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Be mindful of the warning and enjoy

  • Scrooge is rambling about business stuff

  • Goldie gets tired of it and straddles him and kisses him

  • Scrooge is quick to kiss back

  • Lots of grinding, lazy handjob from goldie

  • Theyre both naked already so she just hops on that dick

  • Fuckin for a bit nice and slow

  • Goldie starts touching herself while they fuck

  • Scrooge slaps her hand out of the way and starts rubbing her roughly

  • Goldie shoves her beak into his neck and squeezes him around the shoulders

  • Comes hard

  • Scrooge squeezes her ass and shoves her down while he thrusts up hard, comes also

  • They just exist in afterglow for a minute as Scrooge’s dick flops out

  • He lays down and Goldie falls with him, still clinging

  • Goldie rolls to the side and sighs and starts playing with his whiskers

  • Scrooge looks at her and they just stare at each other for a minute

  • Goldie takes his little glasses and puts them on and starts making fun of him and all his business obsession

  • Scrooge scoffs and then gets on top of her, kisses/preens her neck

  • Fingers her for a bit until Goldie tells him to get inside her again

  • Scrooge fucks her, it’s a quick fuck but she’s still sensitive from the first time so they both come quickly

  • Make out while they come

  • Scrooge flops over to go to sleep