
The 29th of May


Задание 1. Установите соответствие между текстами A–E и заголовками 1–6. В задании один заголовок лишний.

1. Food 2. Travelling 3. Geography 4. Celebrations 5.Animal facts 6.Weather

A. Russia consists of several continental zones. For example, in the north winters are long and harsh, in some places there is lots of snow fall and temperatures fall below –40 degrees Celsius. These winters are normal, not only in the northern regions of the country but even in the Far East. Summers in these areas don’t even see three warm months out of the year.

B. Choose the incredible New Year tours to cold Lapland, which are the perfect combination of comfort and adventure. They are ideal for those who may be new to husky sledding or winter holidays. You will enjoy the beauty of Lapland as you drive your own dog sled team through landscapes including huge mountains, mysterious forests, deserted tundra and frozen lakes.

C. You may not know this, but Finland has a very interesting diversity of local dishes. Fish and meat are important ingredients in some areas, and oats, berries, and milk are common in other regions. An iconic Finnish dish visitors should try, especially in the summer, is “grillimakkara”, which are large grilled sausages eaten with mustard. They are delicious.

D. The New Year is one of the most important holidays on the Russian calendar. New Year in Russia is a time for being together with family and friends, for gift giving, decorating the New Year tree, and watching and setting off fireworks. Midnight is, by tradition, marked by listening to the Russian Federation President’s greeting and Kremlin bells chime

E. The Siberian Husky is a beautiful dog with a thick coat that comes in a multitude of colours and markings. Their blue or multi-coloured eyes add to the appeal of this breed, which originated in Siberia. It is easy to see why many people are enchanted by the Husky, but be aware that this athletic, intelligent dog can be independent and challenging for first-time dog owners.

Задание 2. Преобразуйте, выделенное слово так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало содержанию текста.

  1. George Enesco, the world-famous violinist, had a friend who wanted his son to become a musician. Enesco agreed to give lessons although the boy ________play a simple tune. NOT CAN

  2. The Great Wall ______ by several Chinese dynasties in order to protect the Chinese Empire from different aggressors. BUILD

  3. They __________________ wild turkey as one of the main dishes two centuries ago. COOK

  4. The game _________ so popular because it explained laws of economics to common people in a simple way. BECOME

  5. Since then, scientists ______ the crater for many years, but there are still many secrets and mysteries hiding inside it. EXPLORE

  6. Now it is even __________________, with trains some of which have private bathrooms and showers. GOOD

Задание 3 Вставьте пропущенные слова в текст. Два слова лишнее.

beautiful, became, began, comes, famous, keeps, museums, photos

If you are travelling to St. Petersburg, a visit you can’t miss is to Peterhof. Peterhof is about 30 km from St. Petersburg, and is located next to the Gulf of Finland. This small town was created by order of Peter the Great and is 1 ______ all over the world. It is popular for palaces and gardens that were the residence of the czars until the Revolution of 1917.

In 1918 the Peterhof complex was transformed into a series of 2 ______. During World War II it was occupied and destroyed by German troops. After World War II it 3 ______ its restoration, which still continues.

The gardens of Peterhof are 4 ______ with many fountains and man-made canals. The water there 5 ______ from natural springs. Samson’s fountain is one of the best known in Peterhof. Visitors always take 6 ______ of it.

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