
The 8th of April. Classwork

Emergency services

1.Ознакомься с новой лексикой в учебнике на стр.WL18

2.Вставь пропущенные слова, выполни упражнение в тетради.

Insert the right word: volunteers, responds, emergency, risk, service, hold on

1.People who work without being paid are called ….

2.An operator …. the call in the rescue centre.

3.You should dial 999 in ….. cases

4.When you make a false call, you….. the lives of other people who need help at the moment.

5.Which….. do you require?

6.Please, ….. the line.

3.Прочитай и переведи текст упр.1 стр.108

4. Ответь на вопросы

What emergency services do you have in your country?

What number do you dial for them?

What should you never do?

5. Прослушай диалог (приложение 1) , выбери правильный ответ, выполни задание письменно в тетради.

1.The man is calling the: a) ambulance b) police c) coastguard .

2.The operator connects the man with: a) mountain rescue

b) ambulance service c) cave rescue .

3.The man has called to report that: a) a car has knocked a child

b) a car has knocked a woman c) a car has knocked a man .

4. a) a man b)a girl c) a boy is hurt.

5.The operator tells the man not to:

a) touch b) to move c) to help the man.

Домашнее задание: прочитай диалог упр.4 стр.109. Напиши свой диалог по образцу по следующей ситуации

You see a car being stolen on Grange Road, Brighton. Call the emergency service and ask for the police. Report the emergency.

Отправь на почту выполненные задания классной работы (упр.2,5 ) и домашнюю работу, указав фамилию, имя класс

Приложение 1

03 - Unit 7b. Ex. 4, p. 109.mp3