
The 19th of May


Прочитайте данные тексты и выполните задания

I. True or false

1.Kate users her computer for studing and entertainment.

2. Kate's sister prefers to communicate with friend on computer.

3.Kate's sister thinks it's not clever to believe all facts stored in the Internet

4.John doesn't like his car but he needs it

5. John's wife most probably goes to work by bus than by car.

6.John's wife spends less time to get to her work when she walks than when she goes by car.

7.Ann can't live without her phone.

8. Ann's mother thinks that mobiles can cause health problems.

9. Ann agrees with her mum.

II. Выпишите из текста аргументы за и против использования компьютера, машины и телефона

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