
Finca Cuarta Ola Wush Wush
(CM Washed)

Country: Colombia

Farm: Finca Cuarta Ola

Elevation: 1950M

Variety: Wush Wush

Process: Carbonic Maceration Washed

Roasting Level: Light

Tasting info.: Yellow Flower Like aroma/ Tangerine/ Berries/ Lychee Tea Like

Story of Coffee:

Many coffee varieties you may know such as Geisha, Catuai, Typica and Castillo when drinking specialty coffee, but do you know Wush Wush? This beans named from small town which is come from Kaffa region in southern Ethiopia.

Wush Wush have a unique flavor profile, but the coffee farmers don’t want to plant just like Sudan Rume, so the coffee produce is low enough to be forgotten by the world.

But Somebody took Wush Wush back to Colombia afterwards, so we have another choice come from Colombia now!!

Medellin De Antuoquia是哥倫比亞最原始的咖啡產地之一, 此地區擁有火山地型的肥沃土壤, 加上降雨量高造就優良的生長條件。歐拉莊園是屬於較新的咖啡莊園, 他們倡導科學,創新咖啡文化,致力於咖啡轉型,通過與眾不同的收穫為咖啡種植提高價值。這支罕有的Wushwush品種採用了最新的Carbonic Maceration Washed處理, 讓咖啡的花果香氣和甜感平衡而口感醇厚而細緻。

Wush Wush有著獨特的風味特性, 但就跟Sudan Rume一樣, 咖啡農不願種植, 所以產量極低甚至被世人遺忘。後來有咖啡莊園把她帶到Colombia落地生根, 現在除了可以喝到來自Ethiopia的原生Wush Wush, 也有機會品嚐已移民到Colombia的wush wush喔!!

什麼是CM (Carbonic Maceration)?

Carbonic Maceration = 碳酸浸漬法, 在釀酒界廣為人知,由Sasa Sestic先生於 2015 年世界咖啡師錦標賽上用這種方法生產的咖啡而贏得冠軍而獲得更多人熟悉。
