Урок 13.11.2020

The 13th of November


8б -онлайн урок

начало: 13.25

Идентификатор конференции: 739 8209 8542

Код доступа: 4JpdJ7

I. Знаете ли вы историю воздушного шара?

Прочитайте текст на стр.42 и ответьте на вопросы:

1.What did Joseph want to be?

2.What craft did he want to create?

3.What has the power to lift things?

4.When was the first hot-air balloon presented?

5.Did the brothers go up in the balloon themselves?

II. Соотнесите слова, выделенные в тексте , со словами из упр.3 стр.43. Выполните упр.письменно , переведите.

III. Ознакомление с новой лексикой.

Fields of science (отрасли науки) делятся на три группы:

natural science-естественные науки

social science- социальные науки

applied science- прикладные науки.

Сгруппируйте данные слова в три столбика, запишите в тетрадь с переводом (см.упр.5 стр.43)

(Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Earth Science, Geography, Ecology, Astronomy, Psychology, Education, History, Politics, Sociology, Economics, Computer Science, Engineering, Management, Health Science)

Natural science Social science Applied science

IV. Fill in the correct word

1) His favourite subject is ....... He likes to study stars and planets.

2) Her favourite subject is ......... She likes to study events of the past.

3) Jane’s favourite subject is ....... She likes to study people’s behaviour.

4) Mike’s favourite subject is . ......He likes to study the computers.

5) His favourite subject is . ......He likes to study the human body.


Выполните упражнения в тетради.

  1. Напишите, какой предмет изучают эти люди ( используй упр.5 стр.43)

He studies ....... because he’s interested in human body’s functions.

He studies ....... because he likes to solve the environmental problems.

She studies ........ because she is interested in past events.

He studies ........ because he wants to know everything about the climate on Earth.

Michael studies ............... because he is interested in the structure of substances.

  1. Соотнесите слова:

a) safe and sound 1 Look for the information about something

b) research 2 tests

c) experiments 3 learn something

d) study 4 not damaged/in good condition

e) society 5 a lot of people together

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