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Be mindful of the warning and enjoy

  • they sneak back to the manor, hoping no one would notice them

  • start messing around as soon as they get to scrooge's bedroom

  • lots of sloppy making out and groping

  • y'know the usual stuff

  • but scrooge is pretty fucking exhausted so it's not their craziest moment

  • this is gonna be a short summary actually

  • they get on the bed and partially strip

  • goldie's vest comes off, shirt is unbuttoned, pants are off one leg and hanging on one foot

  • scrooge's robe is open but still on

  • once scrooge's dick pops out then goldie starts rubbing herself up n down on it

  • doesn't take long for her to be wet

  • then she sinks down on him and they fuck for a few min but scrooge really is like partly out of it

  • (goldie's keeping him awake its fine)

  • they both come and goldie throws her head back and her hair comes loose and its pretty and scrooge is a lil distracted by that

  • she lifts herself up so his dick slides out of her and then sits back on his legs, still straddling him

  • makes a joke about how fast that was

  • scrooge grumbles and reaches out for her so she'll cuddle with him

  • she suggests they get under the blanket in case anyone comes into the room

  • and they do just that its cute its great