Full Chapter List

List of all complete chapters

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Chapter 1 - Goldie and Scrooge meet for the very first time.

Chapter 2 - Goldie follows Scrooge to his claim.

Chapter 3 - Goldie and Scrooge spend some time together on his claim.

Chapter 4 - Goldie has a bad night.

Chapter 5 - It's been almost a month since the avalanche.

Chapter 6 - Scrooge and Goldie go back to the cabin.

Chapter 7 - Goldie goes back to Dawson.

Chapter 8 - A few months later, Scrooge comes to talk to Goldie.

Chapter 9 - Goldie follows Scrooge to Canyon City.

Chapter 10 - Scrooge and Goldie continue to hunt for gold.

Chapter 11 - Goldie and Scrooge meet up again in a town called Gumption.

Chapter 12 - Goldie and Scrooge discover there’s more to the world than what they know.

Chapter 13 - After a long absence, Goldie and Scrooge run into each other again.

Chapter 14 - Goldie starts to feel old.

Chapter 15 - Scrooge and Goldie go on a trip to the Bermuda Triangle.

Chapter 16 - Five years is a long, long time.

Chapter 17 - Goldie and Scrooge reunite after several years apart.

Chapter 18 - Goldie and Scrooge follow a lead to a new adventure in Australia.

Chapter 19 - Goldie visits Duckburg for the very first time.

Chapter 20 - Goldie does some interdimensional traveling.

Chapter 21 - Goldie visits Duckburg after a long, long absence.

Chapter 22 - Goldie and Scrooge grab a flight to Nepal.

Chapter 23 - Scrooge helps Goldie with a little problem.

Chapter 24 - Scrooge and Goldie go to Cambodia.

Chapter 25 - Scrooge and Goldie spend time in another dimension.

Chapter 26 - Scrooge and Goldie run into each other in Ireland.

Chapter 27 - Scrooge invites Goldie to Hawaii.

Chapter 28 - Goldie has a bad day.

Chapter 29 - Scrooge wants to celebrate becoming the richest duck in the world.

Chapter 30 - Scrooge and Goldie meet up by chance in Morocco.

Chapter 31 - Scrooge starts a new job in London.

Chapter 32 - Goldie and Scrooge go to Oak Island.

Chapter 33 - Goldie and Scrooge talk. They just talk.

Chapter 34 - Scrooge invites Goldie to the first annual McDuck Enterprises Christmas party.

Chapter 35 - Goldie reads Scrooge's autobiography.

Chapter 36 - Goldie meets Donald and Della Duck.

Chapter 37 - Some secrets are revealed.

Chapter 38 - Goldie begins a new chapter in her life.

Chapter 39 - Goldie runs into Scrooge and the twins in Italy.

Chapter 40 - Goldie gets an unexpected phone call.

Chapter 41 - Scrooge McDuck's niece goes missing.

Chapter 42 - Scrooge loses someone important to him.

Chapter 43 - Goldie sees an opportunity to go on another adventure with Scrooge.

Chapter 44 - Goldie gets attached.

Chapter 45 - Goldie comes out of hiding.

Chapter 46 - Goldie and Scrooge take a dip.

Chapter 47 - Goldie tries to get Scrooge's attention once again.

Chapter 48 - Goldie and Scrooge have a difficult conversation.

Chapter 49 - Goldie and Scrooge spend time with the kids.

Chapter 50 - 125 years is a long time to figure things out.