Process: “XO” Natural

Roasting Level: Medium Light

Tasting info.: Lilac/ Tropical fruit/ Melon/ Purple Plums/ Rum

Story of Coffee:

Five farms now make up the Café Granja La Esperanza: Cerro Azul, Las Margaritas, La Esperanza, Potosi and Hawaii. With a reputation for producing competition winning coffees, processes are matched with varieties to produce unique flavour profiles.

Potosi is owned by siblings, Rigoberto and Luis Eduardo Herrera, third-generation coffee producers, who come from a long-standing coffee-producing family. Their grandparents started their careers in coffee in 1945 at Potosi farm. After Juan Antonio Herrera and his wife Blanca Ligia Correa purchased the land with existing Typica plants, they added three more cultivars: Red Bourbon, Yellow Bourbon, and Caturra. It was then that Cafe Granja La Esperanza began.

When Rigoberto and Luis took over the family operation in the late '90s, they took on the labor-intensive job of pivoting the farms to organic production. Shortly after taking over, they purchased the land that is now Finca La Esperanza and expanded their organic coffee production.

They've done major renovations to the farms during the past 30 years of ownership and management, planting new, exotic varieties throughout the 52 producing hectares of Potosi Farm. At Potosi, they produce classic Colombian varieties like Caturra, Colombia, and Tabi. As well as beautiful exotics such as Geisha, Sidra, San Juan, Mandela, SL28 and more.

On top of industry-leading farm practices, they're also innovating the world of coffee processing, consistently exploring new techniques and processes to bring their coffees to a whole other level.

Tabi was harvested in January of 2020 for the first time at Potosi farm and planted just three years ago. Tabi is a Variety developed by Cenicafe, the research lab of the Federation of Coffee Growers in Colombia around the year 2000, with some cross (breeding) studies between Timor hybrid, Bourbon, and Typica. The word Tabi means “good ” in Guambiano (indigenous Colombian) dialect

For this process, dubbed XO due to its aim to create a coffee that matches the complexity of a barrel-aged cognac, their meticulous production process has resulted in a coffee that creates a balance between primary terroir flavours, and secondary process-driven flavours. In this cup, this means fresh and bright acidity from the high altitude Cauca Valley terroir, combined with soft ripe fruit and a heavy rich sweetness, like we'd expect from a great natural.

Café Granja La Esperanza 由五個農場組成:Cerro Azul、Las Margaritas、La Esperanza、Potosi 和 Hawaii。以生產贏得競賽咖啡而聞名,工藝與品種相匹配以產生獨特的風味特徵。

當前擁有Potosi的Rigoberto 和 Luis Eduardo Herrera 是這個歷史悠久的咖啡生產家族第三代。他們的祖父母於 1945 年在Finca Potosi開始了咖啡職業生涯。Juan Antonio Herrera 和他的妻子 Blanca Ligia Correa 購買了當時種植Typica土地後,他們又增加了三個品種:Red Bourbon, Yellow Bourbon, and Caturra。

當 Rigoberto 和 Luis 在 90 年代後期接管家族企業時,他們承襲了將農場轉向有機生產的勞動密集型工作。及後更購買了的 Finca La Esperanza 土地,並擴大了有機咖啡的生產。


在過去 30 年的管理工作中,他們對莊園進行了重大改造,在Finca Potosi的 52 公頃土地種植很多不同的品種, 除了經典的哥倫比亞品種如Caturra、Colombia 和 Tabi。 也有其他來自不同國家的品種,如Geisha, Sidra, San Juan, Mandela, SL28 等。

Tabi 此新品種僅在三年前種植, 並於 2020 年 1 月首次收穫。 Tabi是由哥倫比亞咖啡種植者聯合會的研究實驗室 Cenicafe 於 2000 年左右開發的品種,在Timor hybrid, Bourbon, and Typica 之間進行了一些雜交(育種)研究。 Tabi 這個詞在 Guambiano(哥倫比亞土著)方言中的意思是“好”

對於這個被稱為 XO 的過程,目標是創造與陳年干邑的複雜性相近的咖啡,細緻的生產過程使咖啡在風土味和酒香之間取得平衡。 在這款咖啡中,除了可以品嚐到來自高海拔考卡山谷的清新明亮的酸度,還結合豐富熱帶水果和濃郁濃郁的甜感和酒香,就像我們對大自然所期望的那樣。