Colombia Cauca

Tropical Style

Country: Colombia

Farm: Finca El Paraiso

Elevation: 2050M

Variety: Castillo

Process: Double Anaerobic

Roasting Level: Light

Tasting info.: Mango/ Passion fruit/ Strawberry/ Calpis (Yogurt)

Story of Coffee:

Colombia is third largest coffee producer in the world behind to Brazil and Vietnam. Commercial beans were grown as early as the 1830s.

Mr. Diego Samuel started operating Finca El Paraíso in 2008. It was originally a small family estate of 2.5 hectares, They puts the surplus harvested every year into the research of coffee agriculture and continues to study how the best flavors can be produced.

In 2015, Mr. Diego Samuel first time participated the local competition and won the first place, after becoming famous in the First competition, he was recognized by the industry and he was more motivated to promote the cultivation of excellent coffee.


天堂莊園是Diego Samuel先生於2008年開始經營的一個咖啡莊園,最初只是一個2.5公頃的小型的家族式莊園,他們將每年採收的盈餘投入了咖啡農業的研究並持續鑽研精品風味如何有更佳出品。

2015年, Diego Samuel先生第一次參與當地的區域競賽,並拿下了第一名,一戰成名後得到產業的認同,且讓他在推動種植精品咖啡上更有動力。


厭氧發酵處理法 ( Anaerobic Fermentation ) 在近幾年的咖啡界中崛起非常快速,最早期由 2015 年 WBC 冠軍的澳洲參賽者 Sasa Sestic 引起這一股潮流,到了 2018 年 WBC 大賽時,前六名的參賽者,甚至有五位都採用了「厭氧發酵處理法」的咖啡豆參賽,可見厭氧發酵處理法的迷人之處。
