
The28 th of April


Сегодня мы буде повторять изученный материал по модулю 9

1. Соотнесите товар и магазин. Match the items and the shops where we can buy them

1 jeweller’s а) bracelet

2 electronics shop b) first aid kit

3 chemist’s c) hooded sweater

4 optician’s d) diary

5 clothes shop e) camera

6 stationery shop f) glasses

2. Отметьте неверные утверждения. Choose the false statements. Ответ запишите цифрами.

1. I’ve bought a diary at the chemist’s.

2.I’ve bought a rugby ball at the sports shop.

3.I have bought a camera at the electronics shop.

4.I’ve bought a first aid kit at the jewellery’s.

5.I’ve bought sunglasses at the optician’s.

6. I’ve bought a hooded sweater at the chemist’s.

3. Определите время в предложении. Запишите цифру и название времени по - английски

1.The cashier didn’t work yesterday.

2.She has just found her list of items.

3.Has Mark been shopping for the whole day?

4. The boys have bought tennis rockets at the shop.

4. Выберите нужную временную форму глагола.

  1. She (has been shopping / has shopped) for three hours.

  2. Mike ( has been buying / has bought) sunglasses. They are really nice!

  3. (Have you been living / have you lived) here for the whole life?

  4. Tom ( has already seen/ has been seeing) this film.

  5. My parents ( have walked/ have been walking) in the park for an hour.


  1. Переписать в тетрадь и перевести упр.2 стр.96.

  2. Выписать в словарь выделенные слова из текста на стр.96

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