
Effective study skills are essential to attainment. Whether your learners are choosing their options, approaching their GCSE's or preparing for final assessments and exams, understanding and implementing these techniques can make a substantial difference to outcomes. Shaping Futures can deliver accompanying PowerPoints which cover Study Skills, Revision and Exam Techniques and Time Management. Contact your HEPA or use our booking form if you would like us to deliver these in your school.

Getting Started

These practical resources will help learners to understand their own strengths and develop skills in areas that they are less strong.

Study Skills.pdf

Study Skills

There are many skills involved in studying including note taking, revision and essay writing. Ask your learners to complete the 'Study Skills Audit' to find out which areas they need to focus on. The booklets, guides and videos on this page will help them to learn and develop their skills.

Study Skills Audit.pdf

Study Skills Audit

This skills audit is a great place for learners to start. They will self-assess their current ability which will help to identify areas of strength and weakness.

Becoming Productive

By watching this video learners will be able to identify ways to become more productive, avoiding procrastination.

Study Skills Development

The following resources provide learners with an understanding of key study skills with opportunities to practice and develop them through interactive activities.

Study Skills Critical.pdf

Critical Reading

This tutorial will allow students to develop an essential HE skill.

Study Skills Essay.pdf

Essay Writing Skills

Covering how to structure an essay and identifying key words in an exam question.

Study Skills Notes.pdf

Note Taking Skills

This skill is essential for revision and independent learning.

Study Skills Revision.pdf

Revision Techniques

Covering popular and effective learning techniques.

Study Skills Online.pdf

Online Learning

Top tips for keeping motivated and staying engaged.

Public Speaking

Public speaking is a key skill which is required in school, higher education and the work place. It's also a skill set which develops our confidence and ability to stand out from the crowd.

Study Skills Presentation.pdf

Presentation Skills

This tutorial will help learners to become confident presenters.

Study Skills Presentation

In this video, hosted by Uni Taster Days, our HEPA Shannen provides and overview of study skills.

The video covers how to prepare our mindset for studying, how to recognise our unique learning styles, and techniques which can help us to study.

If you would like us to deliver a similar presentation to your class, please get in touch with your HEPA.

Next Steps

Once learners have established areas they need to develop they can use this 'Skills Builder' to further enhance their abilities. This covers areas linked with Study Skills, such as listening, problem solving and aiming high.

It also offers support with skills essential beyond school. These are skills that will help young people throughout their lives, in higher education and the workplace. Examples include team work and creativity.