& Justice

Seeking equitable public schools

We Speak Up

For ourselves, our students, & those who have no voice.

We Speak Out

About inequality and unfair practices in our schools.

We Fight

To provide equitable opportunities to all students.

Political Action

Political Action includes both the realization that political and legislative issues impact the education world and the initiative to get involved. We celebrate issue awareness around vouchers, IDEA funding, and state-mandated new teacher rights. We share information with peers, family and community. We sponsor voter registrations, get-out-the-vote activities, contact elected officials, help elect pro-public education officials, and lobby our local, state and national legislators. By educating each other, organizing activities and publicizing our involvement, we are making an impact.

SNEA @ UCF Political Action:

  • SFEA Monthly Themes

  • Social media challenges | #MyStudentsDeserve

  • Attendance at education rallies and demonstrations

  • NEA Union work

  • Examining the laws and rights of students and teachers

  • Speaking up and speaking out – getting the message to FUND PUBLIC EDUCATION to every corner of the nation

FundOurFuture Central Florida Rally

February 15th, 2020 | Lake Eola Park

Fund Our Future Florida #RallyInTally

1/13/2020 #FundOurFutureFL #RedForEd #RallyInTally #4EveryStudent

SNEA members were given the incredible opportunity to design protest signs and join thousands of teachers in Tallahassee in support of funding public education.

Members who could not attend the rally wore #RedForEd to their internship placements and posted their support on social media.

Fund our Future Florida Bus Tour

Seminole County & A.C.E.

11/21/2019 & 11/22/2019

FEA, the Florida Education Association, has been traveling across the state since the FEA Delegate Assembly in October to promote education and visit school districts to hear their stories. They dropped by Seminole County and SNEA members met with the board and helped give free books to kids from A.C.E.!

Protest March to Houston, Texas Detention Center

July, 2019

Photo by DayLee Lathim

Photo by DayLee Lathim