Virtual Resources

The Student National Education Association of the University of Central Florida is here to help. Access resources in each category below and even add your own. COVID-19 has impacted all of us but we stand together in solidarity. Please do not hesitate to reach out to us.

This page hosts COVID-19 related resources and information. Click below to navigate other topics.

Free Virtual Professional Development

Leadership Ideas

Aspiring Educator Social Media – ADD YOURS!

YouTube Channels for Educators

Books & Paws

Webinars & Workshops

Aspiring Ed. PD Bingo!

Pipeline to Purpose Challenges

Book Recommendations

April NEA Engagement

The Big List of Children’s Authors Doing Online Read-Alouds & Activities

FREE Merge Cube

The Big List of Family Activities for Isolation

Calendar of Virtual Events Every Day!

Online Field Trips/Tours

Movie Links: Birds of Prey, Sonic, Charlie's Angels & More!

Virtual Game Night

YouTube Channels

Hundreds of E-Learning Resources

300+ Printouts, Lessons, Agendas, & Links

Homeschool Worksheets

Technology Tips

Google Slides & PP Templates

Google Classroom & Beyond

Instructions for Parents/Students

Coping With the Coronavirus Crisis

Discipline and Behavior

Dealing With Loss

Managing Anxiety

Autism and the Coronavirus

COVID 19 Kids PSA | Teddy Bear Kindergarten is Canceled!

Teaching & Learning during COVID-19



Coping With the Coronavirus Crisis

Supporting Kids Through the COVID-19 Crisis

Tips for nurturing and protecting children at home.

Supporting Teenagers and Young Adults During the Coronavirus Crisis

Tips for parents with older children at home.

Self-Care in the Time of Coronavirus

For parents, prioritizing your own well-being benefits your whole family.

Anxiety and Coping With the Coronavirus

Managing worry — your kids’ and your own.

How Mindfulness Can Help During COVID-19

Tips for calming anxiety during a difficult time.

Talking to Kids About the Coronavirus

Kids worry more when they’re kept in the dark. Here’s what to say.

Giving Kids With ADHD Support and Structure During the Coronavirus Crisis

Managing attention (yours and theirs) will help kids thrive.

Managing Anxiety

Anxious Stomach Aches and Headaches

Anxiety in children sometimes manifest physically. Here’s what to watch for.

How to Help Children Manage Fears

Tips for teaching children how to build resilience and learn to calm themselves down, even when things feel scary.

Tips for Calming Anxious Kids

Go-to techniques for coaxing anxiety-prone children out of their fears from a Mom who’s been there.

How to Avoid Passing Anxiety on to Your Kids

Help yourself, and them, by learning techniques to manage stress in a healthy way.

How Anxiety Leads to Disruptive Behavior

Kids who are acting out, melting down, or being defiant may actually be seriously anxious.

What to Do (and Not Do) When Children Are Anxious

How to respect their feelings without empowering their fears.

Panic Attacks and How to Treat Them

Knowing what to look for and how to help children calm down is key.

The Power of Mindfulness

How a meditation practice can help kids (and parents) feel less anxious and more relaxed.

Discipline and Behavior

Why Do Kids Have Problems With Transitions?

A look at why being asked to switch gears is a common trigger for whining and tantrums.

How Can We Help Kids With Transitions?

With the right support, children can learn to change gears without whining and tantrums.

Three Common Parenting Traps

And tips for avoiding them.

Why do Kids Have Tantrums and Meltdowns?

Understanding why they happen can help parents head problems off before they escalate.

How to Discipline Toddlers

Setting and enforcing consistent limits is key.

How To Make Time Outs Work

Tips for using them effectively.

When Siblings Won’t Stop Fighting

How parents can keep the peace and help kids learn to resolve conflicts.

Dealing With Loss

Helping Children Cope With Grief

Tips broken down into a range of ages and experiences, and information about what to say, who should say it, what to look out for and how to help.

How to Handle Holidays After a Death in the Family

Grief can make special days harder

What Is PTSD?

The disorder looks different in children as they develop

Treatment for PTSD

There are several evidence-based therapies for young people with PTSD

Autism and the Coronavirus

Resources for Families of Children on the Spectrum

From how to talk to kids with autism about the coronavirus to how to teach handwashing and develop schedules.