Mugaya K72 Kirinyaga

Region: Kirinyaga

Elevation: 1400M

Variety: SL28, SL34

Process: K72 Washed

Tasting info.: Plum Juice/ Sucrose/ Lemon Tea/ Syrupy body

Story of Coffee:

Mugaya process factory located in Kirinyaga at an altitude approx.1570M near the famous Nyeri, Established by Mutira Cooperative as early as 1975, about 900 members currently and each member owns an average of about 200 coffee trees. Kirinyaga average temperature between 12-26 oC and rainfall about 1100mm for year. Excellent conditions coupled with red volcanic soil, so make the coffee yield and high quality. This batch of coffee beans used the traditional K72 washed process, K72 means the coffee farmers select the best of coffee cherries for process peeling, fermentation with 24 hours in total, repeated 3 times to reach 72 hours. This batch of coffee process with a special secondary roasting, giving the coffee with bright acidity and sweetness, as well as a smooth and delicate mouthfeel.

Mugaya處理廠位於海拔1570M的Kirinyaga, 鄰近有名的Nyeri, 早於1975年由Mutira Cooperative成立, 合作社目前約有900多個成員, 每個成員平均擁有約200裸咖啡樹。Kirinyaga全年平均溫度12-26 oC, 平均全年降雨量約1100mm, 擁有紅色火山土壤, 加上優良的條件使得咖啡優質而量多。

這支豆採用傳統的K72 Washed Process, K72的意思即是K=肯亞, 72=72小時, 咖啡農篩選最優果實進行去皮、發酵,發酵時間總計24小時,重複3次達到72小時。

這支K72處理法再配合特殊的二次烘焙, 讓咖啡有著明亮的酸質與高甜度, 以及柔和的細膩口感!