
We created a survey and shared the link with teachers and students from Grades 1-12. We also spread the survey to people outside of school through our parents.

Question 7: If yes, please explain
Print media are becoming online.

Print newspapers has gone digital as people spend more time with their gadgets.

I didn't say yes

Dont know

Yes because now everything is focused on protecting the environment

The role of citizen aggregators has become a new thing in which citizens share ideas and digital articles amongst their tribe followers. This is useful for getting news updates but needs a complementary wider-range aggregator of all news rather than selected news so that average person can get comprehensive news updates.



Bc I saw a lot if people being influenced in print nedia and I want to change that :)

The shift to digital media is inevitable as we spend more time online

People can access digital media easily now



Its not rlly used

they are being converted into social media as it is more efficient and sustainable

yes since now people are using more online/digital medias instead of printed media


Because of new technology being invented throughout time, the use of print media has decreased.


Information can be easily accessed online

Lebih banyak promo dengan digital

Digital media is easier and more convenience to get/see/read. And for company its also way more cheaper to put ads in digital media rather than print media. The world has evolve to digital now.

it's time to change from the old media

Some people still have difficulty reading thick digital media materials because it is not comfortable for their eyes. Therefore, some people still prefer to use printed media for its familiarity and sensation.So, in this era, printed media still has its own supporters who use it occasionally or even prefer it over digital media.


print media are less used conpared to years ago

for collect

I dont get it

Getting less newspaper,magazine and book in market

because now everywhere we go the information can we had in social media

Newspaper and magazine publishers have added complimentary websites to their services. To attract young readers, publishers give free subscriptions and modify their long writing format to short format.

print media is Print medium was the first to be used as mass media for communicating the information.

Yes, nowadays people tend change to digital/ sosial media for time efficiency.

Less print media

Things are changes now

Digital media is more effective and efficient, and it can reached out further and cross countries.

Now most of the media are online

it changes to digital media

Cheaper cost using digital social media

there is no newspaper exist anymore

People prefer paperless and for easy access


Social media platforms and security access

Yes, many people are prefering social media instead of physical print

because online media is very easy to get

Don't know

Print media entering their sunset era. As we know in Indonesia there's a lot print media that already closed and change to digital media. There will be evolution of media type from print to digital

I encounter many businesses have switched away from print media to social media as the coverage is much wider and faster also more targetted. Eventually more cost efficient.



because print media needs paper media to print and this requires a longer time

As modern era goes, progression of technology is more advanced and easier by society to use digital media with high pace than printed media.


As more people access news and information online, the demand for print media has decreased. To stay relevant in the competitive media environment, some print media have changed their focus to niche markets or specific interests.

Print media is becoming uncommon and rare to the new generations, the newer the generation the more rarer it is for them to understand print media. Digital is taking over starting with our generation.

Easier to use, paperless(going green)

There are less print media around now

To have a more sustainable environment

The era has changed

Print media provide platform for advertising and promotion of various products.

nowadays no print, use e book. Use electronic arts. like socmed and websites

This is digital media era, era was changed 5 years ago, come on!!

Young generations now rarely read magazines,news paper or books, they prefer to get information online

people used to rely on newspapers to get information. there are now several channels for people to consume content, such as websites, video platforms and social media.

Print media is less evident in our society now. Many things are converted to digital media.



Digital media can reach anywhere in the world, print media is limited.

From information to advertisement

People have found new ways to include print media to our lives like using QR codes, but print media is becoming less popular with the advanced technology we have today.


Changes in the media industry have a big impact and very significant, where you could see many of printed media becoming a digital media now.

Nowadays, most of us wanted news,information and everything else to be accessible through digital media on the phone on our hand. We feel complicated if we have to access it through printed media such as magazine/newpaper that are not updated.

It changes a lot, I used to read the newspaper every day when I am a kid to find interesting articles/lite comics but now I can read everything on social media.

print media is slowly dying and is no longer the main media

Yeah slow death

The changing role of print media raises important questions about the future of journalism, the impact of technology on media consumption and production, and the role of media in shaping public opinion and discourse.

many news paper offices are closed (bankrupted)



Digital Era

Print media must innovate to adapt to technological developments so as not to lose their audience and the existence of print media has now begun to be replaced


Digital media is evolving and print media is getting less and less used

Yes nowadays the media has been change to a Digital from Print media the Media digital more and more getting bigger and more faster than print media

Shifting social trends that adaptive to development of technology and internet

Print media is less being used nowadays due to the modernization of certain aspects in the community. Which is why digital media is more prominent in this era.

Bukan menjadi alat /sarana memberi info/ilmu pengetahuan yang cepat

Many of print media start to have social media also.

Everything is becoming less paper-based. Consumer becoming more aware of the effect of consuming paper on the environment. Switch to digital media supported by the booming social media landscape.

Over time, the roles of print media have revolutionized. Some of the purposes that it has fulfilled in the past are irrelevant now, considering the evolution of other forms of media. Thus, the media has taken other different roles.

People prefer social media over print media

Print media has decreased in their relevancy within the past decade, but has regained again due to youngsters’ interest in Y2K and vintage stuffs

Infirmation delivered faster and quicker than previously

Print media is becoming more and more unused by people, as you know most people don't even read newspapers anymore. Everything is just accessible on a digital platform.

bookstores have been reduced a lot

Print media its too complicate with the format

Going to be less.

People are shifting behaviour from consume any content being served to them to have “on-demand” content where they could choose whatever articles, videos, or any form of content to consume and only digital media could provides this “on-demand” concept of content provider at anytime and anywhere.

Only for signage, no longer for informations

Print media now also have their own websites. For example, in the past, The Jakarta Post used to be a newspaper only. Now, The Jakarta Post publishes newspapers and has its own webpage.

Print media is trying to cater to social media more and more

It has to give more accurate information and specific insight

Many magazines moved to digital

Print media’s popularity is lowering

No more print media

Because print media use so many papers.

in the present day, print media is used much less than it was in the past as digital media is somewhat more convenient (?)

Shifting to digital


People these days, especially young generation prefers digital media rather than print media, because digital media can easily be accessed anytime anywhere but print media are rarely found right now, especially here in Indonesia

Less people read magazine n newspaper

Print media has the role of controling others influence

Instead of using print media, nowadays people tend to use Social Media more instead of print media.

Print media is Outdated,expensive, not targeted unlike social media

because its a must

Well, first of all, this survey using electric form. It can represent that print media is change nowadays.




Print media is getting dificult to find

I rarely see newspaper in some houses

I have no idea. Isn't it like digital signature something?

Media cetak sekarang hanya berperan sebagai sebuah media informasi tambahan saja

Budget allocation for promoting shift to digital media

Banyak koran tutup

My friends who own print magazine and newspaper empires arent doing well. They all needed to look at alternatives to move to electronic media.

Many people are now turning to digital media

Cost saving. Environmental friendly

Less news paper now. Even it getting thinner. No young people subsrcibe maganize anymore

print media is changing to social media. Because things are evolving


Everything is digital now

Print media is slowly becoming irrelevant because everything nowadays is online and digitally produced

theres less print and more digital

Tbh idk

It is more digital use now than printed media, as the time revolutionizes. Digital is considered more practical and easier to use.

Media is changing and becoming less restricted with digital media as apposed to print media


Lbh ribet

everything is becoming more digitalized

print media isn’t as popular even though it provides more reliable information


Since the world keeps advancing, people are slowing shifting to digital media for convenience, quicker updates, etc.

Its because i am aware

Based on the generation, print may be less popular

Print media is becoming less and less popular as digital media is easier to consume and more convenient.

sorry i dont know

I know that people are growing more reliant on digital media to fuel their content

It is less common compared to social media


Printed media is becoming less common and relevant, with digital media primarily being the source of information for many of the youth.

I found out that a few print media nowadays transform into digital media.


Nowadays people read news from social media platform

The emergence of social media has drastically impact the print media’s sector. In a way, print media had become obsolete since people are more attracted and spend most of their time on social media and the internet. Hence, the print media’s roles has consequently change. From my observation, I only notice that they only cover what is only necessary and intriguing towards their audience because they are competing with digital/social media companies.

Digitalization of content



It's getting less needed by the fast changing society as the needs of information changed

I think that print media used to be one place to advertise products. Even though I rarely use print media, I now think that print media is still used to advertise but shows links and guides to their social media accounts

Question 9: If yes, please explain

We will know the history, development and impacts of print media.

To keep up with digitization, print media should change it ways to keep their readers.

I didm't choose yes and for the previous question, I choose maybe


Because we need to project our environment for future generations

It is important because the way people access news allows means average people shift behavior and news promoters also change their approach.



Bc people are influenced by print media

It’s always good to adapt to new tech / platform according to the needs

Yes print media is not the first choice anymore, people easily access digital media from their gadget



Contributes to the global environment


yes since it is developing our society in both an advantageous and disadvantageous way


Because businesses such as local bookshops might be lost due to this issue and unemployment rates will increase.


Less print means less paper used


Its about habitual, needs time to change

save paper

I answer no



many workers need job

Make us easier

Not get use to digital e book or e news. If i read it To much advertising. And fals link.


It also affects people’s reading behavior

Technological currents are increasingly developing, making conventional media, such as print media, have to adapt in order to maintain their existence.

to attract broader market (online approached)

Less print media

It changes everything

Print media is no longer sustainable and costly. It is also not environmentally friendly.

Still need the visual offline

there’s something different ab print media compared to digital media

We have to adapt new way of social media

i dont think so



It affects on Young users and or teenagers attitude


because more and more people are using social media to get news

Don't know

Print media have more deeper article more than online media. We can't find deeper article from online media

Print media has disadvantage of the speed of coverage to the targetted market, which will result in competitiveness to reach the market.

Yes becuase we shouls know whats happening around us.

It's not really, because digital media is more efficient


Media print to reduce global impact can be transformation to digital


actually print media is a means that existed before the popularity of social media, besides that print media also involves many people including workers

Printed media is rare nowadays and decrease printed media industry, saving paper products so it saves nature.

Yaa betul, karena media cetak merupakan sebuah media penting dalam mengungkapkan pendapat dalam konstitusi demokrasi

In digital media, there is a lot of misinformation. Print media has better in-depth analysis, fact-checking, and diverse perspectives.

i personally think that since print media is getting less common more people are gonna get addicted to the media which can lead to shaky hands, bad eyesight and memory, and even more worse things

Already answered above

Save paper

Less trash from the print media

i dont know

It is showed to us, that when the era changed, the people changed, it is easier to get an updated information and effortless. It is small picture of the new generation, smarter than before but has different mentality

i picked no

It can create credibility.

because print media should be evolved

I wrote no

Reduce paper use.

digital media make life easier than print media, we more care with earth also

So young people have resources to more reliable information

yes, ​​print media is still relevant because it is a communication medium used to distribute information or advertise. print media is irreplaceable because sometimes they are portable and convenient.

No because change is good when it comes to this as it is to adapt to our different technology.

because people will need to adapt to something new


depend on the situation, targeted customer, etc, but I think digital is better because can reduce cost of marketing from printed media.

Declining readership

If we rely on technology too much like typing instead of writing, drawing digitally instead of drawing on paper, we can forget all the original and manual things we used to do.

In my understanding, I think that it is an IMPORTANT issue because it could affect the betterment of our society especially because there are still print medias being produced such as newspapers and magazines that keep people up-to-date about current situations. Not everyone id privileged to have access to social media that's one of the reasons why the change of print media could affect our society GREATLY.


Content credibility, cost of production

because you learn a lot from print media and digital media might damage your body especially your eyes and hands

Since we need to follow the development of technology to survive in now days.

I think it’s not an important issue.

Some people still use print media and print media can benifit the economy more.

No big issues.


Adapt or die. Print media is becoming a niche.




it reflects larger changes in society and the media landscape. The rise of digital and social media has challenged the dominance of print media, forcing it to adapt and evolve in new ways in order to remain relevant.


certainly very important print media must change. to keep loyal readers alive

Supaya semua orang bisa beradaptasi dengan perubahan

Because if the roles of print media changes then the information provided wouldn’t be the same.


save the earth (paper usage)


Because the existance of print media can be replaced



Its easier to access

The changing trends to technology development



I think it’s not really an important issue

Yeah, more environmentally. Less carbon emission without printing so paper media.



Changing roles of print media need to be addressed because they affect our information consumption. Print media is becoming less and less prevalent in the recent years, and therefore this reduces the significance of its purpose.

Is the same like offline store switch to online shop

people start to lack the use of digital media, and don’t really get interested in them and most likely would be more aware from social media

We need to know the most effective media to relay messages and achieve our purpose

It change the way information and everything delivered

Because print media is a useful thing that doesn't have something that digital media has, it doesn't hurt your eyes.

Because the print media is rarely used by people since the Internet exists.


Young people not really like to read, prefer to see only

Not an issue

In printed media era, the content could have a layering process of filtering to protect society interest, while with digital media, where anyone could provide content at anytime the system of layering won’t work as firm as it was with printed media.

I said No

I clicked no

Because it will ruin the rep

It is an important issue so we will be aware of the development of media, reasons for the changes and the impacts of the changes.

Print media morphing its content closer to social media might cater to the younger demographic

It has to give more accurate information and specific insight

Because digital are paperless and thats important for our world (earth)

Digital media could take over the world and print media will be gone


Make it better and useful

i dont think its much of an issue as digital media can often be more environment-friendly anyway

Easy to access


Not really

My biggest concern are the mental health of young generations who haven’t mature logically and not ready to be exposed to the digital world due to lack of supervision, knowledge and experience, make them cannot distinguish between reality or not.

It could waste our marketing money in the wrong place

More simple, wide reach

I think that it is because the changing of roles would be very influencing

It's now a modern life, personally, I don't think people use print media as often as they do in the past. As much as I hate to admit it, I think that print media should change into modern media since people nowadays use social media.

Not important

To make people get away from the screen and create a habbit to read

To make sure the information that you've gotten is accurate

digital technology made us to be creative and the role changes of print media give more opportunities for who can adapted of this era

Because we must adapt on it. Which means it can be pros and cons issues.

People prefer online material

It changes of the way people spread information, eg selling and promoting goods





because print media is more reliable rather than digital media

Social media is easy, instant and anytime, while print media we need to look for phisically

People more attached to their gadget

less paper will help the world healing

Media cetak sekarang juga kurang mengangkat sebuah isu penting, hanya sebagai promosi sebuah brand saja

Corporate need to adjust

Karena industri tsb cukup byk tenaga kerja nya. Maka harus dilakukan penyesuaian

Some people use socia media to share uneducated news & hoax.

As long as we can adapt & use social media wisely i think it’ll be fine.

Subscribers are changing their attitudes and behaviors. Many people now spend more time online.

print media must adapt to the changes that occur. Otherwise, it will be left behind

Idk how to explain

Save a lot

The printing company will have to think other things to do


cause yeah

I think no

No because as everything is digital and online it is easier to access and gain knowledge, whereas if it were to be print media it will take longer to be available for everyone


Because the role in one of the major media at the past is changing


Yes because print media is still used in daily life for everyone and is a solid option if we don't have devices


More skills needed to operate the digital technology and everyone needs to be aware of this.

They need to change their role to compete with digital media


People need to be more careful





I answered no

Krn Org Sdh terbiasa apa2 dgn teknologi digital


hoax of information


more trash


People need to be updated about how the world is changing. E.g. marketing agencies, etc

It is because it is

I Said no



Yes because digital media is subject to hoaxes and inaccurate information.

we should use less paper

i feel like it is but I don't know what it means

We need to embrace print media because it is an authentic form of media that is part of our history

Yes because people should be using the same media to achieve efficiency and consistenxy


Digital media can be polarizing and over-stigmatizing for children who need to develop their own creativity and opinions. Print media needs to be used more often in early education centers.

Older generations prefer to read in the form of print media instead of digital media.

Because print media has higher frequency of viewing compare to online ads in social media so the changing role of print media will give big impact to the sales

Actually it helps reducing waste and save the environment

I do believe its an issue only to those who are from older generations or people who still advocate that its necessary that younger generations consume print media as it boosts their intelligence and literacy skills in a different way compared to digital/social media.

Digitalization propagates less usage of paper




people nowadays wants everything instantly and they get surface level news from social media, instead of understanding them deeper by reading/understanding the whole story. The change behavior can be destructed.

Yes because The media can easily fool many people

idk 😭

Yes because I'm not aware of it and I think more people should be aware of it.

It is an important issue because if print media is not balanced with digital media then digital media will be dominant.





Yes, as social media evolves, I think social media is way more efficient. You are able to deliver more information and reach out to more people

bc print media can have bad influence

Question 10: What are the positive effects of print media?
doesnt hurt your eyes

It provides information

inform people about current events


Not sure

It allows for individuals to have a physical connection to the advertisements

Gives wide range of news topics which can easily be scanned and selected by the viewer.

Appeal to visual learners.

I’m not sure

They gives u information

Good for reinforcement / reminder or event for more specific audience

There is hardcopy and can be documented




it can bring a community together

more attractive and appealing towards visual learners


Print media can be more reliable than digital media as it is not easily accessible to edit.

You can touch and feel the paper

Books can still be enjoyed in remote area where internet connection is unavailable

Paperless, evironment friendy

Conventional reader, physical interaction, target market

can be handled

The positive effects of printed media, especially books, are that they tend to provide a relaxing effect while being read. Additionally, they are seen as more authoritative sources because printed books require more money to produce, leading publishers to be more selective in choosing their materials. Finally, reading printed material tends to be more focused compared to reading on a gadget where one can become distracted by other apps.

helps peoples to connect with each other even though they are at great distances, helps peoples to get up to date information and get ideas related to science

accessible in area without internet

many people's working


No blocking news by advertising, can read without comercial break

can be read by everyone, especially old people

It is more appealing and somehow attracts the readers to read

Print media has the advantage of making a longer impact on the minds of the reader with more in-depth reporting and analysis.

easier to read, lasting impression, less competition, more reliable information

More legit

Good for the environment

Sometimes touch sensory is significant to certain group of people

Easy to see in the environment

wider reach, increased credibility, lasting impression, less competition (?), and extended lifespan

Old people still love to read Newspaper in the morning

there is more easy to find something in print media

More visibility to small businesses

Print media is more accurate as there is a low chance of the information written being false propaganda or a hoax.

Healthier for eyes


Best for local targeting, appeal to visual learners

Always on view

We had to read deep news like on the news magazine

Print media has a physical item (paper) that can be

Its better for ur eyes

Print media can reach some people who doesn't have gadget

Good for public awareness


We know the latest information

that is, it does not cause hoaxes because before it is printed and disseminated there is control from the media company, besides that it also does not interfere with eye health because you cannot see through your handphone

Content of print media is more attached on people's nemory and experience than digital media.

Sosial interaktif dapat lebih terlihat

Print media has better credibility

You can enjoy reading without harming your hands, eyes (only if your reading while its bright), and other bodyparts. Nothing is harmed

Bigger field of sight

Print media is better for your eyes.

Easier to read, information to keep and can always refer back to

better eyes

More comprehensive, scheduled

Its better for your health compared to digital media

Media such as newspapers, television and internet can be used as on the best means to develop some basic awareness about the world.

long lasting

People can get information not through screen, but more like a paper-like

Print media have lot of teaching method in books, jourbal, paper

for old age yes, bu now this is not relevan anymore

More reliable information

print publications have a more predictable and loyal readership

It’s easier to keep track of as it is physical and more immersive.

you keep your own negative comments to yourself.

Flashy images in magazines get the attention of many magazine readers. Thus if you have a killer ad design, the results are always promising.

much better for direct selling customer, event offline

Print media is consider more credible than digital media

Since screens on devices emit blue light, paper emits no blue light at all. It is fully physically interactive.

I believe that the positive effect of print media is that it is able to influence those who read it IMMENSELY. It also creates a big impact on those who read it, most especially those who prefer a visual aid.

the news that is displayed can be accounted for

Easy to read , credible source, loyal customer base

that you can learn a lot

Print media is widely considered more credible than digital media

You can keep it as memorabilia

You can use it and keep it some where.

Easier to found

physically reachable and could be kept on person

You can hold it, see it, smell it (ah the nice smell of freshly printed ink…)

Lebih dekat ke customer

Anti blue light


Print media, especially newspapers and magazines, are often considered more credible than digital media.


News content can be held accountable by the owner of the media. the content of the news has been validated for its truth.

Fisiknya ada.

I think the positive effectd of print media is that it can appeal to local audiences and visual learners.

u can just answer it without using a device

All generations can exposed

Help businesses to extend their reach to potential customers

the credibility of print media is more trustworthy than social media which only relies on speed

Can be keep

Print media was used more in history and does not used devices

More can be reliable

People get more attached

More sequential

Easy to view

Friendly for my eys

More accurate & trustworthy

Could provide more credibility

Its more effective and generally lasts longer


Print media can reach all age groups, targets more local audiences, decreases screen time, and is less vulnerable to information alterations.

Eco friendly, reduce the usage of paper

It doesn’t need much device time and can be good people who are always on their devices

It is long lasting, it creates a greater impact because it is less dynamic

Longer lasting footprints than digital

Its doesnt hurt your eyes, it is almost as accessible as digital media, and it feels good to touch it physically.

They can promote businesses and tell of worldwide statuses.

easier for older people to understand

Easy to look after


I would give the comparison as an example between books and internet. With book, you will read about a topic you read deeper because you will have to finish the book to get the information that you want, while with internet, we tend to read only what we want to know and quickly move to other information. To conclude, printed media give us deeper understanding about an issue we would like to cover.


Its good for old people

Isn't easily fiddled with

We do not need to connect to Internet to use print media. We can also easily carry and read newspapers.

In its current form, more "reliable" source form of media

More credible resources

Just traditional sensation of reading

it is easier to read

Make people like to reading newspaper

Premium packaging,

system errors cannot occur, more easily accessible (doesn’t need internet)

Focus in reading


Easier for filing

Higher quality content, no advertisements in between, no multiple pages division for news, cheaper price, credibility of content can be justified, can be classified according to the reader’s age, cultivating reading habits, long lasting

Long lasting in hard copy, for poster when you post them in one spesific spot it will be a repeating reminder of people who pass by

Full information

it can give you alot of information

Positive effects of print media is that if you want to research using printed medias instead of the internet, they contain more information than the internet do and is much easier to be researched.

Wow effect since its expensive

Creating a reading habbit, print media is easier to read and contain more information than the digital version

Established trust

we can be a collector

We can read it anytimes, without need an energy such as battery or electricity. Maybe

Can be store and saved

Can reach people of all ages and spectrum, leads to more loyal customer since it involves physical interaction

Mudah dilihat

easy to use for eldearly people

Pesan yang disampaikan dapat di baca semua kalangan dan dapat di konfimasi sumbernya.kom

Easy to use

can be re-read and more credible

More detail,

Less pollution, save environment

I don't thing there will be the positive effects

Sangat berguna ketika kita sedang tidak menggunakan gadget, dan menjadikan masyarakat mempertahankan budaya membaca

Can be storage

Informasi lebih akurat karena melalui beberapa proses penyaringan data sebelum dicetak.

Journalistic work is subject to the Press Law and Regulation, this means that any lawsuit that is directed towards a news outlet needs to go through the Press Council first.

Less screen time!

Help humans connect to each other, get information faster and helps humans in getting ideas related to science

No blue screen

Validity and doesnt expire

More employee

they are wide spread among elders and makes it easier for them


People will use less social media

The positive effects of print media is that it targets older audiences

makes your eyes not hurt

No screen => healthier eyes

I don't think there are many positive effects



We can touch or hold the real resources.

Not sure


It is reliable

lasting impression, increased credibility, provides jobs.

traditional forms of communication



They reduce screen time

Bikin makin kreatif & bikin Org jd rajin membaca

caters to more age ranges

things are thoroughly checked before publication

Doesnt strain eyes

less chances of hoax

Cheap ig

Less addiction to social media, prevent loss of

I dont know

It is usually a more reputable source

I’m not sure


Able to disseminate information which is accurate and proper.

it is more effective in targeting local communitites

it makes you smarter

It allows us to take a break from screens, it encourages us to read

Doesn’t damage eyes

Very good

It helps people improve their attention span, is also better for the eyes.

It is easier to read and highlight important things.

Print media helps to reach the exact target market whether it be niche market or general public

We can read it again anytime without need our laptop or handphone

Personally, I believe that print media teaches us to be more attentive and detail-oriented and it boosts our critical thinking skills and literacy.


easy to get

Trusted and real information on the past or other criteria's

You can get less screen & get smart

Teach us to embrace process and learnings on a deeper level

Giving positive impacts, and giving accurate information

um i don’t know

Print media can help promote things and provide information

World statuses, Economy news, Emergency reports, etc.



It looks good

More attention

I would say the positive effects of print media is less competition

They gives u information

Question 11: What are the negative effects of print media?

slow to distribute information

Not all news are reported correctly by print media

probably for advertisements, people are being enticed to buy the latests products though they don't need them


Not sure

Wasting resources and hurting the environment

Bias. The mainstream news outlets have lost journalistic principles in exchange for corporate agendas. Corporate agendas have also been highly influenced by governmental prerogatives, even propaganda agencies like NED, CIA, huge corporate lobbyists like MIC and Big Pharma, or banking sector policy makers.

Requires a lot of planning.

I’m not sure

It can influence u

Is it still effective to reach broad audience if needed

Need a lot of paper



Needs trees

it is not sustainable for the environment

harder to access


Print media can cause harm to the environment as it requires a significant use of wood

You cannot feel it

Waste of paper, more trees being cut down

Jd sampah

Paper waste

using paper

The negative effects of printed media include ecological impacts, as well as the tendency to consume a lot of

Cost and limited


job less


Had alot of book colection , (some say safe the forest)

no go green

The use of the paper

Higher cost

time consume on brainstorming/planning, higher cost

Using more materials (paper etc)

Hard to target a specific audience. Higher cost.

Costly to distribute

Wasting materials

higher cost, needs more exposure and planning to become successful

Costly, and it takes time to print and distribute it

print media cause global warming


Based on environmental concerns, the printing media uses a lot of natural resources, mainly wood, which can be a cause of deforestation.

No filtering in any contents

global warming

Negative body image: ONE of the things that print media had been accused of in the recent past is of stereotyping of what is considers to be perfect body image.

Wasting paper

Late issues...

It has more carbon footprints so not so environment friendly.

It takes longer to trasport

Print media contain trash after use

Wasting media material

Global warming ( paper )

A lot of paper trash

it takes a long time to update, namely in the printing process and always uses paper products

Use so much of paper products that causes forest logging.

Pemborosan kertas

print media involve the consumption of natural resources, such as paper and ink, which can contribute to deforestation and pollution

It will either be very hard to get your hands on some magazines or newspaper or either the fact it is very fragile (due to it being paper) it can be ripped easily.

Using paper, more costly and the paper has been touched by many people before arriving to you

Waste papers

Piling up on the trash

can break

It is not up-to-date

Its bad for the environment

No interactions.

not eco friendly

Deforestation- since papers are made by trees

Not envoronment friendly

Not earth friendly

Paper waste

not for a global audience, higher cost getting published on print media can be highly expensive.

It creates waste, isn’t very sustainable, and it takes up lots of space.

can get lost

Print media is not the best method to get the word out about your business if you are targeting a global audience as it’s very rare to find print publications that read globally.

not good for environment

Higher cost and limited audience

There are easier and quicker ways to show images or presentations online than on paper.

I believe that the negative effects of print media is that it's not suitable for a global audience due to the fact that it NEEDS to be exposed multiple times. And for those who produce this, it costs them at a much higher price to be able to keep producing them. They are also time taking for the reason that it needs a lot of planning because once it has been printed and exposed you can no longer turn back and 'edit' it.

Waste of paper

Slow reach , outdated

since technology is becoming more advanced nowadays and if you are still using print media that means your lagging behind the modern technological era

Not environmental friendly

Not enviromentally friendly.

It is not always portable and you cant share it to a lot of people

Wasting paper

waste of paper

Paper waste

Tidak ramah lingkungan

Paper usage

not good for the environment

Environmental impact. The production and disposal of paper and ink used in print media can have a significant environmental impact, including deforestation, water pollution, and greenhouse gas emissions.


it takes time in processing and distribution and editing process. and news can not be known quickly

Repot harus beli2, pas urgent gak langsung ada

I think the negative effects of print media is that it costs more than digital media and it won’t really attract a global audience.

wasting paper

Not efficient and not go green

Paper wastage

through a complicated and lengthy journalistic process

Paper usages

It wastes paper which leads to deforestation.

Too old and takes longer than Social Media

Its not as efficient as social media nowadays

The usage of paper, not environmental friendly

Not that convenient as it is not always with you (easy to lose)

Need a lot of space to store

Waste of space.

Environmental impacts

It fills up space with waste


Higher expenses due to printing and distribution costs, reaches a limited target market, requires more time and effort.

Waste paper, trash

People don’t use it as much anymore

It cannot be omnipresent and less accessible


it might not be as accessible as digital media.

It is on paper which has its limitations such as getting ripped, lost, etc.

less fast when you want to get information

Save so many papper

Use of papers

The cost of production of printed media are more expensive because you need paper, and printing machine to produce printed form of media content, which also has an impact with our environment since up until now, trees are source of paper industry.

Paper waste, ink waste, etc. Seldom given not to the right person

Does not connect with the younger generation

Really hard to edit

Using print media requires the use of paper. Thus, it will mean cutting trees.

Hard to reach to young demographic that wants ease of access

Need to pay more

Used more paper, and will effect to global warming

it makes you hard to focus

Not paperless

use a lot of paper that will become waste

mass printing can lead to deforestation (?)

Become trash


Wasting so many things

Not interactive, no video and audio, not up to date, higher production cost, produce more waste, no room for citizen journalism

Not reaching wide enough

Expensive cost

it might give you a bad influence and make you do bad choices

Some people don't use print media nowadays, since there are news of unused paper ends up in the sea (which can harm the environment). Other negative effects may include being easily ripped or thrown out.

Not sure

No audio elements

Cost more

who keep the things rapidly, they can make them for some collections

It needs more effort to reach the readers/customers, like a budget, promote etc

Can be worn out

Cannot capture sound and movement, more effort in distribution, the usage of trees

Sulit menjangkau global

global warming

Terlalu banyak resources yang di gunakan pada media cetak

Sources impact to global warming

higher cost and can not reach global audience

We need to find the media phisically or need to carry

We need to cut more trees

global warming

Membuang buang bahan produksi, menambah banyak sampah bila tidak fikelola dengan baik

Paper waste nedd time to prepare

Proses lama, kurang ramah lingkungan

Wasting papers

Reaching less targeted people. Less ability to forward info to others. Cost more. Competition from online ads that will grab people attention more.

Lead to negative opinions if the news is not delivered well


More trees to cut for reproduction

Unsustainable environment

they waste paper and have a bad effect on the envoironment


It's harder to access

Negative effects of print media is that it takes a while to be accessible for everyone


Slower information than fast as internet

Not too sure

Not efficient


Not too practical.


time consumimg

Less reliable

contributes to carbon emission & paper waste

Waste of paper



They cause climate change due to the amount of trees being cut down for the paper

Nambah pengeluaran yg berujung jikalau Sdh Gk terpakai akn terbuang jd sampah

lots of waste

not accessible everywhere

Not as easy to share or spread as digital forms of media

not accessible for


Slower rate of passing information, too used to old ways

Maybe because ur killing more trees to print the things.

Less convenient

I do not know


It takes a longer amount of time and uses up a lot of paper.

waste paper and target less people

You can waste paper and it's not as efficient

It harms the environment once we produce it.

Envieonmental damage

Expensive to print, not environmentally friendly, costs money

Wastes paper, is not always accessible

It takes a lot of paper and ink to print it, and it's quite expensive.

No audio/visual elements which is less attractive comper to online ads

Waste and reducing trees

I wouldn’t say these are negative effects but its more disadvantageous for people that its a bit boring, time-consuming and its more costly compared to digital/social media.


use of wood is wasteful and can cause climate change

Hard to find and maybe sometimes hard to decipher

Sometimes you get bored

longer news cycle can't beat the updated one given by social media

Im not really sure


im not sure

Easy to be ripped and slower to navigate than Digital media.


Not sure



You cant really reach out to most people and I think that going on to social media is just more efficient

They can have unappropriate pictures or information

Question 12: What are the positive effects of digital/social media?
fast and quick information

Wider reach

In one click, you can easily access information

its instant

Not sure

Allows people to have a personal connection

News can be curated by people you trust.

Connectivity is among the most significant benefits of social media.

Fast spread news

Thwy give you entertainment

More reach

Easy access




it reports current events faster, for example natural disasters, social media can save lives

easy to access and more entertaining


Digital media is more accessible and easier to use.

Its more faster


Lebih murah

Convenience, easy, cheaper, faster, no paper waste

no boundaries

The positive effects of digital media include the speed of information dissemination and the democratization of information channels.

Can reach unlimited people

easier to update/revise content

fast information

Easy to spreading a good news


Paperless & information more update/ faster

You can read it everywhere, all the information at your fingertips

We can easily access information, easily share this information with others, seek counsel or opinions

spread information efficiently worldwide, platforms that overcome barriers, connect into bigger network

Less papers, can be access easily, less costs

It spreads quickly

Fast and efficient

Will spread more than offline media

provides individuals w a way to look outside of their current worldview and express themselves as well as allowing people to catch a glimpse of a world bigger than their own; communication is easier than ever now

Cheaper, faster, wider range of scope

u can search only with your gadget

Communicate with people around the world

We can have fun and become entertained with digital/social media. Its also easy to make friends with others as we can just text them easily

Free knowledge on it

cheap, wider audience

Advertisement: the ancient babylonians got it right where the print media was concerned, it is indeed an effective tool for mass communications.

Less paper wasted


Almost unlimited distribution by a few clicks.

Doesnt need to be trasported

It's more efficient, no trash, and can reach more people

Gain more information

Explore the news faster

More flexible , a lot of information , easier to communication

will get news quickly and can see many news references from social media

Saves space.

Kemudahan akses

Digital media is easy to access and can reach global population

For digital it can help improve typing faster on whatever device you normally use and that you can easily do things that could take alot of hours without digital media. Like tiktok, it can stimulate (cure boredom) your brain but it can start getting dangerous if you stimulate it too much.

Speed, more varieties of topics at hand

Saving papers

Convenient, efficient, easy access at all times


It is up-to-date

Its more global and easier to share or spread

Communicate and stay up to date with family and friends around the world.

easy to be forgotten

It can save treess

Less paper

more effective

Easier and faster to spread information

more effective, social connectivity, and communications speed

It is easy to share and use(like this survey) and there are endless content that is easy to find.

most of the time is free

Building Relationships and Staying Connected

good for environment, good customer engagement, less cost (in some way)

Low cost, easy stay in touch with friends, family and work remotely

It can help us connect more with people from around the world

In my perspective, I believe that digital/social media's positive effects are it's easier to use most especially when promoting a certain propaganda. As well as it's ability to be ALWAYS be up-to-date. Another positive effect is that you are able to have a social network with anyone.

information is easy to spread

Colorful, timely manner, low cost, bigger reach span

that you can learn a lot

Easy to access information any where and anytime, also more update.

Easy,,fast,,cheap,,enviromentally friendly

Its easier to share stuff to others

Everything become more easy, I can choose what I want to read/see.

easy to use and easily accessible

Everything real time

Lebih enak dilihat

Paperless, updated and flexible

has no limits on who can view them, good for the environment

Digital and social media have created new opportunities for entrepreneurship, networking, and career advancement.

people fast accepting update

news can be instantly distributed at the time and place of incident quickly

Gak makan waktu kapan aja butuh tinggal cari dan dimana aja bisa

I think the positive effects of digital media are the new skills that you learn and the ability to communicate with others online.


Easy, fast, efficient

Communicate and stay up to date with family and friends

we can look for news sources anywhere and anytime

East to access

Doesn’t use paper which helps prevent deforestation.

Actual time and faster

we can access social media easier and it has a bigger fan base

Easier to access information

Easily accessible anywhere anytime within your gadgets

Easy to acess

Faster & easier to get informations

Easier accessibility, cost less

Saves space

Global influence. Majority of indonesian people use digital/social media

Can reach a global audience, greater provision of information, more engaging contact, easier communication,

Cheaper and the effect more widerange

there are many people that you can connect with online and it’s easier to spread awareness about something

It is more accessible across the globe


It is very accessible.

They have the same positive things as print media, they are only faster to navigate and are more efficient.

Easy exchange of information

Easy n spread faster


As stated above, you can access digital media anywhere and anytime.

Engage directly

Connects globally to almost everyone

A lot more easier to read and portable

Digital media is accessible anytime.

Fast access

No need to purchase

Paperless, good for the environment, easy to access


More faster the information

Going green, spread quickly the news, easy to edit

does not have much environmental effects, has more features that can make it more convenient and/or useful

Could read anywhere, any time

More cheaper


Real time news and updates, reduce paper waste, lots of new skills can be learned easily, people can communicate conveniently

Can go international n global


it can give you information and entertainment

There are a lot of positive effects of social media, for example--since I'm a K-pop fan--I can get up-to-date through internet about my favorite celebs, and I can communicate with my favorite celebs as well.

Targeted and calculated

There is interaction, there is audio element, no time delay

Spreads to millions of people

we can search any issue easier

It’s easier to spreading around the world

Can be access from anywhere

Can capture sound and movement, easy in distribution

Penyebaran informasi lebih cepat dan luas

easy access, fast, free

Pesan yang di sampaikan lebih cepat

Easy to access

globally communicate and no need physycal interaction

Instant , sometimes come to live with music, movement

You can get information realtime

less paper or maybe could be zero paper in the future

Dapat mengakses informasi dengan mudah, dapat belajar dari berbagai macam hal hanya dalam satu genggaman.

Fast to launch

Banyak informasi yg tersaji, informasi cepat

Reach more audience, more efective & efficient

Positive sensory aspects? And the older generation may still prefer this method.

It makes it easier for us to interact with many people, expand our social circle, Facilitate Information Search and it is easier to express ourselves

Its easier to maintain

Cost saving. Environmental friendly

More sustqinable. Easy access, cheaper

it is easier to spread awareness to a specific topic to younger audiencr


Easier to access and spread

Easy to access

new info

Fast information, all can be seen in one device.

Much information



More practical and easy to use.

Besides no need of materials, digital media can reach people globally

everyone can access the information

Bigger outreach

reduces carbon emission & paper waste, increased efficiency

anyone can have access to it and its very global

Easy to access


They don’t require much paper or cutting trees etc

Lbh simple & Bs dgn cpt dpt info mengenai hal yg kita Gk tau

easy to share and wastes less paper

easily found resources

Easy to spread information, wider source of information

easier to socialize and search for information


Quicker updates, easier to spread awareness on global issues

U dont kill trees

Easily obtained information

communication, collaboration, finding friends of different ethnicities in different countries, chatting with friends even outside of school


Can easily be checked anytime anywhere.

get access to more people

It's easier to collect information and be smarter

It allows us to connect with the world and other people in a creative fashion.

Not harmful towards the environment

It’s free (mostly), easy to access, entertaining

Not harmful towards the environment, great for connecting with others/ the sharing of ideas.

There are free digital media and some you need to pay for. However, it won't be expensive.

Building relationship and staying connected with everyone around the world

It helps saving the environment

Anyone can access it without paying or maybe much cheaper compared to print media. They can also access it and have it in their pockets anywhere and anytime. They can also search or speed up the process of finding the highlights they want.


more contemporary

New learning and opertunities

You can chat with friends

We can easily get the most updated and current news/info

More easy to accesss

you get clout

Promoting is very easy

Same thing as print media positive things, only easier to navigate.




No waste

You can get access to multiple type of information easier

They are engaging to watch, but they gives u information all around the world

Question 13: What do you think are the negative effects of digital/social media?

hurts your eyes if seen too long

People get addicted to using digital media

Fake news is everywhere.

too much screen

Not sure

You can't avoid it

Government censorship has become a thing which prohibits people who disagree with the government

distracting them, disrupting their sleep, and exposing them to bullying, rumor spreading, unrealistic views of other people's lives and peer pressure.

Too fast spreadof rumors

They are bad

All are just tools, depends on the people who use it

Can access without filter



Not healthy for the brain

social media is prone to hoaxes and misinformation

screen time and less connection with the physical environment/workd


Digital media increases screen time and may cause people to not go out often

You cannot feel it

Exposure of information to audience with inappropriate age

Harus khusus

Not save for children under age, need more attention

hoax news

The flood of information isn't always good, as it could lead information seekers astray.

easily made as a tool to commit a fraud

less regulated (content, permit, etc), anyone can publish anything

no filter information

Easy to make a scam

Some fals link leading to unresponsible news maker, hoax

too fast information & sometimes the contents its not related.

The short writing format doesn’t give us the proper information we need

Dependence on computers and the internet, Reduces Face-to-Face Interaction, cyberbullying

unrealistic, addiction

Uncontrol (children underage can access 18+ contents)

It stays forever. :)

Too much junk mails and spams

Sometimes they are not filtered

cyber bullying? exposure to unhealthy media, lack of privacy/overuse of anonymity in regards to cyber bullying and the lack of consequences, people posting every part of their life? there’s alot

Too fast and too much information might turned into hoax

everybody being to enggage with gadget

Mental impact on younger geberatiins

Hateful comments and people who can get your personal information. Since the internet is a free space, people can do what they want such as sending hateful comments or even getting access to our private information. In some cases, these hateful comments can even lead to other effects like low self esteem or low self confidence.

Affects in human behaviors


Psychological effect and fake News

Too many false information

Not reliable

If the target is not a population who are used to digital/social media, the message may not get to them.

Paying for internet, phone bills and more

It's addictive(?)

No negative effects

the impact of short thinking so that it can be misperception

An controllable context

if you are not wise, you can get caught up in hoax news and can interfere with eye health if you stare at your handphone for too long

High paced can make people lack of focus.

Semua umur bisa melihat konten yang tidak sesuai dengan umurnya

There are a lot of misinformation and fake news

Your eyesight will be harmed, Hands and sleeping schedule could take a big turn if you keep using it too much

It would affect people’s sleeping patterns as well as eyes problem

Too much fake news around

More into eye health issues, trapped in electronic gadget


Addictive and without filter for everyone

Because its such a advanced platform it also leads to many misinformation

cyberbullying, social anxiety, depression, and exposure to content that is not age appropriate

high screen time, low socialization

Ur eyes can be bad

Eyes can be tired and minus


Too much fake information

too many false information spread on social media

Addiction, digital footprint, easy manipulation.

can easily share negative comments and is dangerous in so many ways

FOMO, Cyberbullying

if target customer is not open to internet, it will be so hard

Security risk in relation to data and fraud

Cyberbullying, viruses, and hacking. This can cause many problems to your data and personal information.

From my basis, the negative effects of digital/social media is that you CAN be able to influence a bad behavior or not safe for work content while also staying anonymous. Another is that it's not ALWAYS safe because of the thousands and/or millions of content.

many hoaxes spread

Unreliable resources

it will damage your eyes and hands and you might get addicted until you eventually became aggressivd

Lack of source and content control.

Addiction to social media, FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out)

Cyberbullying and false information

No filter

could be easily used for hate speech

Becoming a worthless commodity

Lebih susah di akses


hoaxes can be easily spread

Digital and social media can spread misinformation and fake news quickly, leading to confusion, misunderstanding, and polarization.

people dont read details

There is a lot of news that cannot be validated for its truth.

Cepet banget berita menyebar, walau. Hoax

I think the negative effects of digital media are the decrease of face to face interactions with the ones you know and it also delays in learning and social skills.


For certain of generations they are not handy with digital

Decreases face-to-face communication skills

Lots of fake news or hoax

Cannot be stored physically

Can create negativeness through online means, making depression, anxiety, and loneliness.

Sometimes the truth of the Event need to be investigate

people doesnt get attached to it

Time management and health concerns

Lack of in real life social interaction

To easy for getting informatioms, no chalange

Too many hoax

Less credibility, lots of hoax

feels odd to use to few people

Control and monitor about the content

Digital devices are expensive, negatively impacts eyesight, vulnerable to fake news, can create addiction, privacy concerns and cybercrime


people may get to addicted

It imprints less because there is too many of them

Swallow information


Unnecessary ads, irrelevant information, fake news, etc.

Addicted, lack of socialization



People could post anything that they want without filtering process meaning it could be a false information (hoax), intrude society’s interest (cultural and harmony among community)

Easy to be manipulated

its can really damage someone mently

Easily editable

Digital media are not accurate sometimes. Using digital media also leads to addiction and mental health issues. With digital media, people have limited privacy.

Lack of reliability

Doubtful source of information

Many hoax

stalkers in digital media

Many netizen with bad word

Dependence on social media - gadget, can easily spread hoax

system errors can occur, often requires internet to access

Not focus in what you read, and many false informaton

We can not control.

hoax news

Addiction to digital media can cause anger, tension and depresion when internet access is not available. Excessive use of digital media inhibits children’s cognitive development such as ability to read, loss of analytical thinking, inability to remember things, decreased attention span and slow information processing while learning something new. Lack of social skills. Information overload and unjustified information credibility.

Very quickly changed

Duration so maybe not full information we get

it can make you depressed

There are a lot of negative effects of social media, including cyber bullying, inappropriate search through the internet, etc.

Too much noise

Reduce face to face interaction

Could be scams

we cant avoid some hoax issues

Everyone can access it. Perhaps need some filters to see prevent the audience


No physical interaction, less loyal customer

Informasi yang disampaikan bisa saja tidak akurat

minim of censor (leading to hoax and other bad information for consumers)

Terlalu banyak berita yang tidak bisa di verifikasi sumbernya


Mental health problems and delay social skills

Negative issue, hoax, hate, flexing, etc

People more attached to digital devices, less communication between family member

Is hard to filter which one is the valid one

Membuat pengguna menjadi ketergantungan, informasinya yang sangat cepat membuat pengguna kurang bijak menyikapinya.

Too much information

informasi kurang valid, terlalu banyak distraksi

Sometime people share hoax news.

Many people dont know how to check the credibility of a source (thus fake news/hoaxes propagate so quickly). Digital social media also could have significant negative effects on many young girls as the bombardment of images they see will cause them to have low self-esteem. Digital social media also causes people to spend less face-to-face interactions.

Disrupts Mental Health, Spread of False Information, Decreased social skills


Sometimes abusive and fake news spread

Uncontrolled content



Maybe unreliable

Easier for hoaxes to spread around and faster

bad for eyes

Bad health on eyes

distracting them, disrupting their sleep, and exposing them to bullying, rumor spreading, unrealistic views of other people's lives and peer pressure.

Wasting materials


More screen time, more exhausting eyes.

Lot of scams

hoaxes idk

Easier to be dishonest

makes it easier for bad people to distribute false information. contributes to increased chance of depression for young people.

people are too absorbed in social media they dont care for real world things

Hoax and scams


Too much screen time and social media actually makes us less social

Bikin males baca & cari info ttg seputar hal lain nya yg Gk ada kaitan nya dgn urusan kita sendiri

misinformation are easily spread


Strains eyes

addictive, dangerous

Mind corruption and hypnotism

Hoaxes can spread faster, more distractions

U break ur eyes

There may be hoax or inappropriate content

Cyber bullying


Information posted may be inaccurate

we will be more addicted to pur phones

It causes brain damage

Addiction to screens, graphic content

Is not heavily regulated so abuse and discrimination happens often

Addiction, KIDNAPPING (I’m jk but my pyp exhibition was abt this lmao)

Overstimulating, higher risk of hoaxes spreading

There are more bullying and hucksterism in the online media.

Social media may increase risk for depression, enxiety, self harm

Social media need to create certain rules to create safe system for children

It makes people more lazy and they become less detail-oriented.


addicted to technology and can damage the eyes

Not age confirmed knowledge

You can get cyber bullied

Not everything on social media is valid/trusted and mostly surface level news

Easily untrue

bad for ur mental health

Negative things can be spreaded easily

Fake news, hoaxes, hate speech, innapropiate content, etc.



It doesn’t look that good

False media

You can be exposed to basically anything

social media can be addictive

Question 14: Name some ways in which print media are adapting to change

Print journalists are learning the skills of technology.

We can now read newspapers and magazines online.


I dont know

Everything is moving to digital platforms and print media is also doing the same

They are going out of business. They are digitalizing their content. They are buying lawmakers who will support their governmental or corporate overlords.

Graphic design

Not sure

They are adding limited information so that children do not get exposed to bad rhings


Convert to digital media




print media companies now have official websites

there are less people using print media therefore less printed media to reduce waste


Print medias are staring to exist online to keep their businesses alive.


Newspaper can be accessed online

Poster, flyer, magazine

Segmenting highest-value customers based on lifetime value models with geographic inputs lets you easily optimize your print budget

news online

I don't see a bright future for flat printed media, except as a learning tool for children, as it may not have a healthy effect on its readers. 3D printed media may be another innovation that can adapt to digital disruption.

Always adapting to the changing times and the needs of society

print media is used to promote its digital platform


I never print any

Need to have after read recycling system or reuse one

they can create print media in social media too

Kompas is now having all its magazine and newspaper in one application

Kompas Daily has expanded to digital by launching, the application available for mobile phones, and publishing the electronic newspaper

e-flyer, website, e-cataloque

Invitation, ticketing

Magazines and books

They digitalized!


increasing digital presence (making digital vers of the print media), increasing socmed presence by making accs for brands, digital branding? there’s also alot

Usually they also have the online division

kindle for book, instagram for some newspaper or magazine brand


Im not sure

Submitting the content in ages limitation


create a new product in the form of online media and make a strategy to modify the product by improving the quality of existing products,

Print less. Print only when necessary

Making a good web news

using recycle paper or more environment friendly ink.

More efficient trasport

Still don't know yet



can adapt to the news update process and can be designed more simply

Kompas, Tribunnews.

Koran digital, seperti contoh media release yg kebanyakan beranjak dari newspaper

Print media can stay relevant by focusing on niche market and more in-depth analysis

Never really saw my father read them. Only books, Yes. They count as print media but the one im referring to is magazines and newspaper.

As above

Newspaper available online now

Flyers / advertisement updated to email subsription and cinema ad

i dont know

Going online

i dont know 😅

Print media companies are using social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter to promote their content and engage with readers.

digital newspaper

- promoting and encouranging people do use print media

Books can be adapted into video or animation to make more aesy to learn and understand

newspaper to online news

Lots of print media now have the online options, subscibe

newspaper to portal website

Now there is usually some element of digital media in it such as a url or qr code and there is less print media used because it’s not as convenient(to some) as digital media.

creating multimedia content


Advertising Billboard already change to digital. big investment in capital, but much less effort and cost to maintain / update content

Digital newspaper, magazine, etc

I dont know

One of which could be that they've been putting URLs into printed documents for those who want to see more about a certain topic, and are linking them to a webpage online so they can continue on with the topic. Another is the implementation of putting QR codes on documents which can make the person scan them and they will be redirected to a webpage.

some publishers started to create digital content

E magazines, e cataloques , linktree , etc

newspapers magazines and more

Increasing digital presence ; Many print publications have created digital versions of their content, allowing readers to access articles and other material on websites and mobile apps.

Photography, Banners, Poster, Advertisement on Road are still needed.

After newspapers we created magazines. And magazines are much more colorful and eye cathing (Posters and banners are too)

Newspaper, letter

newspaper are outdated and news could be accessed through social media

Special edition only.


Become a social media


Some print publications have prioritized sustainability in their production and distribution, using recycled paper and eco-friendly printing practices, and reducing their carbon footprint.

accepted the new era of media publishing

Print media must also be able to adapt digitally. with the leading principles of print media.


Print media is still doing normal despit the change like newspapers are still being sent out and books are still being read with peole who are intruiged with it.

it’s considered more credible than digital media

Retail fashion, F&B


Create an online version or online media portals

QR code are printed in the media to be seen in digital way

They are using less paper and some print media share ways to prevent climate change


nowadays u can make brouchers online in canva and more

To use more on digital platform


Print media has digital media also

Book become kindle, magazine/newspaper have their own apps, flyer/brochure became instagram ads

QR code, embracing social media and digital website

Not too sure


Creating multimedia content, increasing digital presence, introducing subscription based products.


print media are starting to use qr codes leading to social media usage

They become more colourful, interactive and are made with better copies

Billboars advertisement no longer popular in industry as previously

They are making more things and making some of them interactive? I guess.

They are adapting to be used alongside digital media.

adapt to changes which are easily accessible via the internet


They tend to migrate to digital.

No other than to shift to digital form of content. At the end of the, between printed and soft copy is only a matter of form of presentation. What matter the most for the people its the content itself. How we could provides a good-quality content (the more educating, the better) for the people.

Book to ebook, etc

I think print media would go away eventually as news on digital media is taking over

A lot more easier to read and simplified

Print media journalists are learning the skills of technology and using other online tools. Print media nowadays have hard and digital copies of newspapers, books, etc.

By making them easier to access online

Need to provide richer values of information

Make the website, using social media as promotion



Digitalisasi, multi media integrasi.

qr codes that lead to digital media

Easy to access and no subscription or retail only required


Provide print version digitally

Changing the visual language with more photographs, illustrations, graphics, etc to convey information. Accesing young readers with distributing newspaper for children through schools. Using AI tools to publish various types of informations.

Billboard from non moving to moving

Digital magazine, digital news paper

it is adapting to change by limiting information on the news paper so that children do not get exposed to things they are not supposed to

I think that print media are still adapting to change to the "online life" through social medias. Since without them, it's hard to promote a book or magazine especially nowadays people read from phones more rather than books.


Make the print media content more interesting

More accessible

many newspapers changes from print media to digital platform like Kompas, Tempo etc

For some reason, I believe that print media will survive at the ends. Such as books or megazine. Because it can be the historical stuff as we always see & learn in museum around us.


Giving special editions to increase loyalty

Format dan struktur nya yang berubah

lots of print media companies nowadays hybriding their products into also digital media


Follow the latest tech and market

Intelligently design page layout and adopt and develop new technology

Kompas, swa, republika, etc

We use google form instead of paper form


Lebih dikemas dengan cara yang berbeda agar masyarakat dapat merasakan kenikmatan sensasi membaca dalam sebuah kertas bukan layar.

Membuat portal berita online

We can read news on a e newspaper. Read books on a e book. And share the informastion by anytime & places.

Moving their platform online, for example kompas online

be more creative, innovate more, collaborate more

More information has been discovered which is changing print media i guess

No idea

They are doing printing for bday package,

print media like newspapers are online now



Print media is slowly becoming normal but digital media is still the main source of information for a majority of people


Making its different positive side

Don't know



Some media have adjusted into digital media, such as magazines and newspaper.

Digitize news and article

Graphic design (trends)

Print becoming digital

QR Codes & Webpage links.

Online newspapers and articles

I rly dont know


More pop color ig? Okay don’t use much print media

Yg jls info hrs bnr2 valid & Bs dipercaya

putting a qr code

they are making digital accounts

Companies using print media have digital platforms as well

qr codes

Theyre not, digital media very good

Alongside print media, they can include marketing on social media


They are becoming less popular, especially with the youth

lots of news papers are now in websites or apps


Providing an online version.

there are less of it


People are growing less reliant on paper and more on digital media.

I’m not sure

Most companies have released online publications with their print publications too

Going online, more advertisement


Print media should be a great support to digital campaign, example : put the qr code in the print media to explore more about the products

Some magazines now are no longer in the form of physical items they are now in online form

Several print media companies are shifting to also provide their content/work to be consumer online to keep up with the changes.


make product modifications by improving the quality of existing products.

New style's different and relevant info depending on the time


They created the web version and the social media version that is linked to one another

More sustainable, easier to access


Im not sure

Print media is adapting to change by making them relevant and common to get.



They started to post digital media

Not sure

I think some print media are now changing to online sites as they are more accessible

They has QR codes now days so its easy to be connected to social media which is a popular media

Majority of our respondents are less than 18 years old.  More than 50% in our survey know about the problem in print media.  In our discovery, a lot of people picked digital media then print media. People who picked print media chose books as the most popular option. On the other side, the people who picked digital media chose Instagram as the most popular option.