NSFW Text Below

Be mindful of the warning and enjoy

  • Goldie sneaks over to Scrooge’s room in the middle of the night because of course she does, why wouldn’t she?

  • She straddles him and they make out and she strokes his dick while he fingers her and they groan while kissing to stifle the noise

  • Once they’re ready to go again, Scrooge starts pulling on her tail and then fucks her and Goldie’s annoyed that he keeps using that on her but god if it doesn’t feel so good

  • She rides his dick and he uses his free hand to strip off her nightgown and massage one of her boobs

  • Goldie’s massaging his stomach and chest while they fuck

  • Making out again as they come together again

  • Then they’re laying next to each other and they both want to make the other come faster/more ‘cause they want to see who’s better at sex. ‘Cause they’re ridiculous

  • So Goldie starts sucking his dick and Scrooge is feeling so good but he pulls her off before he finishes and then, with his blue balls, he goes down on her

  • This is not very smart of either of them when they’re trying not to be noisy, but yknow. They’re like this

  • Goldie wraps her legs around Scrooge’s head and she comes and he feels all smug and satisfied and then he crawls up and fucks her while she’s still sensitive and he kisses her because obviously she’s gonna be VERY loud

  • Mumbles that he loves her and she says it back and then he comes inside her again

  • Ok sleep time. Idk maybe theyll wake up in the middle of the night and fuck again but it’s fine