Ethiopia Kaffa Forest
“Native Geisha” Washed

Region: Kaffa

Elevation: 1500-1750M

Variety: Geisha

Process: Washed

Tasting info.: White flower/ Orange/ Lemon/ Black tea



Story of Coffee:

This family-owned estate is situated some 470 km southwest of Addis Ababa in the highlands of the Kaffa region. The coffee is wild and natural and grows in an area of some 2,000 hectares at an altitude of between 1,750 and 1,850 meters above sea level.

Approximately half of this land remains a natural forest with the coffee growing amongst the trees. Ethiopia’s last forest lions are said to live within the Kaffa Forest. Studies carried out on the coffee plant diversity within the forest have shown that there are at least ten distinctive genetic varietals. Given that this is truly the home of coffee, it can therefore be assumed that the original species will be cohabiting within the forest. It is even rumored to contain the original strains of Panama’s famous Geisha coffee.

這個家族莊園位於卡法地區高地亞的斯亞貝巴西南約 470 公里處。 這種咖啡是野生和天然的,生長在海拔 1,750 至 1,850 米之間的約 2,000 公頃的土地上。這片土地的大約一半仍然是天然森林,咖啡在樹叢中生長。 據說埃塞俄比亞最後的森林獅子生活在卡法森林內。 對森林內咖啡植物多樣性進行的研究表明,至少有十個獨特的遺傳品種。 鑑於這確實是咖啡的故鄉,因此可以假設原始物種將在森林中同居。 甚至有傳言說它含有巴拿馬著名的藝妓咖啡的原始菌株。 Kaffa Forest Coffee 獲得雙重認證 - 雨林聯盟和有機認證,後者由德國 BCS OKO 認證。 這片咖啡林為 400 人提供了永久性就業機會,在收穫期間,這一數字將增加到 2 到 3000 人,具體取決於作物的大小。

Ethiopia Kaffa G1

Country:        Ethiopia  

Region:   Kaffa

Elevation:     1500-1750M  

Variety:          Wushwush

Process:             Washed Process      

Roasting Level:     Light roasted 

Tasting info.: Pink floral/ Citrus/ Red Tea/ Clean & silky mouthfeel 



Story of Coffee:


近年, Wushwush備受注目, 全因這支品種擁有獨特的風味特性。

此豆子來自Ethiopia一個位於卡法(稱呼為Keffa或Kaffa) 叫Wushwush的小鎮因而得名。後來有咖啡農將此品種傳入Colombia並成功的培植。不過來自兩個不同國度的wushwush風味都有很大變化。而這一支wushwush是利用傳統水洗方式處理,咖啡農將收集好的咖啡果實去皮去肉後,倒入用水槽裡經過12-16小時的濕發酵後再以流水洗淨並去除浮豆,完成後先放在遮蔭下乾燥一天,之後再移到Africa bed曝曬7-10天完成。


這支wushwush有著柔和而又平易近人的酸甜感,水洗方式讓豆子去除多餘雜味, 乾淨程度有如水洗Geisha般優雅, Please ENJOY!