FEA Florida Education Association Delegate Assembly

Orlando Rosen Centre 10/17–19, 2019 |

Attendance: 12 SNEA Members (2 fully-funded rooms + day drive-ups) | 3 SNEA Voting Delegates

SNEA Members were invited to the incredible annual opportunity of voting in future business items (promoting the profession, protecting schools, funding changes) and networking with future teachers and other spiring educators from FAMU, FSU, Flagler, and UCF!

Princess Moss, the NEA Secretary–Treasurer spoke to delegate AND the AFT Present rallied our cause to FUND OUR FUTURE!

Delegates received Fund Our Future signs to place outsides their homes!

Karla S. Showing off her sign!

NEA Representative Assembly | Houston, Texas

Florida Aspiring Educator Representatives and FL Caucus Leadership Team: Jairus Williams FAMU & Kaitlyn Montcrieff UCF

Meeting the former advisor to President Obama.

Presidential Hopefuls Attend NEA’s Annual Meeting and Representative Assembly

Meeting Joe Biden at the Aspiring Educators Caucus.

Amy Klobuchar at the #StrongPublicSchools Presidential Forum.

Bill de Blasio at the #StrongPublicSchools Presidential Forum.

Kamala Harris at the #StrongPublicSchools Presidential Forum.

Sen. Bernie Sanders and NEA President Lily Eskelsen García during the #StrongPublicSchools Presidential Forum.

Beto O’Rourke at the #StrongPublicSchools Presidential Forum.

Julián Castro at the #StrongPublicSchools Presidential Forum.

Joe Biden and NEA President Lily Eskelsen García during the #StrongPublicSchools Presidential Forum.

Elizabeth Warren and NEA President Lily Eskelsen García during the #StrongPublicSchools Presidential Forum.

Jay Inslee at the #StrongPublicSchools Presidential Forum.

Tim Ryan during the #StrongPublicSchools Presidential Forum.

Officer Kaity Montcrieff featured on the news.

NEA RA Educators March to the Houston Detention Center in Protest

NEA Aspiring Educators Conference AEC, Houston

SNEA Attendance: Kyleigh Jackson (member) and Kaitlyn Montcrieff (officer) | SFEA State Attendance: FAMU, Flagler, UF, UCF

FEA Summer Academy Conference

June 9–14th, 2019

Student FEA Leadership Conference + Legacy Project

January 31 – February 2, 2020 | Tampa, Fl

Chapter Excellence Award. Outstanding Senior Awards. Legacy Project at a local Title I Middle School

Legacy Project – Title I School

The Principal's kids helped fill in part of the LGBTQ+ hand!

Scholastic Reading Summit 2019

July 19, 2019 | Free books & Sessions with Mr. Schu and Grace Lin