Our Impact

Educators | Leaders | Students

Teacher Quality

Teacher Quality encompasses pre-professional development and job preparation. At local meetings and workshops, state conferences, and national symposiums, our members encounter professional development opportunities: guest speakers on classroom management, experts on testing and practitioners sharing tips on smoothly running science labs. Job preparation comes in the form of resume workshops, portfolio tutorials, mock interviews and new teacher panels. Student Program publications and websites share teacher quality information relevant to our members, including certification requirements and resources for working with special needs children. Student members and chapters partner with Local Associations to enhance in-the-classroom opportunities and secure “real world” insights into the education profession. Students shape their college curriculum by serving as change-agents on boards and committees. Our members’ involvement in the NEA Student Program increases their ability to become quality teachers.


  • NEA Webinars for Aspiring Educators
  • Online webinars for Teacher Tips & Strategies
  • Member Resource Drive
  • Guest speakers and PD Zoom meetings
  • Workshops and conferences for PD
  • KnightEd Talks | SNEA Event and Individual
  • UCF opportunities through SNEA
  • Leadership positions at regional/state/national levels

Community Outreach

Community Outreach describes how NEA Student Program members engage the people and environment around them; we impact our communities – locally and globally – and value the meaningfulness of such involvement. Our members learn about communicating with parents, experience partnering with local businesses, and find grant support through Chamber of Commerce consortiums. We design and implement projects as diverse as after-school tutoring programs, Harry Potter learning carnivals, and Senior Citizen dances. New teachers who are NEA Student Program Alumni are more successful in helping their students achieve because they know how reaching out to the community provides them access to material and human resources.


  • Volunteer in classrooms
  • Volunteer at school & district events
  • Tour prospective UCF Education students
  • Host the Scholastic Book Fair each semester
  • Read to children and hand out free books at Nemours Children's Hospital
  • Read for the Record UCF Literacy event & school events
  • Donations to local schools in need

Teachers, administrators, professors, and community leaders email us with new opportunities every month.

Advocacy & Justice

Political Action includes both the realization that political and legislative issues impact the education world and the initiative to get involved. We celebrate issue awareness around vouchers, IDEA funding, and state-mandated new teacher rights. We share information with peers, family and community. We sponsor voter registrations, get-out-the-vote activities, contact elected officials, help elect pro-public education officials, and lobby our local, state and national legislators. By educating each other, organizing activities and publicizing our involvement, we are making an impact.


  • SFEA Monthly Themes
  • Social media challenges | #MyStudentsDeserve
  • Attendance at education rallies and demonstrations
  • NEA Union work
  • Workshops on social justice in the classroom
  • Professional development sessions addressing inequality
  • Examining the laws and rights of students and teachers
  • Speaking up and speaking out – getting the message to FUND PUBLIC EDUCATION to every corner of the nation