Events & Activities

(Last update: 2024/6/28)

NEW ラボメンバー全員集合!(2024年6月28日)


Welcome to Shirouchi Lab!   The 3rd-grade students (two rookies, 5th cohort) are assigned to our lab. I hope your activities in our lab will be fulfilling. Shirouchi Lab has 9 members and we will do our best!   (๑•﹏•)いつやる?  ლ(ಠ_ಠ ლ)今でしょ!

(Update: BUSHI, 2024/6/30)



We finished our first animal experiment (Ms. Okumura's Master's thesis) in FY2024. Everyone did fantastic work and helped with the experiment. Thank you for your hard work. (*・ω・*)ゞ!! (Update: BUSHI, 2024/6/11)



A part of our research activities (Ms. Higuchi's master's thesis) has been accepted for publication✧٩(ˊωˋ*)و✧. we are glad that our efforts have taken shape (publication). We will continue to do our best to address the issues before us.

Higuchi M, Okumura M, Mitsuta S, Shirouchi B. Dietary cholest-4-en-3-one, a cholesterol metabolite of gut microbiota, alleviates hyperlipidemia, hepatic cholesterol accumulation, and hyperinsulinemia in obese, diabetic db/db mice. Metabolites, accepted on 31-May-2004  (Update: BUSHI, 2024/6/1)



I and two students in the master course (2nd cohort) attended the 78th Annual Meeting of Japan Society of Nutrition and Food Science in Fukuoka. We presented the results of our research and discussed them with other researchers. I hope this experience will make my student's research activities more active. During the meeting, I was able to meet with my mentors and junior and catch up.  (Update: BUSHI, 2024/5/27)

Lab BBQ (2024年5月某日)


The 4th-grade students (4th cohort) planned this event (Lab BBQ party).

We were blessed with good weather and got to know each other. (Update: BUSHI, 2024/5/18)

2024(令和6)年度がスタート (2024年4月5日)

2024年度がスタートしました。みんな進級(4年生と修士2年生)おめでとう!  充実の1年となりますように。

We have just started a new school year (FY2024). They became senior students. Congratulations! I hope this year will be wonderful for you. (Update: BUSHI, 2024/4/15)

研究室お菓子Party (2024年4月3日)

ラボメンバーに誕生日を祝って頂きました(⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄。素敵なプレゼントもありがとう。頑張って働きます!

Lab members gathered to celebrate my birthday (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄. Thank you for the wonderful present (an excellent chair for my desk work). (Update: BUSHI, 2024/4/15)


アオモジ(学名:Litsea cubeba)は桜よりも一足早く満開を迎えていました。黄色い小さな花が集まって咲く姿は綺麗です。今年度のアオモジ葉研究も良い方向に進むことを願うばかりです。

Aomoji (Litsea cubeba), reached full bloom a little earlier than the cherry blossoms. The appearance of small yellow flowers blooming in clusters is beautiful. I hope everything regarding the research on the leaves of Aomoji in FY2024 is going well. (Update: BUSHI, 2023/4/15)



Although it rained from March 23-26, it was sunny on March 27, 2024. We enjoyed an early cherry blossom viewing and picnic jointly with Tanaka Lab in Nagayo town. (Update: BUSHI, 2024/3/30)

2023(令和5)年度 卒業証書・学位記授与式&謝恩会(2024年3月19日):ラボ3期生が卒業!



The graduation ceremony in FY2023 was held at Nagasaki Brickhall. Ms. Ninomiya (a 4th-grade student) received the President’s Award from University of Nagasaki and the Chairman’s Award from The Japan Association of Dietitian Training Institution (Excellent ✧٩(ˊωˋ*)و✧). After the ceremony, a thank-you party was also held at the Royal Chester NAGASAKI hotel & retreat.

Through university life (4 years), you must have realized once again how difficult it is to keep going, and how you can definitely grow if you keep going. Hope you walk forward without forgetting these things. I wish you all the best in your life. Warmest congratulations on your graduation, again! (Update: BUSHI, 2024/3/30)



Lab members planned this event to encourage all members for their hard work in FY2023. We received a commemorative item (chopsticks) from 4th-grade students (3rd cohort). Thank you. (◍˃̶ᗜ˂̶◍)ノ” (Update: BUSHI, 2024/3/30)


ゲリラ的に決まった突然のバドミントン。皆のフットワークも軽く、開催に至りました。みんな夢中で、数時間も運動していました。普段、運動をしていない教員は 翌日から数日筋肉痛に見舞われました。


We got hooked and played badminton for several hours. I don't usually exercise, so my muscles were sore for a few days. The 4th-grade student (3rd cohort) donated rackets to our lab, so I hope to continue playing badminton with the members. (Update: BUSHI, 2024/3/15)

Today's Scientists



Young scientists (4th cohort: 3rd-grade students) are doing experiments for their thesis. Nearby, I am extracting carotenoid pigments from a microalgae. 

The day goes by so quickly. I'm glad that you seem to be having fun doing your experiment. (Update: BUSHI, 2024/3/15)





My master course students (M1, 2nd cohort) and 3rd-grade students (4th cohort) are doing experiments for their thesis. It's fulfilling when I can do something I couldn't do before. Hope you enjoy gaining experience every day. 

In research activities, it would be great if we found a difference (a result to support our hypothesis), but it is also important to know that there is no difference (a result).  I believe that each of these is a step that contributes to the development of science.

You are facing questions to which everyone doesn't even know the answers. Enjoy the journey to find the answer and/or get closer to the answer! (Update: BUSHI, 2024/2/9)


管理栄養士国家試験勉強中の4年生も手伝ってくれ、2024年最初の動物実験を無事に終えました。みんな手際が良くなっているので、私の方が律速でしたね。負けられない!   休日にみんな力を貸してくれて、ありがとう。お疲れ様でした(*・ω・*)ゞ!!

With the help of 4th-grade students (3rd cohort) studying the national exam for registered dietitians, we completed our first animal experiment in 2024. Everyone was getting better at it, I felt like my work speed was slow.  Seeing them, also inspired me to do my best. Thank you for your hard work on Saturday. (*・ω・*)ゞ!! (Update: BUSHI, 2024/2/6)


卒論を終えた4年生を労いたいということで、新年会も兼ねて、ラボ3年生が企画してくれました。楽しい時間をありがとう!   残念ながら全員が揃えなかったので、4年生の卒業までにもう一度機会が作れたら良いなぁ(◍˃̶ᗜ˂̶◍)ノ”

The 3rd-grade students (4th cohort) planned this event to encourage/reward the 4th-grade students (3rd cohort) who have finished their thesis. I enjoyed spending time with you. Thank you. Unfortunately, all lab members could not gather together at this time. I look forward to the next opportunity before the graduation of the 4th-grade students. (◍˃̶ᗜ˂̶◍)ノ” (Update: BUSHI, 2024/1/9)



I gave a presentation as a symposiast at the 9th Egg Symposium. The content was introduced by the Keimei Shimbun (November 15th, 2023 issue). If you are interested in the content of my presentation, please take a look at the electronic version of the Keimei Shimbun, which can be read free of charge for 1 month.  (Update: BUSHI, 2023/12/31)

NEW 細胞培養実験の環境をセットアップ中

着任して丸4年目。2024年4月からは5年目がスタートします。細胞培養実験ができる環境をセットアップすることを決意し、今年(2023年)から着手してきました!  限られた空間ですが、形になってきました(自己満足(◍˃̶ᗜ˂̶◍)ノ”)。

In April 2024, it will have been 4 years since I became a principal investigator.  I decided to set up an environment where we can do cell culture experiments, and I have started work this year. Although it is difficult to set up in the limited space of our lab, things are looking good (self-satisfied).  (◍˃̶ᗜ˂̶◍)ノ”  (Update: BUSHI, 2023/12/30)

2023(令和5)年度 卒業論文発表会 (2023年12月14-15日):ラボ3期生が発表!

ラボ3期生2名が卒業論文発表会に臨みました。自身のデータにしっかりと向き合い、データを解釈し、しっかりと発表準備をしてくれました。君たちの頑張りは後輩たちの良い手本になっていることと思うよ。お疲れ様でした(*^ー゚)b グッジョブ!!

Four students (3rd cohort) in our lab presented their thesis. You all were faced with your experimental data, interpreted them accurately, and prepared well for the presentation. You all gave your best performance, so I'm happy with this series of processes. Your attitude/effort toward the research activities sets an excellent example for the next generation (4th cohort). 

Well done(*^ー゚)b グッジョブ!!  (Update: BUSHI, 2023/12/30)



The 4th-grade students (3rd cohort) have finished their thesis and then submitted it. They are preparing for their presentation on December 14th–15th. You may feel mentally exhausted from the stress of the presentation. I'll send you the following words: "One day, in retrospect, the years of struggle will strike you as the most beautiful (Sigmund Freud)". 

 Hope you are in good health for the presentation. (◍˃̶ᗜ˂̶◍)ノ” (Update: BUSHI, 2023/12/11)



All animal experiments including the 3rd-grade student's bachelor thesis research scheduled for this year have been completed. In the clear autumn weather, we cleaned up the equipment. We would like to prepare not only our research environment but also ourselves mentally for next year. (◍˃̶ᗜ˂̶◍)ノ” (Update: BUSHI, 2023/12/5)


長崎南高等学校スーパーサイエンススクール(SSH)事業の一環で研究紹介を行いました。真剣に聞いて下さった生徒さん、ありがとう。本学へのご入学をお待ちしています ლ(´∀`ლ)カモーン

I introduced our research activity as part of the Nagasaki Minami High School's Super Science School (SSH) project. Thank you to the students who listened carefully. We look forward to your admission to our university. ლ(´∀`ლ)カモーン (Update: BUSHI, 2023/10/29)


7-9月は実験・学外実習等もあり、なかなか忙しかったですね。ついに"3年生の歓迎会"を開くことができました。3年生の皆さん、改めまして、ようこそ城内ラボへ ლ(´∀`ლ)カモーン

From July to September 2023, everyone was busy with lectures, student experiments, and off-campus training. We were finally able to hold a "welcome party for the 3rd-grade students (4th cohort)". Once again, welcome to Shirouchi Lab!  ლ(´∀`ლ)カモーン (Update: BUSHI, 2023/10/29)

2023年度日本栄養・食糧学会九州・沖縄支部大会および日本家政学会九州支部第67回大会 合同大会(@大分県)に参加!(2023年10月14-15日)


I and three students in the master course (2nd cohort) attended the 2023 branch meeting of the Japan Society of Nutrition and Food Science, Kyushu-Okinawa section at Oita Pref. Oral presentations are different from poster presentations. I’m sure you all were nervous, but I was not worried about you all. You did it! Well done.

You learned something from other people’s presentations. You can do it. “Strike while the iron is hot.” (Update: BUSHI, 2023/10/29)


2日連続(土日)の実験をみんな頑張りました。先輩たち(修士1年・4年)の手際が良くなっていることを感じるとともに、3年生の上達ぶりに感激しています。(*n’∀’)n バンザーイ

All lab members got together and did an animal experiment for 2 consecutive days. I feel that the master course (2nd cohort) and 4th-grade students (3rd cohort) are improving their experimental skills. I'm also happy the 3rd-grade students (4th cohort) quickly understand what they are supposed to do in the experiment and then do it accurately. (*n’∀’)n バンザーイ(Update: BUSHI, 2023/10/13)



The 3rd-grade students made lunch boxes during "Food Service Management Training". I bought two lunch boxes. Thank you for the delicious meal.  (◍˃̶ᗜ˂̶◍)ノ” (Update: BUSHI, 2023/10/6)



Welcome to Shirouchi Lab!   The 3rd-grade students (three rookies, 4th cohort) are assigned to our lab. We will do our best with these members!  ✧*。٩(ˊωˋ*)و✧*。 (Update: BUSHI, 2023/6/30)



Fatty acids are important constituents of our body, and their molecular species have different biological, structural, and functional roles. The structure of lipids to which fatty acids bond is also important for exerting the functions of fatty acids. We have finally adjusted the system to evaluate (measure) fatty acids in each lipid fraction by GC and GC-MS. (Update: BUSHI, 2023/5/31)


せっかく北海道(札幌)まで来たので、地元のグルメを楽しみました!  また、小樽まで足を伸ばし、プチ観光(小樽運河、堺町通り商店街:大正硝子館&小樽オルゴール堂)しました。

Since we came to Hokkaido, we enjoyed local foods such as Genghis Khan (grilled lamb), Ebisoba (ramen with soup stock made from shrimp), Curry soup, Sushi, and so on. 

We also went to Otaru and looked around several places (Otaru Canal, Otaru Sakaimachi shopping street; Kitaichi Glass, and Otaru Music Box Museum)  (Update: BUSHI, 2023/5/21)


札幌コンベンションセンターにて大会が開催され、城内、修士1年生3名(奥村さん、樋口さん、光田さん)が参加しました。修士の3名は全国大会デビューを果たしました! 自身の研究に対する他者の関心・反応を体感して、多くの刺激を受けた様子(この経験を活かして行ってほしい)。留まってなんか居られないよね、ガンガン行こう!

I and three students in the master course (2nd cohort) attended the 77th Annual Meeting of Japan Society of Nutrition and Food Science in Sapporo. We enjoyed face-to-face communication (discussion and information exchange). Through the presentation, my students seem to have been inspired by many suggestions from other researchers. 

Hope you make full use of your experience at the conference in your research work!   We know (feel), and can’t stay in the same place forever. Let's get a move on! (Update: BUSHI, 2023/5/15)

「1年生懇親会」および「学科交流イベント:キャンパス内で逃走中〜学習からは逃しません〜」を実施 (2023年4月15日)

(感染症対策に配慮しながら)新入生同士や先輩後輩との交流を目的に、久しぶりに学科交流イベントが開催されました!   非常に盛り上がり、素敵な思い出が1つ出来ました。企画にご尽力頂いた先生方、実行委員の学生さん、そして参加してくれた学生さん、ありがとうございました。

While taking measures against COVID-19, a department meet-up with the aim of interaction among freshmen and between students in different grades was held for the first time in a long time. Thank you for giving me this wonderful memory. Finally, thank you to all the teachers who worked hard to plan, and many students who participated. (Update: BUSHI, 2023/4/20)

2023(令和5)年度がスタート研究室ランチ会 (2023年4月6日)


Lab members got together and enjoyed a pasta lunch. The members celebrated my birthday. Thank you for the wonderful present. (Update: BUSHI, 2023/4/20)

研究室合同花見 (2023年3月31日)


We held a cherry blossom viewing party jointly with Shibasaki Lab and Tanaka Lab in the park near our campus. We enjoyed it and lunch. Unfortunately, all the lab members did not get together, so we are planning to have lunch soon. (Update: BUSHI, 2023/4/2)

2022(令和4)年度 卒業証書・学位記授与式&謝恩会 (2023年3月20日):ラボ2期生が卒業!

今年度の卒業証書・学位記授与式は長崎ブリックホールにて行われました!  長崎ブリックホールを訪れるのは学会参加以来なので、14年ぶりでした (^^;)   式典の後、THE VILLAS NAGASAKI(長崎サンセットマリーナ)にて謝恩会も開催され、素敵な時間を過ごしました。


The graduation ceremony this school year was held at Nagasaki Brickhall. I have never been here (Nagasaki Brickhall) for the past 14 years. After the ceremony, a thank-you party was also held at the VILLAS NAGASAKI.

I can't wait to see what your future holds for you. Please remember as follows: "There's no limit to what you can do if you keep believing in yourself and doing your best". Wherever it is, my prayers go with you. Warmest congratulations on your graduation, again! (Update: BUSHI, 2023/3/22)

4年生お疲れ様会&送別会 (2023年3月13日)


The 3rd-grade students (3rd cohort) planned this event to encourage/reward the 4th-grade students (2nd cohort) who have finished their thesis and the national exam for Registered Dietitians. I enjoyed spending time with you. Thank you.  (Update: BUSHI, 2023/3/22)

長与町を散策 (2023年3月10-11日)

九州北西部(とくに長崎県や佐賀県)に自生する樹木、アオモジ(学名:Litsea cubeba)の葉を研究対象に、共同研究を展開しています。アオモジが長与町にも自生していること、今が小さな黄色い花を咲かせている頃なので見つけるのも容易であることを共同研究先が教えてくれ、散策に出かけました o(ˊ▽ˋ*)oテクテク


We are investigating joint research on the leaves of Aomoji (Litsea cubeba), a tree that grows naturally in the north-western part of Kyushu (especially, Nagasaki and Saga prefectures). Our joint research members informed me that Aomoji grows wild in Nagayo-cho and that they are easy for us to find because they are now blooming tiny yellow flowers. I went for a walk in Nagayo-cho.

In Nagayo-cho, although Aomoji does not grow in colonies, I could find them. Tiny, yellow flowers smell like lemongrass. Once I could identify them, they became easier to find for me. Aomoji tells me the arrival of spring earlier than cherry blossoms. (Update: BUSHI, 2023/3/12)

寒波襲来 (2023年1月24-25日)




After the meeting, it was snowing. Our university is on a hill, so I thought driving on the icy road would be dangerous. I decided to walk to the nearest station and then take the JR train. As I expected, many cars got stuck on the road (><;)

The snow was still the next day, so I took the JR train to the station and then walked to work. It's good to commute without a car once in a while. I feel like something new. (Update: BUSHI, 2023/2/28)

2023年(令和5年)スタート! (2023年1月6日)

いろんな人の助けがあって、本厄の2022年を何とか乗り越えることができました 。有難うございました。

厄年って英語で何と言うのか調べると「unlucky year」、「evil year」や「calamity」などの言い方がありました。厄年は単に不幸というのではなく、大きな転換期とする考え方があるようです。ということで転換の時期と捉え、2023年は、よりアクティブに、エレガントに、ラボ運営に臨みたいと思っております。関係の皆様、2023年もどうぞ宜しくお願いいたしますm(_ _)m

Thanks to you all. I was able to overcome my calamity (2022). It seems that the calamity (unlucky year) is also considered a big turning point. Therefore, I would like to manage my lab more actively and elegantly this year (2023). 

May the New Year bring only good things to all of you. (Update: BUSHI, 2023/1/6)

2022年の動物実験が終了し、ラボメンバーでお疲れ様会 (2022年12月26日)

今年ラストの動物実験(解剖)をラボメンバーでやりきりました! その夜、田中一成教授を交えてお疲れ様会を開催。楽しい時間を過ごしました。みんなハードワーク、お疲れ様でした(> <)/    

All lab members have completed the last animal experiment of this year. And then, we had a get-together with Prof. Kazunari TANAKA. We had a great time. Thank you for a fun time. (> <)/ 

Enjoy the rest of your year. (Update: BUSHI, 2022/12/29)

ぷち?ラボ忘年会 (2022年12月某日)


All lab members had a get-together. We enjoyed talking with each other. I'm really glad that the friendship between the members is deepening. (Update: BUSHI, 2023/1/6)

2022(令和4)年度 卒業論文発表会 (2022年12月14-15日):ラボ2期生が発表!


Four students (2nd cohort) in our lab presented their thesis. You all were faced with your experimental data, interpreted them accurately, and prepared well for the presentation. You all gave your best performance, so I'm happy with this series of processes.

Well done!   (Update: BUSHI, 2022/12/15)



Miss HIGUCHI (4th-grade student) won the presentation award at the combined annual meeting of the Japanese Society for Food Science and Technology (Nishinihon branch) and the Japan Society of Nutrition and Food Science (Kyushu-Okinawa branch) in Kagoshima.

Congratulations!   (*n’∀’)n バンザーイ   (Update: BUSHI, 2022/12/15)



I and the 4th-grade student attended the combined annual meeting of the Japanese Society for Food Science and Technology (Nishinihon branch) and the Japan Society of Nutrition and Food Science (Kyushu-Okinawa branch) in Kagoshima. Miss HIGUCHI started her career as a scientist. And, we met Mr. Takamori SAIGO. (Update: BUSHI, 2022/12/15)



I took Nishi Kyushu Shinkansen "Kamome" for the first time and then attended the 32nd Professional Foodservice, Industry & Creation in Western Japan at Fukuoka. I gave a lecture. (Update: BUSHI, 2022/12/15)


柴崎研究室と合同でハロウィンパーティーを開催!   お菓子やジュースを囲んで、親睦深めました。

We held a Halloween party jointly with Shibasaki Lab. Nice costume, Prof. Shibasaki! We enjoyed talking with juice, sweets, and snacks. Trick or treat! (Come again next year!)

(Update: BUSHI, 2023/1/21)



They (4th-grade students, 2nd cohort) are wrapping up their bachelor's thesis.     When the 3rd-grade students (3rd cohort) gather, it's quite lively!     I want to organize our lab more and then secure space for lab members.   :-D  (Update: BUSHI, 2022/10/23)



Welcome to Shirouchi Lab!   The 3rd-grade students (two rookies, 3rd cohort) are assigned to our lab. SHIROUCHI Lab members finally got together. We will do our best with these members!   :^)  (Update: BUSHI, 2022/8/21)


着任して3年目。研究室の壁紙が破れている状況は流石に改善したいと思い、壁紙貼りを決意。合わせて機器のレイアウトを見直しました(^^)/    素人の仕上がりに限界はありますが、自己満足。

I tried to put up wallpaper in the lab. And, I rearranged the lab-equipment layout. It's an amateur job, but I'm satisfied with myself.     (Update: BUSHI, 2022/8/21)


4年生3名(奥村さん、樋口さん、光田さん)が本学大学院修士課程に合格しました。おめでとうございます (^ ^)/   お互いに切磋琢磨して、自身の力を高めて、夢を掴んでほしいものです。君たちがラボを牽引してくれることを期待しています。

My students (3 students in a 2nd cohort) passed the master's degree program at our Univ. Congratulations! I want you to improve ourselves through friendly rivalry. And, let's revitalize our lab together!  (Update: BUSHI, 2022/7/8)


久しぶりに対面形式で学会が開催され、城内と樋口さんが参加しました。ディスカッションや情報交換は対面が良いなぁと改めて思いました。同世代の学生が発表する姿を見て、樋口さんも刺激を受けた様子。頑張ってほしいものです。滞在期間中、地元のグルメも忘れずに楽しみました (^ ^)/

I and Miss Higuchi attended the 76th Annual Meeting of Japan Society of Nutrition and Food Science in Kobe. The online system (Zoom, Google Meet, etc.) is very convenient, but I prefer face-to-face communication (discussion and information exchanges). Miss Higuchi seems to have been inspired by other researchers. Hope you make full use of your experience in your research work!  Don't forget to enjoy the local food, Akashiyaki. (Update: BUSHI, 2022/6/13)

就職内定お祝いの会 & 大学院入試決起会 

忽那さん、就職内定おめでとう! 明るいニュースですね。大学院進学希望メンバー(奥村さん、樋口さん、光田さん)も先取り授業を頑張っています。たまには息抜きが必要ですね(> <)/

Miss Kutsuna got a job offer. Wonderful news, congratulations!

Miss Okumura, Miss Higuchi, and Miss Mitsuta plan to go to graduate school at our Univ. They already attend many graduate lectures. I hope the time spent will lead to their success.

Sometimes, we need to have a break, hehe. (Update: BUSHI, 2022/6/3)

学生実験の準備 >>> 卒業研究の準備

ヘロヘロの教員を4年生が手伝ってくれました 。 お礼は恒例の「ピザ」で。昼食後も引き続き学生実験の準備、そして卒業研究の準備。1日お疲れ様でした m(_ _)m

Students in my lab helped me prepare samples for experiments in basic knowledge of Nutrition (for 2nd-grade students).

At lunchtime, we enjoyed a pizza party. (> <)/

After that, a student prepared experimental diets for an animal experiment (her bachelor's thesis). Other students continued to help me prepare the samples.

Thank you for your hard work all day. (Update: BUSHI, 2022/5/14)



We have just started a new school year.

They became senior students. Congratulations!

Hope this will be a wonderful year for you. (Update: BUSHI, 2022/4/5)



We enjoyed the fully bloomed cherry blossoms and lunch in the park near our campus.

(Update: BUSHI, 2022/4/4)

2021(令和3)年度 学位記授与式 (2022322日)ラボ1期生が卒業!

卒業、そして管理栄養士国家試験の合格おめでとう! 皆さんの活躍を期待しています。

Congratulations on getting into your new life!

Best wishes for your future. (Update: BUSHI, 2022/9/8)

2021(令和3)年度 卒業論文発表会 (2021年12月15-16日):ラボ1期生が発表


Three students (1st cohort) in our lab presented their thesis.

It's difficult to tell others what you have done. I think this opportunity will be the sustenance of your life!

Well done! (Update: BUSHI, 2022/9/8)

研究室合同BBQ (2021/10月某日):ラボ1期生・2期生参加



We held a BBQ jointly with Shibasaki Lab.

We were blessed with good weather and got to know each other.     :-D

(Update: BUSHI, 2022/9/8)

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