Урок 18.10.2021

The 18th of October


1 Ознакомьтесь с новой лексикой :

Determined - решительный

curious- любопытный

daring- отважный



imaginative-одаренный воображением

artistic - артистичный

sociable - общительный

2. Выполните упражнение в тетради . Вставьте подходящие слова из задания 1 на место пропусков

1.Don’t be so ....................! If he wants to tell you what

happened, he will.

2.My sister is very .................... . When she wants something she does everything she can to achieve it.

3.Be ....................! We’ll be out of here in a minute.

4.Michael goes skateboarding in winter and windsurfing in summer. He is very ................

5.We did something .................... last weekend. We went bungee jumping!

3. Посмотрите видеоурок по теме "Относительные местоимения и наречия" или ознакомьтесь с материалом на стр.GR 2-3. Выпишите местоимения и наречия в тетрадь с переводом.

Spotlight 7. Module 3a. Relative pronouns and adverbs.mp4

4. Выполните в тетради упр.5 стр.26.


Выполните упражнение в тетради. Предложения переписывайте полностью. Заполните пропуски, используя относительные местоимения и наречия: who, why, whose, where, when.

1 I am talking about the girl......has got long brown hair.

2 This is the skate-park .............. people come to skateboard.

3 He tried to explain .............. he did such a thing.

4 The girl .............. hair is curly is my elder sister.

5 2001 was the year .............. we played in the chess tournament

Ответьте на вопросы по тексту

Текст 1

  1. Where is the girl from?

  2. What is her hobby?

  3. When did she learn to paint?

  4. What does she pay attention to?

  5. How much did she earn for her paintings?

Текст 2

1.Where did Raynece study in 2001?

2.Who helped Raynece to do the project?

3.What project did she do?

4.Who tried out the game?

5.Did people like the game?

Текст 3

  1. Where does Esteban live ?

  2. When did he begin to design clothes?

  3. What is Esteban doing now?

  4. Why did he go to New York?

  5. Does he want to be successful?

Текст 4

1.When did Austin take part in competition for the first time?

2. What does he love?

3.Has he already made a good career?

4.Where is Austin from?

5. How did he manage to win so many awards?

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