FEA Winter Leadership Conference

March 7th, 2020 | The last in-person conference prior to COVID-19 isolation.
NEA Leadership Summit – March 13–15th CANCELLED | Florida Representative: SNEA Officer Kaitlyn Montcrieff

The International Society for the Social Sciences Conference 2020

University of Central Florida | February 27–T28th, 2020 | The ISSS conference had featured speakers from across the United States as well as across the world including Turkey, Portugal, Canada, India, Malaysia, Australia, Thailand, South Korea, China, Nigeria, and a host of other countries.

Student FEA Leadership Conference 2020 + Teacher of Color Summit

January 31 – February 2, 2020 | Omni Championsgate

Chapter Excellence Award: Teacher Quality, Social Justice, Chapter Outreach, Website, and Social Media. Outstanding Sophomore: Hannah McCray | Outstanding Junior: Karla Sanabria | Public School Proud Award: Kaitlyn Montcrieff | TV Grand Prize Drawing: Kaitlyn Montcrieff

Legacy Project painting bathrooms at a Title I secondary school. We made the Principal so happy she cried!

Randi Weingarten & Paula

Paula thanks the President of AFT for supporting Puerto Rico during the relief efforts after the earthquakes.

NEA Minority/Women's Leadership Training

1/25/20 Hilton Orlando – "Racism and Education" "Leaders of Tomorrow."

UCF Sources Conference

January 18th, 2020 | University of Central Florida