we're not broken, just bent

Summary: Scrooge wants to celebrate becoming the richest duck in the world.

Word count: 4235

Warnings: Apologies in advance because this is a very horny chapter and also a very sad chapter lol

1960; Maputo, Mozambeak

Sometimes she really missed being Glittering Goldie.

Sure, she only used the moniker for a few years, but those years were the origin story for the rest of her life. Glittering Goldie is the woman who met Scrooge McDuck and took his gold and followed him to his claim. She’s the woman who sang and danced for thousands of people every night until she couldn’t anymore. She’s the woman who knew exactly what she wanted and would do anything to get it.

Glittering Goldie also had the unfortunate history of occasionally getting paid to service local men. She didn't consider it a major part of her career, but it'd happened on occasion. Goldie wasn't ashamed of it, but she knew she'd never do it again.

And though she was right, she did make a house call. Just once.

How could she not? Scrooge didn't usually reach out to her like that. If they were already together he might ask her to come with him somewhere, but a phone call out of the blue? Never. Not once had that ever happened. So she was curious enough to answer without question.

She left for his hotel immediately after he called. Goldie had been to Mozambeak before, but obviously she'd stayed in her local Blackjack. It'd been a long time since she enjoyed hotel accommodations on someone else's dime.

(Though if she has to guess, Scrooge probably wasn't paying for his room. Probably a free weekend gift from the owner.)

The outside of the Hotel Polana was beautiful. It was a tall hotel in a lovely city (and technically a rival of hers), so she was excited to see it inside and out.

But more than that, she was excited for whatever Scrooge invited her over for.

He didn’t give her many specifics. Just the address and that he had an entire weekend planned. So she took a little sip from her leftover youth water (collected in the Bahamas so many years ago) and immediately got on a plane to Mozambeak.

The employees all spoke Portuguese, so Goldie had an easy time getting the information she needed. She announced herself as the guest of Scrooge McDuck, and they gave her a room number and sent her to the elevator.

Room 456.

Goldie strolled leisurely down the hallway - no suitcases necessary because of her wonderful bottomless purse. The room was just at the end of the hall. She thought it might be a honeymoon suite, based on how far it was from any other room, but that was probably her mind getting away from her.

She knocked on the door and waited.

What did Scrooge have planned? And what was he celebrating, exactly?

He opened the door after a few seconds and Goldie smiled at the sultry smirk on his face. Oh yes, it was exactly what she’d expected. She’d never imagined he would be horny enough to call her out of the blue, but she couldn’t pretend that she wasn’t flattered. They weren’t technically dating, so he could’ve called someone else. But he called her.



He held out a hand and Goldie took it, taking a single step into the room before Scrooge squeezed her hand and pulled her against him. He kicked the door shut behind her.

“How would ye like to spend a few days with the richest duck in the world?”

Goldie’s eyes widened for just a brief moment, and then she smiled (because she always knew this would happen someday). “I don’t know, is Vander Zee here?”

Scrooge rolled his eyes but his smile never faded as he grabbed her waist and spun them around the room like they were doing the waltz. He was so excited - practically giddy - and his enthusiasm was contagious.

“Congratulations, Scroogey,” Goldie finally said, with a tone of sincerity that she hoped he would believe.

He seemed satisfied by that, but paused in the dance with Goldie’s back facing the wall. “I know exactly how ye can congratulate me, dear.”

She reached out and stuck her pointer finger under his belt. “Is that so? Why don’t you tell me how.”

From the look on his face, Goldie knew she said exactly what he wanted to hear.



She had to admit…Scrooge was very, very sexy when he was so confident.

If she was able to tell herself sixty-three years ago that she’d someday be having the most mind-blowing sex of her life with that grumpy virgin who never stepped foot in her bar…she wouldn’t have believed it.

But now, laying on the comfortable hotel bed with her shirt half on and her pants still dangling from one ankle, Goldie felt like she’d made a lot of right decisions. Okay, she made a lot of wrong decisions, too. But it still got her to this point, didn’t it?

Her legs were shaking and her head was fuzzy and she felt good all over. Even in spots where he squeezed too hard or bit down in excitement…she was loving every second of it.

It wasn’t like he’d suddenly gained new skills after becoming the richest duck in the world, but his confidence was through the roof. Usually she had to tease him or goad him or guide him to get him to dominate her in such a satisfying way, but this time around he was feeling good about himself and feeling good about his efforts and feeling good about making her feel good.

It was nice. She couldn’t stop thinking about how he’d specifically reached out to her to celebrate. He didn’t do that when he hit his first million or his first billion, but this was a much bigger deal.

She heard a flush from the bathroom and quickly sat up, brushing down her hair with her hands and deciding what pose to lay in when he came back out. Goldie kicked her pants off and they landed somewhere across the room - she wasn’t paying attention to that. Her attention was completely focused on Scrooge as he stepped back into the room with a hungry look on his face.

“Where were we?”



Goldie stared at the glass of champagne in her hand. This felt like a dream. She’d been with Scrooge for hours and hours, just going at it and napping and eating and then having more sex and it was so…luxurious and fun and she hadn’t had such a good time in such a long time.

She sipped on her champagne and looked at Scrooge shyly as he sat next to her on the couch with his own glass in hand. He looked about ready to devour her again and Goldie didn’t understand where his stamina was coming from. Maybe he’d sipped some youth juice, too.

He leaned closer and kissed her beak with his own, but Goldie could tell it was going to become much more than chaste if she didn’t stop it right away. She put her free hand to his chest and pushed him away so she could take another sip of her drink. “You need to learn to take breaks every once in a while.”

Scrooge took a gulp of his. “This is a break!”

“How about you give me another five minutes before we go again?”

He rolled his eyes playfully and leaned against the back of the couch, placing himself as close to Goldie as possible. He moved his free arm so it wrapped around her shoulders and smiled at the boldness he was newly feeling.

Goldie took a second to decide, but quickly caved and nestled herself in his arms and leaned her head against his shoulder while she continued to drink. Just because they were taking a sex break didn’t mean they had to take an affection break. And she was feeling very affectionate at that particular moment.

“This is really nice.”

“Aye,” Scrooge said as he took a sip and glanced towards the window. “Maputo is always lovely this time of year.”

Goldie elbowed him in the side. “I was referring to us spending all this time together, you old sourdough!”

He laughed, making it obvious that he’d been teasing her, and turned his head around to kiss her beak once more.

She felt herself sigh into the kiss and stare softly as he pulled away. She was sunk. Goldie O’Gilt was absolutely, positively satisfied and…dare she think it? Happy. She felt very, very happy. This wasn’t just some mind-blowing romp in Mozambeak, it felt so real and affectionate and romantic and she never wanted it to end.

“How long do you have this room for?”

Scrooge hummed quietly. “Til Monday mornin’. But I’m thinkin’ of extendin’ my stay…if ye want, that is.”

Goldie’s face flushed and she felt her heart race. Was he really talking about paying his own money for an expensive hotel room? Just to spend more time with her?

“Well, I…”

“Or ye could always come back to Duckburg with me,” Scrooge mused, though he seemed to be thinking out loud more than making a serious suggestion.

Either way, Goldie was riveted. She put her (almost) finished glass of champagne down on the table and straddled him, stripping off her robe while she waited for him to catch up with her. A few seconds later and they were back to making out - almost like they hadn’t just been in the middle of a conversation.



“I’m starting to feel sticky,” Goldie commented dryly as she tried to run a hand through her hair. One of the knots she ran into wouldn’t budge and she grimaced at the feeling. “How’s the shower here?”

Scrooge watched her through half-lidded eyes, barely conscious as she spoke. “Hmmm. It’s nice. But the tub is nicer.”

“Ooh, a bath sounds lovely.” Goldie leaned down and kissed him briefly as she scooted off the bed.

Her kiss must’ve woke him back up because Scrooge quickly caught up with her and stepped between her and the bathroom. “Wait! Let me run the bath for ye, dear,” he said.

Goldie raised an eyebrow suspiciously. “...if you really want to.”

He smiled and gave her a quick peck on the beak before rushing off to the bathroom. Goldie felt a warm flush throughout her chest. This was becoming the most domestic non-stop sex weekend of her life. She hadn’t had one of those in a very long time. And the last time it was also with Scrooge, but it was…different. It wasn’t like this at all. This felt couple-y.

She loved it. But she wondered how long it would last.

The sound of the bath running made her cheeks turn pink - despite all their showering together, the thought of bathing in front of Scrooge was a whole new level of intimacy. It sounded…nice. Non-sexual, hopefully. She was chafing like crazy and needed a break that lasted more than ten minutes.

As she finally headed into the bathroom, Goldie was shocked by the sight of candles and rose petals and a very nice-looking bubble bath that was still rising up.

“Where were you hiding all of this?”

Scrooge turned and smirked at the look on her face. “Richest duck on earth needs to have some secrets, dinnae he?”

Goldie rolled her eyes - he’d referred to himself like that at least a hundred times in the last day - and strolled over to the tub. If he was going to treat her like this, she didn’t care how he talked about himself. She was having a great time.



Scrooge was snoring softly, laying on top of the bed because their comforter had fallen onto the floor sometime in the past few hours. Who could keep track of those things anymore?

But Goldie couldn’t sleep.

She couldn’t stop thinking back to some…things that Scrooge had said during their last few sessions.

Things said in the throes of passion were so complicated. How could she know if he really meant them? And even if he had…

“Goldie…Goldie, I love you-”

“Marry me, for real this time-”

“You could move into the manor-”

“...we could start a family-”

Thoughts were racing through her head. Scrooge McDuck saying he loved her while they were having sex wasn’t unusual. Scrooge McDuck asking her to marry him while they were having sex…well, it wasn’t the first time.

But moving in? Starting a family?

One hand instinctively moved to her stomach. She’d been pregnant twice before. It didn’t last very long either time. One of those times was fairly recent and the pregnancy failing was entirely her fault, but she’d never bothered to tell Scrooge about it. What was there to tell? That there were actual consequences to their not-so-safe sex? That jumping out of airplanes before consulting a doctor was a bad idea? It wouldn’t change anything. Either his reaction would make her sad or angry so there was no benefit to it.

She didn’t hate the idea of it, though. Thanks to some more magic water, her body was an appropriate age to have a child if they really wanted to. And they were already married, so that step was done.

But his timing wasn’t great. If she was being honest with herself, it was downright insulting.

Richest duck in the world finally tames the woman of his dreams, turning her into the richest trophy wife in the world. Wouldn’t that be quite the headline?

Goldie rolled over so she was facing away from Scrooge and tried to calm herself down. She was overthinking things like she always did. Scrooge saying he wanted to get her pregnant or that he wanted her to live with him…he was just high on adrenaline and confidence. Once things calmed down, he’d go back to the same Scrooge McDuck he’d always been.

The Scrooge who didn’t want kids and didn’t want her in his home for extended periods of time. And the Scrooge who only married her when it was beneficial.

She slid off the bed to go pee, wishing she could get out of her head. Why was everything so difficult with him? He wasn’t even doing it on purpose. He just…did things and said things that made her think too hard about those things. It wasn’t his fault, but also…it was. But she couldn’t expect him to read her mind, but also…after sixty years, he could try knowing her a little better.

There was a time when an offer to marry and move in with him would’ve had her jumping for joy right into his arms. She used to dream every night about having a family with him. But now…it was so much to think about. And they were so old now. How could they have a family?

…how could they really, truly try to be husband and wife? After everything they’d done?

Goldie washed her hands and exited the bathroom, unsurprised to see Scrooge’s hand twitching and reaching for the warm body that was supposed to be next to him. Her heart did a flip at the sight and she quickly moved back to her spot.

He smiled, eyes still closed, and pulled her closer to him. “Ye want to go again?” he asked, his tired voice just making him sound sexier.

Goldie closed her eyes for a moment and considered his offer. She did want to go again. She didn’t want to keep overthinking things. She just wanted to feel good.

“You know I do.”



Scrooge was feeling good. Very, very good. He’d had a great few days after a great few weeks and before that? Oh yes, a great few months. Things were going well for the man who was finally the richest duck in the world.

He couldn’t believe he’d only had the title for two days. It felt like it belonged to him for decades. And despite Mr. Zee blabbering about some curse at the end of their transaction, nothing strange or dismaying had happened. He heard a strange noise just after Zee left and looked down at the city streets, but all he saw was a fender bender in traffic. Nothing particularly curse-like. Everything was perfectly fine.

And Goldie…Goldie was more than fine. She’d been perfect. Sexy and excited and cooperative and fun. And there was nothing for her to steal from him. No betrayal to be had. They were just having good dirty fun and there was no way for it to be ruined. He was starting to remember all those times in his life that he thought about marrying her (really, actually marrying her) and having a family with her and it was starting to feel like a genuine possibility.

He’d said as much during one of their romps, but she hadn’t said much in response. (Well, she’d said plenty, but not a definitive answer one way or another.)

She was probably a bit distracted at that moment. Scrooge smirked at that, loving how much Goldie had been enjoying herself. She used to tease him for his lack of skills, but now he had her repeatedly begging him for more. If only his younger self knew what it was like.

It was a confidence boost that he didn’t need considering how well everything was going lately. Plus he’d heard from Matilda that Hortense was thinking about having kids and that was making him think about having kids of his own. He’d never really wanted kids, but…he’d reached his life goal! What was his next step?

Well, he had a beautiful, intelligent, strong woman in his bed who would…probably not be the best mother. But they could get a nanny! And she’d certainly love whatever child they bore, even if she wasn’t always around.

The idea of seeing blonde hair in his bed and an extra toothbrush in his bathroom made his cheeks and chest grow warm. It was an exciting concept.

Currently, he and Goldie were on the third day of their little bender. She’d gone into town for something - some medicine or new clothes, perhaps. He’d been too distracted when she told him to remember. But she promised to be back in a few hours. And if he was being honest…it’d be alright if she didn’t come back, like she often did to him. He had her number and he’d call her again as soon as he returned to Duckburg.

He was collecting their trash and picking up their clothes, thinking about how it was nice to have two butlers back home. Hiring Quackmore’s young nephew seemed weird when they agreed on it, but the young man had proven himself to be very capable and helpful.

It was getting late in the day and Scrooge wondered if he should order room service for the two of them so Goldie could have something nice to eat when she got back. The hotel owner had offered Scrooge free food and amenities for the entirety of his stay, so it wouldn’t hurt to make a call.

Almost immediately after Scrooge hung up the phone, he heard a gentle knock on his hotel room door. Though not as sexily as the first time, he opened it up and smirked happily at the love of his life who looked…different.

“How was your trip?” he asked, genuinely curious.

Rather than answer, Goldie flung her arms around his neck and kissed him deeply, closing the door behind her with one of her feet. She pulled back and preened at Scrooge’s neck for a few seconds as she mumbled, “I want you to fuck me again. Tie me up, do anything you want to me.” She pulled back and looked right into his eyes. “Now.”

Scrooge smiled and laughed, kissing her hungrily. “Goldie girl, you are insatiable!”



A few hours into their last day in Mozambeak, Goldie and Scrooge both noticed a series of small earthquakes. Or at least, something that seemed like a series of small earthquakes.

They immediately turned on their hotel room’s television to see if the news was covering it, and it didn’t take long to find a station that was reporting on the situation. Though they couldn’t find a station in English, they both understood enough Portuguese to follow the story..

*It does not listen to words and it cannot be stopped with guns or weapons!

*It only says one thing: richest!

*It’s headed towards the center of the city, though we have no idea why it’s here!

The two ducks in bed together immediately knew what was going on. They rushed towards the window and saw the giant monster - it almost looked like some sort of undead dog - stomping towards their hotel.

Scrooge immediately started to pack up his things and get dressed. It was pretty obvious to him who the monster was after, and he knew he needed to get away from Maputo and get a hold of Vander Zee to learn more about the curse that man had barely warned him about.

Goldie didn’t move from her spot by the window, staring outside. The monster was passing by a familiar building which made her frown and her eyes water the tiniest bit. She’d been trying to distract herself from her feelings, but this monster was ruining that. Now she was stuck in her own head again, but this time…she felt a little more justified. She actually had something sad going on to think too much about.

“Come on, Goldie, we need to get out of here!” Scrooge said urgently, holding his hand out to her. He’d managed to pack up his clothes in record time, and knew from experience that Goldie could just shove everything into her one little purse.

Goldie turned around and looked down at his hand, an emptiness behind her eyes that she couldn’t bring herself to explain to him. “...no.”

Scrooge rolled his eyes and shook his hand. “This is no time for games, that thing is headed this way!”

She shook her head and turned back towards the window, watching the monster stomping through traffic. “I…I don’t want to go with you.”

Scrooge’s mouth hung open slightly and he pulled his hand back as if he’d been burned. He couldn’t have possibly been more confused. “But…I thought we…you…?”

Goldie didn’t look at him again and Scrooge felt anger and frustration bubble up his throat. Even though he knew a lot of it was coming from his fear about the monster, he couldn’t contain his feelings. “Of course not. Why would ye? I may be Scrooge McDuck, but you’re still Goldie O’Gilt, hm?”

She still didn’t respond.

Scrooge sighed angrily and waved a dismissive hand in her direction, all the happy feelings he’d had that morning draining out of his body faster than ever before. He thought she couldn’t betray him, but somehow her rejection at that moment felt crueler than all the times she stole gold from his pockets. “Fine, Goldie. Have it your way. But dinnae come crawlin’ back to Duckburg when ye change your mind!” He headed towards the door and took one last look at her back before exiting and slamming the door shut behind him.

Goldie sighed deeply, shaking visibly. She felt awful and empty and she didn’t want to tell him why. She couldn’t tell him.

But she’d been curious about…viability. About whether or not her magically-enhanced body could actually have his child. And so she spent the afternoon visiting a doctor for a quick basic screen. Just to ask a few questions.

The answers weren’t good. They were disappointing and depressing and she felt terrible about it and she didn’t want to. She’d never really thought kids were in the cards for her anyway! Plus she’d spent plenty of time with all those orphan children, so why did she need some of her own?

The doctor assured her that without a proper test they couldn’t be certain, but she knew she wasn’t that lucky. Every single question he asked, her answer was ‘yes.’ And getting a one hundred percent on a test like that? The results spoke for themselves.

As curious as Goldie was about the giant monster that they both assumed was chasing after Scrooge, she didn’t have the energy to focus on it. She wanted to drink. She wanted to cry.

She wanted to go back to Dawson.


There was a part of Scrooge that desperately wanted to turn around and demand that Goldie tell him what was wrong. She needed to explain to him what he did or said or what happened while she was out that made her want to abandon him in a time of need!

But times of need were more urgent than trying to figure her out. As much as he wanted to understand Goldie O'Gilt, he knew it was an impossible task. Even if he did confront her, she'd evade him and distract him and keep him busy until the monster arrived and then he wouldn't have time for anything.

Though he couldn’t understand her motives, he did understand one thing for sure: he wasn’t going to sit around and wait for her anymore. He wanted to have a life. He was the richest duck in the world! Everyone was going to want to make deals with him and for once, he was going to enjoy the attention. He didn’t need Goldie’s help to have a good time.

- Hotel Polana is real. Of course it's real! Why would I make up a hotel when there's plenty of real ones to use
- Maputo is the capital of Mozambique! They sure do speak Portuguese there. Because of colonization, of course.

- Mozambeak is where Scrooge sold some mine to in "The Richest Duck in the World!"
- Obv this takes place after the flashback from the beginning of that episode.
- “Vander” is the name I gave Mr. Zee from that flashback. It’s a reference to a famous African American photographer from the early 1900s. I might’ve mentioned the full name previously in the fic but I can’t remember so you get this fun fact now lol- 456 is the number comic issue that Goldie first appeared in.