Skills to Succeed

Covering specific revision and exam techniques as well as wider skills needed at GCSE and beyond. Information is provided to help students understand both the importance of attainment at GCSE and the progression of study skills through education as learning becomes more autonomous.

Focusing on mental health and personal wellbeing. This section provides resources to support students in improving their confidence as well as providing signposting to relevant mental health support.

A range of resources designed to help students understand and audit their skills, strengths, subjects and personal qualities. Students will be helped to identify opportunities in skills building and understand how this may change over time. Skills focused on include oratory skills to support presentations and written skills to help students communicate professionally in applications.

This section promotes a basic understanding of topics such as voting and human rights. Students will understand the importance of interacting with, and considering the perspectives of, a wide range of people in the context of Global Citizenship and how this applies to HE.