Colombia Cauca
Finca El Zafiro Wush Wush Natural

Country: Colombia

Region: Cauca

Elevation: 1500M

Variety: Wush Wush

Process: Natural

Roasting Level: Medium Light

Tasting info.: Grape/ Strawberry Jam/ Rose/ Dark Chocolate/ Rum

Story of Coffee:

Many coffee varieties you may know such as Geisha, Catuai, Typica and Castillo when drinking specialty coffee, but do you know Wush Wush?

Wush Wush named from small town which is come from Kaffa region in southern Ethiopia.

Wush Wush have a unique flavor profile, but the coffee farmers don’t want to plant just like Sudan Rume, so the coffee produce is low enough to be forgotten by the world.

But Somebody took Wush Wush back to Colombia afterwards, so we have another choice come from Colombia now!!

SonneCAD brought to you this batch of Wush Wush come from Finca El Zafiro is came from Colombia Cauca, highlight the winey flavor but I think the taste most like Rum, aroma like the purple rose and strawberry jam sweetness, liquor chocolate will come out when the coffee cool down.

喝精品咖啡的大家都對Geisha, Catuai, Typica和 Castillo等品種耳熟能詳, 但又有沒有聽過Wush Wush? 這名字近年也多了人們提起, 但是喝過她的人不多。這品種最早原產於Ethiopia南部的Kaffa一個名叫Wush Wush小鎮, 因而得名。

Wush Wush有著獨特的風味特性, 但就跟Sudan Rume一樣, 咖啡農不願種植, 所以產量極低甚至被世人遺忘。

後來有咖啡莊園把她帶到Colombia落地生根, 現在除了可以喝到來自Ethiopia的原生Wush Wush, 也有機會品嚐已移民到Colombia的wush wush喔!!

位於Colombia考卡山谷的Finca El Zafiro是Maca家族所擁有, 他們視Wush Wush為珍貴的產物。這支日曬處理的Wush Wush, 在味道的表現上,葡萄的感覺很重, 甚至發酵的酒香讓人以為是葡萄酒, 但我們覺得喝下去的感覺更像Rum酒, 然而香氣如紫玫瑰般幽雅, 果甜有點像士多啤利果醬, 中低溫突顯那種像酒心巧克力的感覺。

經常喝來喝去都是Geisha感覺有點悶吧! 成千上萬的咖啡品種你又喝過多少?