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Meeting Information

General (2-3 per semester)

General meetings are face to face and usually occur 2-3 times a semester. Each meeting has a guest speaker or professional development presentation with activities and resources to use in your future classroom. Free basket prizes and book giveaways are drawn at every meeting. Come build your classroom library with SNEA!

PD Zoom (2-4 per semester)

To include more members – especially those who cannot travel long distances for meetings – SNEA invites speakers to engage with our members on ZOOM through professional development meetings with first year teachers, union leaders, principals, paraprofessionals, seasoned teachers, and more.

Members have the ability to participate in ZOOM meetings from the comfort of their own homes. All resources/notes are saved and shared. Zoom meetings are recorded and posted on our Youtube.

PD ZOOM Meetings are SNEA-hosted events. Webinars offered through other organizations and websites are categorized as Professional Development opportunities.