i'm lost again with thoughts of you

Summary: Scrooge and Goldie go to Cambodia.

Word count: 1640

Warnings: None

Angkor, Cambodia
April 11th, 1954
3:32 PM (local time)

Goldie gasped and ducked as a blast of pink magic zapped over her head. That was a little too close for comfort.

"Come on, Goldie!" Scrooge shouted, grabbing her arm and pulling her with him behind a pillar. "Are you alright?"

"Fine, I'm fine." Goldie pushed down her hair which was going crazy thanks to the magical electrodes in the air. She grumbled and quickly retied her ponytail before it could get worse. "So she's some witch who wants to kill you?"


"And you're sure you don't know why?" Goldie asked suspiciously. "You must've done something to earn this amount of ire!"

Scrooge shrugged and looked around the side of the pillar, both relieved and anxious to find their attacker not visible. "You know me, Goldie. I've got lots of enemies. I cannae keep track of where they all come from!"

Goldie had quite a few enemies herself, but considered it important to remember why they hated her so much. Just in case someone managed to knock her down. Kind of like how this witch was about to take out the two of them.

"You could at least keep track of their names! Do you have any idea why she's here?"

"Eh…" Scrooge mumbled. "She's usually over in Italy, but, well. Witches need magical artifacts, dinnae they? Maybe she's here collectin' just like us."

Goldie opened her mouth to respond when another blast of pink caught her attention. Silently, she tackled Scrooge to the ground as the magical blast crashed into their hiding spot and blew it to smithereens.

She lifted her head up and their beaks were barely an inch apart, but the two ducks didn't even have a moment to think about it when a booming voice made their heads turn.


Goldie raised an eyebrow at Scrooge, but he was scowling at the witch.

He quickly shoved Goldie so they rolled over and he was on top of her instead. He looked up at the witch and cupped a hand around his beak. "Are ye sure it wasnae Goldie O’Gilt ye want?"

Goldie huffed and punched him in the shoulder.

The witch gaped at them. "Are you...are you mocking me?!" she shouted, readying her scepter for another attack. "You and your little girlfriend will face my wrath!"

"How could you not remember what you did to her?" Goldie asked as she and Scrooge started to run in another direction.

Scrooge just sighed and held onto his hat. "Like I said, I cannae remember everything!"

They hid behind a piece of wall that was coming apart, both knowing it wouldn't hold for long.

"Well when did she first show up?"

"Hmm…" Scrooge rubbed the bottom of his beak in thought. "Maybe around '25?"

"Wha-" Goldie gaped at him. "You don't know her name when she's been trying to kill you for thirty years?"

Scrooge started to respond, but their protective wall being blasted to bits cut him off. The ducks grabbed each other's hands and ran in another direction.

"I dinnae think the why is very important right now!" Scrooge shouted. "She's tryin' to kill us either way!"

Goldie paused at his words, stopping them in their tracks. "Well, no. She's trying to kill you."

"Oh, ye cannae be serious!"

"Well, why not? I don't need to be running for my life just 'cause you are."


She laughed at his betrayed expression and blew a kiss as she ran off in a completely different direction. Scrooge blushed, but rather than continue on his path, followed after her. The witch was floating somewhere not terribly far away and he had a feeling she'd be attacking again soon.

Goldie noticed Scrooge was following her after a minute and stuck her tongue out. "What the hell, Scrooge?"

"You dinnae get to leave me behind, O'Gilt!" Scrooge shouted, though he'd almost caught up to her. "Not this time!"

As he finally caught up and they were running practically in sync, the witch suddenly appeared just a few feet in front of them. The two adventurers squawked in surprise.

"So what's your name, blondie?" the witch said with a glare.

Goldie grimaced. "Uh...not sure if that's information you need."

"Blondie it is, then," she said sarcastically as she floated back up into her attack position. "I hope McDuck is worth your life!"

Goldie frowned and glared at Scrooge, who looked oddly smug for a dead man.

"Guess she wants you dead, too, huh?"

"Shut up, Scrooge!" Goldie grumbled, but there was a bit of sweat on the back of her neck. She had a lot of dangerous enemies, but she'd managed this far in her life without pissing off any evil witches or warlocks or anyone that could turn her into a frog. Thanks to Scrooge, she could now cross that off her list.


Scrooge grabbed her hand and they started to run once again. Their trip to Cambodia was turning out a lot less fun than anticipated. Goldie thought they'd see some beautiful architecture, find some cool treasure, and maybe have sex on top of a hill at sunset or some dumb romantic crap like that. But no, instead they were running and hiding and at what point was it going to end? The witch seemed pretty tireless.

After another ten minutes of running and hiding and getting very, very tired, Goldie and Scrooge were shocked by a bright blue flash of light shimmering in front of them.

"Oh, great, what now?!" Goldie said, arms outstretched in annoyance.

"I dinnae think this is the witch," Scrooge mumbled, but he couldn't stop looking back at their attacker even with this new, interesting thing in front of them.

But his attention was fully grabbed when the light faded and there was...Goldie.


The new Goldie - well, actually, she looked quite a bit older with smoothly silver hair - glanced at the two of them and rolled her eyes before pulling some sort of gun out of her holster and aiming it at the witch.

"Back off, De Spell!" New-old-Goldie shouted as she fired.

Scrooge and Goldie were both too shocked and confused to fully register what the hell was going on. But the new-old-Goldie seemed to have a significant handle on things, considering how loudly the witch screamed.

"That's...you, right?"

"Oh, please, I would never let myself go gray!"

“Ack, Goldie, can ye be serious, just this once?”

New-old-Goldie stepped back and looked at the two of them with a clear sense of disapproval in her eyes. "Her name is Magica De Spell. She's pissed because Scrooge is responsible for her brother's disappearance."

Goldie glared at Scrooge, who simply shrugged.

"I've never seen her before! I dinnae remember anythin' like that!"

New-old-Goldie rolled her eyes. "You will."

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Scrooge said.

“I think…” Goldie stepped forward and looked right into her own eyes. She’d never had the opportunity to look at herself so intensely. “...you’re from the future, aren’t you?”

“Obviously,” new-old-Goldie answered with a scowl. “And you two boneheads should high tail it out of Cambodia before she comes back. My anti-magic gun won’t stop her forever.”

“Anti-magic gun…?” Scrooge asked curiously. “Where’d ye get somethin’ like that?”

“Stole it from you, sourdough,” she answered with a very blatantly flirtatious smirk and a little wink.

Goldie didn’t know how she felt about that smirk and wink. Was she going to get jealous over…herself hitting on Scrooge? That didn’t make any sense. Still…she didn’t particularly enjoy watching it. “Scrooge, let’s get out of here.”

New-old-Goldie stared at Goldie for a moment, then turned away and huffed. Goldie wondered if her older self had some kind of problem with her, but she couldn’t imagine what that would be. She had no reason to be mad at herself.

At least, that was how she felt until new-old-Goldie smacked her in the face, shoved her out of the way, and then leaned forward to plant a big kiss right on Scrooge’s blushing beak.

“Hey!” Goldie shouted. She stepped forward to try and separate the two ducks, but new-old-Goldie had already pulled away.

“You’ve got maybe an hour ‘til she comes back, so get moving,” the time traveler said with a wave as she pressed a button on her watch and another flash of blue lightning zapped her away.

Scrooge was almost frozen in place, blushing and scratching his cheek.

Goldie did not find him charming at that moment. “You’re ridiculous!”

He turned to see Goldie looking angry and suddenly got very confused. “Wait, what? Why?”

“Because!” She stumbled over her words, not able to find a reason for the insult. “B…because you’re acting like you’ve never kissed me before!”

He glared awkwardly. “Well…I’ve never been kissed by a silver-haired you from the future before!”

Goldie huffed and started walking away, finally deciding to listen to her future self and getting out of Angkor before Magica came back to finish them off. She didn’t understand why she was mad, but she certainly couldn’t turn it off after yelling at Scrooge over literally nothing.

Scrooge shuffled after her. “Come on, Goldie! Ye cannae be mad about that! She’s you!

“I know. I know that!” she shouted, not looking back at him. “It just…felt weird to watch.”

He caught up to Goldie and grabbed one of her hands, holding it gently in his own. “Dinnae get jealous, Goldie. Even when there’s two of ye, you’re the only one for me.”

Goldie rolled her eyes and pulled her hand out of his grasp, but her cheeks were flushed and her heart was beating fast. She hated how he could get her heart racing with the stupidest, most nonsensical sappy shit she’d ever heard. She supposed that was just the power of Scrooge McDuck.

- Anti-magic gun is definitely something Scrooge has used in the comics. I can't reference a specific comic but it just sounds like something he'd have