Bolivia Finca Don Carlos
"SonneCAD blended" Washed

Country: Bolivia

Region: Caranavi

Farm: Finca Don Carlos

Elevation:  1500-1700M

Variety: Caturra/ Bourbon/ Typica

Process: Washed

Tasting info.: Rose Tea/ Cranberry/ Raspberry/ Toffee/ Bright acidity 

Story of Coffee:


Pedro Rodriguez對玻利維亞精品咖啡行業的發展做出了重要貢獻。位於卡拉納比的唐卡洛斯莊園是他創造的莊園之一。Pedro誓在促成玻利維亞咖啡的複興,從而不遺餘力地投身至莊園維護及自有處理廠的建設中;同時,他非常重視對當地咖啡農進行技術支持,讓他們種植採摘更優質的咖啡果實,相對地提高農民收入。

這支來自Finca Don Carlos的水洗咖啡豆由三種不同的品種拼配 (Caturra/ Bourbon/ Typica), 令咖啡既有豐富的莓果香, 花香和果仁感, 又有水洗的清爽的酸甜感。

Bolivia is located in the middle of South America. The country is dominated by plateau topography, the topography is changeable, with an average elevation of more than 3,000 meters, which is the country with the highest average elevation in the world. Such an environment is unique for coffee cultivation, but same is quite difficult to grow; therefore, the production very limited and the labor costs are higher. It is this kind of "asymmetry" that makes Bolivian coffee a particularly precious existence in the world.

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