Ethiopia Yirgacheffe Kochere G1

Country: Ethiopia

Region: Kochere

Elevation: 1800-2000M

Variety: Heirloom varietals

Process: Washed

Roasting Level: Light

Tasting info.: Citrus/ Jasmine/ Clean and hint of acidity

Story of Coffee:

Yirgacheffe is actually part of the Sidamo region in southern Ethiopia, but its exquisite washed coffees are so well-known that is has been sub-divided into its own micro-region. This steep, green area is both fertile and high – much of the coffee grows at 2,000m and above.

At first glance Yirgacheffe’s hills look thickly forested, but in fact it is a heavily populated region and the hills are dotted with many dwellings and villages’ growing what is known as ‘garden coffee’. There are approximately 26 cooperatives in the region, representing some 43,794 farmers and around 62,004 hectares of garden coffee. The production is predominantly washed, although a smaller amount of natural process also come out of Yirgacheffe.

耶加雪菲實際上是埃塞俄比亞南部西達莫地區的一部分,其水洗咖啡非常有名,已細分為自己的分區域。 這個陡峭的綠色區域既高海拔又肥沃-大多數咖啡的生長都在2,000m以上。

耶加雪菲的山丘看起來茂密的森林,但實際上這是一個人口稠密的地區,山丘上散佈著許多住宅和村莊,種植著所謂的“花園咖啡”。 該地區大約有26個合作社,代表約43,794名農民和約62,004公頃的花園咖啡。 產品主要是水洗法,儘管也有少量的日曬咖啡出自此處。