
The 21st of May


I. Повторите слова по теме медицина. Подберите глагол к данным словосочетаниям: wash, take, put, have , drink

----------------- drops in the ears

------------------a hot cup of tea

------------------- with cold water

------------------plenty of fluids

------------------a painkiller

II. Выберите и запишите предложения, что нужно делать, чтобы оставаться здоровым

Do sports regularly

Wear light clothes in bad weather

Walk in the open air a lot

Sleep less than 8 hours at night

Use a computer much

Eat vegetables and fruit

III. Подберите подходящие слова , чтобы закончить предложения

Backache, Cold, Earache, Headache, Sore throat, Stomach ache, Fever

1.Eating too much food might give you a.........

2. Working for hours on the computer might give you a.......

3. Getting water trapped in your ear might give you an........

4. Picking up heavy boxes might give you a........

5. Spending time in a room with a person sneezing and coughing might give you a.......

6. Normal human body temperature is 37 ̊C, if it is 38 ̊C you might have a........

7. Usually if you have a cold, you might have a......... too.

IV .Прослушайте диалог . Соотнесите людей и проблему

1 Mary a earache

2 Mike b fever

3 Jenny c sore throat

4 Lucy d sore eyes

5 Lucy’s dad e toothache

p. 61, ex. 2.mp3

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