Guatemala New Oriente SHB

Country: Guatemala

Region: New Oriente (Various Regions)

Elevation: 1300-1700M

Variety: Bourbon, Caturra

Process: Natural

Roasting Level: Light

Tasting info.: Floral/ Pineapple/ Plums/ Citrus

Story of Coffee:

New Oriente is a small region to the eastern edge of Guatemala, butting up against the Honduran border. Its climate is cloudier and rainier than some of the other regions, and the relatively stable temperatures and limited sunlight create a full-bodied coffee with loads of balance. In the 1980s, responding to the increasing demand for specialty coffee, the region took off. One of Guatemala’s poorest and most isolated areas historically, the region is now growing rapidly and small estates are beginning to cultivate coffee across the entire region.

新東方是危地馬拉東部邊緣與洪都拉斯邊界接壤的一個小區域。它的氣候比其他一些地區陰雲密布和多雨,相對穩定的溫度和有限的陽光使咖啡風味濃郁但質感平衡。 在1980年代,為響應對精品咖啡需求的增長,該地區開始騰飛。 歷史上是危地馬拉最貧窮,最偏遠的地區之一,該地區現在發展迅速,小型莊園開始在整個地區種植咖啡。